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CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide areas in participating to the CovenANT of Mayors. WP 3 - INSTITUTIONALIZATION. VICENZA, MAY 30/31, JUNE 1 ST 2011. WP 3: Institutionalisation (months 1-9 or 1-12?).
CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide areas in participating to the CovenANT of Mayors WP 3 - INSTITUTIONALIZATION VICENZA, MAY 30/31, JUNE 1ST 2011
WP 3: Institutionalisation (months 1-9 or 1-12?) Partner Municipalities involve all their departments, their politicians and their conurbation towns in a survey of energy-related policies The cooperative analysis of the results is necessary to understand how to integrate energy-related policies and programming tools and to develop a Municipal cross-cutting energy policy strategy, involving all sectors and the political opposition This is necessary to create the base for the Municipal institutionalisation of SEAPs once they are developed and to guarantee their sustainability in the future
a) Overview of the Work package The istitutionalisation of SEAPs ….a participated action planning process enter the political sphere of the Municipality… ….to make the results of the process being approved by the Municipal Council and influence the following policy-making decisions Institutionalisation, therefore, means for a Municipality to use a SEAP to ‘go out’ and reach out for the territory in a stable and monitorable way The aim of this workpackage is to provide Trainee cities, but also Trainer cities, with a clearer view of the current energy-related policies that exist or that are being discussed at local level, sector by sector, department by department
a) Overview of the Work package Therefore WP2 (Padova Task Leader as well!) is necessary for collecting information and taking decisions useful for carrying out the successive activities in the best way ISSUES TO BE FACED Tools such as questionnaires, spreadsheets will be produced to facilitate homogeneous data and information collection Surveys and interviews with politicians, technicials, officers will be carried out at local level
a) Overview of the Work package Data and information collected will be discussed during the 2nd MM, collected in a report and used to develop a Municipal strategy in each partner Municipality The constant exchange of experiences will be of fundamental value This WP will start from the very beginning of the project and its contents will be discussed during the Kick off meeting (TOMORROW!)
b) Description of the tasks 1. Surveys Preparation (PADOVA Leader) 1.1 Common tools will be prepared for collecting data and information which will be useful to define the Municipal strategy in the following tasks. When they are ready, they will be presented to the auditors of the partners participating in the surveys. A common template for the analysis and comment of the surveys will be provided. In this way the final deliverable “Report on cross-cutting, energy-related policies in Municipalities” will be well balanced and clear
b) Description of the tasks 1. Surveys Preparation 1.2 In each Municipality and Conurbation town, the partner auditors will identify and prepare a list of names that will be target of the survey (All these people will be pre-notified that a questionnaire will be proposed to them and a calendar of interviews or telephone calls will be prepared) Trainee and Trainer Municipalities will be in charge for the internal survey and will be supported, where available, by local technical experts (SOG, EKODOMA, STRAT, ALBEA, CCIV)
b) Description of the tasks 1. Surveys Preparation - REFERENCE OF THE TASK “Survey on Sustainable energy policies by EU regions and cities: Good practices and challenges” (summary link) (offline version) that the Committee of Regions, with the support of the Covenant of Mayors initiative, is leading throughout Europe until the end of June, 2010 and that will support to gather examples of good practice from EU regions and cities and to improve understanding of the policy options being implemented. LINK: http://portal.cor.europa.eu/europe2020/ClosedSurveys/Pages/SustainableEnergySurvey.aspx (not always working…) Surveys will be prepared in national language starting from a common template in english (translations up to each partner)
b) Description of the tasks 2. Carrying out the Surveys (leader STRATAGEM) - ACTIONS • Visit or call by phone the selected targets for filling in the questionnaires (or focus groups or audits?) • Identifying gaps in information, as some data and information might not be available during the interviews • Guiding the information collection (to get all necessary informations) • Analysing and comment of questionnaires (Assessment) • Peer-to-peer discussion of results during MM2. Integration of the information and sharing of good practices presented by the WP leader thanks to EU sources, such as the results of the “SURVEY on Sustainable energy policies by EU regions and cities: Good practices and challenges” (LINK) • Production of Local reports on “cross-cutting, energy-related policies in Municipalities and conurbation areas” that will be collected in one final deliverable
b) Description of the tasks 2. Carrying out the Surveys The final deliverable should provide a brief analysis at local level of energy-related policies and programming tools and how they relate to each other. A short, concise comparison will also be done among Municipalities of the same conurbation area 3. Municipal Strategy development (leader ALBEA) According to the obtained answers, a Municipal strategy related to the 20-20 targets and the commitments of the Covenant of Mayors will be established and politically approved
b) Description of the tasks 3. Municipal Strategy development It answer the question…how the Municipality can provide an integrated, cross-cutting approach toward energy policy-making through the development and implementation of a SEAP, through its political approval and its institutionalisation for the following years? In order to ensure this, agreements should also be found at local level with the political opposition RESULT (Deliverable D.3.1) Each Municipality to develop strategies/committments to guarantee 20-20-20 policies and programs to be implemented a) involving the overall Municipality b) with the integration of institutional policies and programs c) listing the key players for the development of SEAPs
Outputs • Common survey template • Common factsheet for analysis and comment of survey • List of head officers, technician, politicians to be interviewed • At least 2 people interviewed from each Municipal sector/department (at least head officer and relevant policy-maker) • 1 report on cross-cutting, energy-related policies in Municipalities in each Conurbation area (10 reports) • 1 energy policy strategy in each Conurbation area (10 strategies) Deliverables • D3.1 Report on survey preparation – finalised by CPD – month 2STRATEGIES • D3.2 Report on cross-cutting, energy-related policies in Municipalities and conurbation areas – finalised by STRATAGEM – month 8 SURVEYS • D3.3 Report on local Municipal energy policy strategies – finalised by ALBEA – month 12 - LOCAL STRATEGIES
Distribution of the Taksks • Three tasks all to be implemented by all partners
Contacts Ms. Daniela Luise, Mr. Michele Zuin Comune di Padova - Settore AmbienteVia dei Salici 35 - 35124 Padova Tel. 049 802 2488 Fax. 049 802 2492e-mail luised@comune.padova.it michele.zuin@comune.padova.it