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Oregon Retired Educator's Association Merit Award Scholarship Two $1000 scholarships will be awarded to the two best applicants in the field of gerontology from PSU, OSU or Marylhurst University Applications must be received by Monday, February 21, 2011. Application should include:
Oregon Retired Educator's AssociationMerit Award ScholarshipTwo $1000 scholarships will be awarded to the two best applicants in the field of gerontology from PSU, OSU or Marylhurst University Applications must be received by Monday, February 21, 2011 • Application should include: • A brief typed letter of introduction, with your address and phone number, and sharing personal life experiences and goals, with information about: Education Employment History Professional Affiliations Activities Publications Scholarships Awards Honors Volunteer Community Activities • Updated unofficial transcript • Letter of recommendation from a college faculty member Turn your application in to IOA in Urban 470 or mail to: Jennifer Reed, PO Box 751 IOA, Portland, OR, 97207-0751 For more information, email ioainfo@pdx.edu