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Chapter 8: Migration to the U.S.

Chapter 8: Migration to the U.S. Mr. Senseney April 2, 2013. Answer these 2 questions What are some reasons that people want to live in the United States? What are some reasons that people are unhappy with the opportunity to live in the U.S.?

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Chapter 8: Migration to the U.S.

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  1. Chapter 8: Migration to the U.S. Mr. Senseney April 2, 2013

  2. Answer these 2 questions • What are some reasons that people want to live in the United States? • What are some reasons that people are unhappy with the opportunity to live in the U.S.? • Feel free to share your own stance on living in the United States. Bell-Ringer #16

  3. Current Event • Latin America • This week’s project • Computer labs Wednesday/Thursday • Friday • Substitute teacher Announcements

  4. Emigrate • Moving away from one’s home country. • What are some reasons someone may move away from their home country? • Write these down • Immigrate • Moving to a new country. • What challenges may come w/ moving to a new country? • Write these down • The U.S. has commonly been referred to as a “Melting Pot” • Why is this? Migration Terminology

  5. Push factors • These give people a reason to live their home country. • Examples: • Discrimination, famine, faulty government. • Pull factors • Reasons to move to a country. • Examples: • Opportunity to succeed for your family. • Freedom Push & Pull Factors

  6. Mexican immigrants? • Where do you think these immigrants go? • Asian immigrants? • Where do you think these immigrants go? • European immigrants? • Where do you think these immigrants go? • Cuban immigrants? • Where do you think these immigrants go? • Write down the answers to these questions in your notes Where do immigrants typically go?

  7. Why leave? • War • Persecution • Government corruption • People that live in fear. • Fidel Castro • Many Cuban refugees left Cuba due to Castro’s reign as a dictator. • Speak bad of Castro- go to jail or worse • Due to this, many Cubans fled to U.S. Political Push Factors

  8. Take the first (20) minutes of class to work on your Current Event. • READ (10 minutes) • Actively read! • Underline any key phrases, quotes, important points • Write (3) questions about the reading off in the margin. • If you forgot your Current Event, work on pgs. 59-62 of your Workbook. • Get your Ch. 8 Vocabulary out so I can check your progress. Current Event #10

  9. Family pull factors • Some families have someone leave to move to America to start a better life. • Once they are situated (job/house), they will call for the rest of their family to move there. • Education pull factors • 1 of 15 students in today’s school was born in a different country. • Free public schools w/ new technology. • Strong prep for later in life. Pull Factors

  10. U.S. generally referred to as the “land of opportunity.” • Freedom of speech/religion/etc. • Free public schools • Financial aid/scholarships • After making that money, think of everything you can buy w/ that money. • Think of restaurants you can eat at. • Not to mention, every parent has one dream for their children. • What is this dream? Quality of Life

  11. Jobs • Sometimes inherit low-paying jobs. • Not always the case. • Commonly hear people complain that “immigrants are taking our jobs.” • Not necessarily true! • Taxes • More tax money for the U.S. gov’t • Helps pay for schools, roads, hospitals, etc. Effect of Immigration

  12. Cultural Blending • With immigration comes NEW IDEAS! • Think about food. • You ever heard someone say, “as American as apple pie.” • Think about some of the food we now enjoy in this country. • Do you think sushi originated as an American dish? • Think about holidays? • St. Patrick’s Day? • Cinco de Mayo? Effect of Immigration

  13. Work on pgs. 59-62; I will check these tomorrow. Workbook pgs.

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