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CONURBANT Padova Study Visit. Padova JUNE 1 ST 2011. Territory. Padova has a strategic position among the cities of Veneto Region: trading is thus encouraged. Surface of the Municipality 92,8 kmq; pop. 210.000 inhabitants The conurbation involves almost 400.000 inhabitants.
CONURBANT Padova Study Visit Padova JUNE 1ST 2011
Territory Padova has a strategic position among the cities of Veneto Region: trading is thus encouraged Surface of the Municipality 92,8 kmq; pop. 210.000 inhabitants The conurbation involves almost 400.000 inhabitants
Padova has a strategic position among the cities of Veneto Region: trading is thus encouraged Surface of the Municipality 92,8 kmq; pop. 210.000 inhabitants The conurbation involves almost 400.000 inhabitants
COMUNE DI PADOVA Population 211.936 Surface (sqkm) 92,85 Baseyear for Body's emissions 2004 Baseyear for community's emissions 2005 COMUNE DI PADOVA GHG Emissions (tCO2e) of the community 1.892.158 GHG Emissions (tCO2e) of the body 53.809 Padova Baseline Emission Inventory Only 3% of total GHG come from the Body
PADOVA PAES • Nov. 2010 – Jan. 2011: • Re-activation of the local Agenda 21 “energy Workgroup” to involve and confront with stakeholders • Technical working groups generated (1 internal and 1 esternal) • FOCUS groups for specific needs (Industrialists, University, Hospitals/health system)
PADOVA PAES 6 THEMATIC AREAS 1. New zero CO2 energies 2. A greener and more efficient city 3. Smart services and systems, smart grids 4. A city that moves better 5. A low emissions economy 6 . Adapting to a changing climate
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 1. New zero CO2 energies : Production of RES and distribution of renewable Energy
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES Emissions of the Thematic Area in 2005
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 1. New zero CO2 energies : Production of RES and distribution of renewable Energy Goal The Comune di Padova will cut the 4% of its CO2 emissions with the development and empowerment of the production of renewables. These measure amount to a reduction of 70.335 CO2 tons Measures
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 2. A greener and more efficient city: Housing, Green Areas and Public buildings
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES Emissions of the Thematic Area in 2005
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 2. A greener and more efficient city:Housing, Green Areas and Public buildings Goal The Comune di Padova will reach the 7% of 2005 emissions reductions to 2020 through the diffusion of energy efficiency in buildings, through city planning policies and through the increase of green areas. These measures reach the amount of 135.000 CO2 ton Measures
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 3. Smart services and systems, smart grids: Public lights, wastes and water management
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES Emissions of the Thematic Area in 2005
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 3. Smart services and systems, smart grids:Public lights, wastes and water management Goal The Comune di Padova will reach a 3,7% reduction through efficiency of grids, systems and services. These interventions bring to a cut of 70.824 tons of CO2. Measures
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 4.A city that moves better / Low impact mobility: Mobility
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES Emissions of the Thematic Area in 2005
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 4. A city that moves better / Low impact mobility: Mobility Goal The Comune di Padova will cut a 3% of its emissions to 2020 with mobility policies. Mobility measures will contribute to cut 61.207 CO2 tons. Measures
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 5. A low emissions economy:Industries, Commerce, Logistics, Agriculture & GPP
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES Emissions of the Thematic Area in 2005
PADOVA PAES: MITIGATION MEASURES 5. A low emissions economy:Industries, Commerce, Logistics, Agriculture & GPP Goal More than 2% of emissions' cut will be achieved through the promotion of a low emission economi. These measures amount to a reduction of 46.417 CO2tons. Measures
PADOVA PAES: ADAPTATION MEASURES 6 . Adapting to a changing climate
PADOVA PAES: ADAPTATION MEASURES 6 . Adapting to a changing Climate The Climate Manifesto: 13 ACTIONS for SUSTAINABLE ADAPTATION We commit to sign the 13 actions for Adaptation to Climate Change (conclusions of the National Conference on Climate Change, Rome 12,13 Sept. 2007) The 10 points for a resilient city We commit to make our city resilient according to the international campaign “making cities Resilient”
PADOVA PAES: ADAPTATION MEASURES 6 . Adapting to a changing climate • Need of gathering INFORMATIONS, KNOWLEDGES, DATA on the EFFECTS of CC on our area (macroregional scale) through a net linking local bodies and Universities: only after that adaptation measures can be scientifically chosen
Planned Reductions (t CO2) 398.941 % of reduction – Planned constructions 20,1% (20,094%)
Major issues in the creation of the SEAP • “it forces” to think in the Long Period (2020) • Periodical interviews to technicians and councillors to update the list of actions to be put into the Plan and to monitor/asses the results achieved (it is a PROCESS!) • Involvment of local stakeholders • Periodical traning, information and communication initiatives (both inside and outside the body)
PADOVA PAES IMPLEMENTATION The implementation of the SEAP is “Institutionalised”: SEAP DATA are an annex of our CLIMATE ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM. They form the so called “Climate Balance” That means we measure its implementation yearly and we annex it to the Environmentale Balance to form a Climate Balance (that is as well annexed to the municipality Balance sheet) At the moment about 2% of our PLAN is fulfilled (but we haven't yet measured recent emissions...)
PADOVA PAES: DATA GATHERING The Body's Emissions are Bottom Up The Territory Emissions are Top-Down (Provincial origin) In the implementation of the SEAP we need to get Bottom Up Territorial data
PADOVA PAES and CONURBATIONS Padova is 19 Municipalities forming a Conurbation of more than 400.000 persons (not only the 210.000 of the Comune di Padova) Our reference for informations on energy use, savings etc...is the Province of Padova, namely the Provincial Energy Agency The Provincial Energy Agency is not yet a support structure for the covenant (other provinces are it: ex. Torino)
PADOVA PAES: OTHER ISSUES The PLAN costs How to become a “Smart City”? Measuring reduction (education, GPP, Teleworking....) How to reach -40%....and the Carbon Neutrality for 2050...?
Informations Ms. Daniela Luise, Mr. Michele Zuin Comune di Padova - Settore AmbienteVia dei salici 35 - 35124 Padova Tel. 049 8022488 Fax. 049 8022492e-mail luised@comune.padova.it michele.zuin@comune.padova.it