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Project idea

Taking an idea through to a maintained system; why it is important to keep a firm hold and plan for success Irene Lundmark. System Maintenance – a major part of a system's life cycle. System wind-down. Project idea. Project implementation. System maintenance pm 3.

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Project idea

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Taking an idea through to a maintained system;why it is important to keep a firm hold and plan for successIrene Lundmark

  2. System Maintenance – a major part of a system's life cycle System wind-down Project idea Project implementation System maintenance pm3

  3. System Maintenace at NLL • System maintenance is about: • Ensuring effective utilisation of a system • Satisfying end user organisation needs • Is a cooperitive activity involving end user organisation and Länsteknik • Responsibility and roles • Planning, prioritising and follow-up

  4. Basic outlook on system maintenance activities pm3-perspective Effective system maintenance requires that a clear distinction is made between activities and organisation. End users System maintenance Länsteknik • System maintenance Management • Support • Change Management • IT operations

  5. Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec The system maintenance year NLL Budget process System reference group meeting System reference group meeting System management interim meeting System management interim meeting System management interim meeting Preliminäry plan for next budget year Budgeted plan agreed Review and evaluation System management plan System management specification What? How?

  6. Maintenance system architecture NLL Bild & Funktion NLL Tandvård NLL Ambulans NLL Op. planering NLL Obstetrik NLL Lab. Healthcare maintenance objects NLL Gemensam vårdadministration NLL Avvikelse NLL Personal NLL Produkt- och tjänsteförsörjning NLL Ekonomi Administrativemaintenanceobjects NLL Webb NLL Datalager NLL Registratur och Sekretariat NLL iHSAk NLL Medusa NLL Klient/server Technicalinfrastuctureobjects NLL Kommunikation NLL Video

  7. Why system maintenance • Ensuringeffectiveutilisationof a system • Satisfying end user organisation needs ....... in the end a happy customer!

  8. Irene LundmarkBusiness Systems ManagerNorrbotten County Council Division 'Länsteknik'Sunderby Hospital971 80 Luleå, Swedenirene.lundmark@nll.sewww.nll.se

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