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Official Statistics User Engagement - The International Perspective

Explore the importance of user engagement in official statistics production, including understanding user needs, reaching potential users, and ensuring data accessibility and clarity. Learn from international perspectives and best practices.

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Official Statistics User Engagement - The International Perspective

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  1. Official Statistics User Engagement- The International Perspective Dev Virdee Statistics User Forum

  2. Key Questions for Official Statistics • Why are official statistics produced? • Who are they for? • Do we know what users want? • Do we know what users really need? • Do users know what they really need? • How can we use our data efficiently to meet multiple and growing needs? • Are there potential users that we don’t know about? • Those who don’t know how useful statistics could be to them • How do we reach them?

  3. User Engagement • Engaging with users (and potential users) of official statistics has to be central to answering these questions • Need for user engagement recognised internationally, embedded in basic principles • Two-way process: statisticians need to understand user needs, users need to understand statistics.

  4. UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics • Principle 1: Official Statistics….. • serving the Government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. • meet test of practical utility • made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honour citizens’ entitlement to public information.

  5. European Statistics Code of Practice • Principle 11 (Relevance): European Statistics meet the needs of users • Indicator 1: processes for consulting users, monitor relevance & utility of existing stats to meet needs, consider emerging needs and priorities • Indicator 2: Priority needs being met and reflected in work programme • Indicator 3: User satisfaction is monitored regularly and followed up systematically

  6. European Statistics Code of Practice • Principle 15 (Accessibility & Clarity): presented in a clear and understandable form, released in a suitable and convenient manner, available and accessible on an impartial basis with supporting metadata and guidance • Seven indicators, covering presentation, use of technology, offering customised analysis, microdata access, metadata standards, informing users about methodology and quality.

  7. African Charter on Statistics • Principle 2 (Quality): • Relevance – … shall meet the needs of users • Topicality – … shall reflect current & topical events and trends • Principle 4 (Dissemination): • Accessibility – right of user access to be guaranteed by law, microdata may be made available • Dialogue with users – mechanisms for consultation with all users without discrimination • Simultaneity – access to all at same time, openness about any pre-release access

  8. UK Code of Practice for Official Statistics(Contains 8 Principles, 3 Protocols) • Principle 1 (Meeting User Needs): • Meet requirements of informed decision making by government, public services, business, researchers and the public • Producers should: • Engage effectively with users • Investigate and document needs of users • Timetable for publication takes account of user needs • Publish information about users’ experiences • Principle 8 (Frankness and accessibility): • Official statistics, accompanied by full and frank commentary, should be readily accessible to all users • 7 underpinning “Practices” • More later – Nick Woodhill • 2016 “Stocktake” under way, reporting to UKSA in October • Protocol 1 (User Engagement): • Effective user engagement is fundamental to trust in statistics & securing maximum public value • Protocol draws together relevant practices in rest of Code and expands in relation to consultation • Seven underpinning practices, covering identifying users; raising user awareness, taking account of user views, involving in evaluation of experimental statistics, seeking feedback, and guidance for consultation.

  9. UK compared with other countries • EU Peer Reviews conducted 2014-15 • Wide range of practices across Europe • Range from high level “Commissions”, committees, user groups, consultation groups, ad-hoc, to • UK well-placed, some recommendations for improvement • Improve UK/GSS-wide data access, website improvement, remote microdata access, metadata • But not to be complacent - continue the progress made in recent years • Need to reach potential users, raise & maintain high statistical awareness, eg in voluntary sector

  10. Thank you for listening

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