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Handbook Negotiations Update

Handbook Negotiations Update. Salaries: no change in aspirational goal target; includes statement of future goals once initial aspirational goal is achieved; compensation set to median. Search Committees: Last paragraph largely removed; Only remaining sentence:

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Handbook Negotiations Update

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  1. Handbook Negotiations Update Salaries: no change in aspirational goal target; includes statement of future goals once initial aspirational goal is achieved; compensation set to median. Search Committees: Last paragraph largely removed; Only remaining sentence: “Nothing in this section or in this Handbook shall be interpreted as contrary to the Board's or the President's discretion to promote internal candidates for University administrative positions without a search, or with only a limited search, in such circumstances as they shall deem advisable except for senior academic appointments.” Teaching load: still under discussion. Activities in Addition to Professional Responsibilities: still under discussion Aid to Faculty with Large Classes: settled; classroom assistance w Dean's approval

  2. Office Hours: new text: Full-time faculty members are expected to schedule office hours dependent upon the semester, courses taught, method and location of delivery and student needs. Each full-time faculty member is required to post and maintain a schedule of five weekly office hours (two of which may be online) during each fall or spring semester in which the faculty member teaches and to indicate to students his/her availability. A faculty member teaching one or more online courses may change the allocation between on-campus and online office hours in consultation with their chairperson and Dean. Faculty members at their discretion may schedule more than five weekly office hours. Summer Research Grants: teaching elsewhere subject to Dean's approval Maternity leave: currently to conform with University policy Intellectual Property: under discussion Grievance: under discussion Termination for Medical Reasons: settled Faculty Emeritus in Residence merit increases: settled

  3. On-Going Negotiations • 1. Teaching Load Proposal • 6.Length of Probationary Period and Conditions for the Awarding of Tenure (to lectures and clin prof.) • 9.Departmental Chairpersons • 12. Additional Professional Responsibilities • 31. Policy Against Fraternization From the AAUP Sexual Harassment Policies (2002): http://www.aaup.org/AAUP/protect/legal/topics/sex-harasspolicies.htm • ACADEMIC DISMISSAL – 52 Academic Dismissal Policy • *Item numbers as above are from the Handbook sequence

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