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The Advent of Christ: The Fulfillment of A Divine Promise Genesis 3. A.W. Pink “Here we trace back to their source many rivers of divine truth. Here commences the great drama which is being enacted on the stage of human history, and which well-neigh six thousand years has not yet completed.”.
The Advent of Christ:The Fulfillment of A Divine PromiseGenesis 3
A.W. Pink“Here we trace back to their source many rivers of divine truth. Here commences the great drama which is being enacted on the stage of human history, and which well-neigh six thousand years has not yet completed.”
Spiritual ParadiseSingle ProhibitionSinful PlungeSevere PunishmentSalvation Promise
“The inference of God’s commands in vv. 16-17 is that God alone knows what is good for man and that God alone knows what is not good for him. To enjoy the good man must trust God and obey Him. If man disobeys, he will have to decide for himself what is good and what is not good. While to modern man such a prospect may seem desirable, to the author of Genesis it is the worst fate that could have befallen him.”John Sailhammer
“The Fall refers to that moment in time when human beings first disobeyed God. Genesis 3 tells the painful episode. What Eve set in motion, Adam confirmed and completed by joining her. They sinned together. The willful decision of Adam and Eve created a state of rebellion between the creation and her Creator.”John MacArthur
Serpent(John 8:44)Eve(1 John 2:16 & James 1:13-15)Adam(Romans 5:12 & 1 Corinthians 15:22)
“God created man morally upright, he was led astray from God’s Word and wisdom by the subtlety of Satan’s deceit,and chose to take what was forbidden,and thus declare his independence from, distrust for, and disobedience toward his all-good and gracious Creator. Thus, our first parents, by this sin, fell from their original innocence and communion with God.” John Piper
Results of Sin“My brethren, when man fell in the garden, manhood fell entirely; there was not one single pillar in the temple of manhood that stood erect.” Charles Spurgeon
“Whereas the man and the woman had life, they now had death; whereas pleasure, now pain; whereas abundance, now a meager subsistence by toil; whereas perfect fellowship, now alienation and conflict.” Allen Ross
Serpentcursed / slither / detestedEvechildbirth / marriageAdamtoil and sweat / harsh living
“The serpent said thou shouldst be a god. Thou thoughtest to be made exceeding glorious. Is it so, Adam? Is it so? Where is thy boasted knowledge? Where the honours? Where the vast attainments that rebellion would bring to thee? Instead of the clothing of angels, thou art naked; instead of glory, thou hast shame; instead of preferment, thou hast disgrace.” Charles Spurgeon
First GospelGenesis 3:15“And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.” zera = seed / offspring / descendant