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JPA Tax Game 2nd stage Corporate tax calculation in your country. REMEMBER:
JPA Tax Game 2nd stage Corporate tax calculation in your country
REMEMBER: In stage 1 you have created in your country a typical family. The man is working in a medium sized company dealing with cars, where he earned 70.000 € per year. With the amount of € 63.325 John Wong in Hong Kong with his wife Jenny and son Jammy kept the most left. Stage 2 In January 2014 he bought 40% of the shares of the company where he is still working. The company was not so good in 2012, and made a loss of 100.000. But in 2013 there is again an income which amounts to € 300.000 before taxes.
Winner: Ireland Shareholder: Paddy Murphy The loser is: Germany Shareholder: Heinz Becker
Small variations In everycountryyoumayknownon-deductiblecosts, mostlycostsregardingthe private useofcars, entertainment-expenses etc. Whereyoumentionnedthoseitems, youassumedgenerally, thatthereareno such costs in ourcase. We must neglectin ourexampletheeffectscomingfromthesevariationsasbeingsmallormoreorlesssimilareverywhere. Main differences: - Special additionsanddeductionsto/fromtheincome - Special treatmentof a losscarryforward - Tax rate