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TELL ACPS Preliminary Findings Teaching, Empowering, Leading & Learning. Alexandria City Public Schools Board of Education Meeting May 8, 2014 Ann Maddock New Teacher Center. BACKGROUND.
TELL ACPS Preliminary FindingsTeaching, Empowering, Leading & Learning Alexandria City Public Schools Board of Education Meeting May 8, 2014 Ann Maddock New Teacher Center
BACKGROUND • The TELL ACPS Survey was administered in direct response to the feedback the Total Compensation Review Committee received in winter 2012-2013 in our survey of all licensed staff. • Respondents told us that working environment was of great importance ,so ACPS enlisted the dedicated, research-backed support of the New Teacher Center to periodically evaluate teaching conditions in ACPS to identify our areas of strength and concern and provide support in making targeted, positive changes to our working environment.
NTC Teaching Conditions Clients 2008-2014 New Teacher Center (NTC) assists states and school districts in administering the anonymous survey and has a proven track record of successful administration in numerous states. Since the survey’s inception in 2002, we have more than 1 million responses recorded. Data has been provided to over 26,000 schools across the nation that met the minimum response rate threshold.
What Have We Learned? • Connection to Student Achievement • It’s About Keeping Effective Teachers • Where You Sit Shapes How You See Things
What is • “TELL ACPS” ? TELL (Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning) ACPS is an anonymous survey of school-based licensed educators (including principals) in ACPS that will assess teaching conditions at the school and division level. It is based on the New Teacher Center’s TELL Survey used in as many as twenty states across the country. The division is committed to ensuring that every educator has the supportive environment necessary to succeed and will administer the TELL Survey in the school year 2013-2014.
Who are the TELL ACPS Partners and individuals assisting in this initiative? Leigh Arscott Christina Bohringer Joseph Joe H. Cappadonia Sandra Hardeman Stephanie A. Kapsis Seth Kennard Gerald Mann, Jr Gina Miller Kevin North Melynda Wilcox
Survey Dates: February 18-March 17, 2014
Teachers and administrators received their anonymous access codes A designated person in each school received the packet of materials which included the Letter to Educators. Your random, anonymous access code!
About the 2014 ACPS Respondents • 70.7 percent response rate (1,010) ACPS Educators • 87 percent Teachers • 1 percent Principals • 2 percent Assistant Principals • 9 percent other education professionals (school counselors, school psychologists, social workers, etc.) • 22 of 23 (95.6 percent) schools met or exceeded the 50 percent participation threshold
The following Tables reference Rates of Agreement (RA) in percentage format which reflects the sum of ‘Strongly Agree’ and Agree.’
Finding: Educators Report Important Community Support Conditions are Present
Finding: TELL ACPS results indicate educators have mixed views related to the presence of structures to effectively manage student behavior and solve problems. Mixed results were found on multiple constructs across the survey indicating a few areas that may require further exploration by the district. The following slides provide examples.
Teacher Leadership Results from the Teacher Leadership construct suggest additional areas may need to be addressed such as decision-making processes.
School Leadership Results from the School Leadership construct also suggest additional areas may need to be addressed such as trust.
Professional Development Respondents report less than 70 percent agreement on 10 out of 12 questions regarding Professional Development.
Professional Development: Received & Need In the past 2 years have YOU had 10 clock hours or more of professional development in the following areas? Do YOU need additional support in the following areas to effectively teach your students?
Instructional Practices and Support Items Two of the top three questions that educators most strongly agree with across the entire survey come from the Instructional Practices and Support construct.
Finding: ACPS educators report least favorably to Time issues.
Future Employment Plans: Rates of Agreement - Stayers and Movers
Teachers and Principals: Differing Perspectives
Summary • ACPS educators indicate positive teaching conditions are present in the areas of Instructional Practices and Support and Community Support and Involvement. • Respondents agree that assessment data is being used by teachers to inform instruction and improve student learning. • School and Teacher Leadership constructs show areas of concern that should be further examined. • The construct of Time is the area with the lowest rates of agreement. • Schools need to examine their professional development offerings.
Guides are Available on the “Tools” Tab School Guide for Using TELL Data District Guide for Using TELL Data Data Use Guide • May 5 Webinar for Principals and School Leaders • May 8 ACPS Cabinet Work Session
May 9 • Schools will be able to access their results via pass codes. Guides and Tools are available on the www.tellacps.orgwebsite • May 15 • School and district results will be made publicly available. NTC Preliminary Report posted to the website. • May-June: NTC will provide additional data analyses for your leadership team to review; Deliver webinars (if desired as follow up) specifically for ACPS school and teacher leaders to help generate ideas for school improvement strategies.
Contact Information Ann Maddock Senior Advisor, New Teacher Center amaddock@newteachercenter.org