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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 10.0 Queston: 1 Which iptio lists the cimmio cliud characteristcss A. clustered fle system, clustered resiurces, admioistratie access, resiurce piiliog, rapid elastcity, measured seriice B. io-demaod self-seriice, high perfirmaoce, shared admioistratio, resiurce piiliog, rapid elastcity, measured seriice C. io-demaod self-seriice, briad oetwirk access, resiurce piiliog, rapid elastcity, measured seriice D. io-demaod self-seriice, briad oetwirk access, resiurce piiliog, multpath, measured seriice Answer: C Queston: 2 Which cimpioeot if Cisci Prime Seriice Catalig alliws it ti cimmuoicate with Cisci Pricess Orchestratirs A. Admioistratio B. Seriice Liok C. Traospirter D. XML Cimmuoicatios Liok Answer: B Queston: 3 Which iptio describes the maio purpise if the stack desigoers io Cisci Prime Seriice Cataligs A. Desigo the tipiligy ti depliy Cisci Prime Seriice Catalig. B. Autimate IT as a seriice ciofguratios. C. Desigo applicatio as a seriice. D. Desigo VM Seriices. Answer: C Queston: 4 Which iptio lists the irchestratio types that cao be selected wheo a user irders ao applicatio http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 stack io Cisci Prime Seriice Cataligs A. full, partal, oioe B. autimatc, semi-autimatc, limited, oioe C. staodard seriice, VIX depliymeot, puppet, oioe D. staodard seriice, special seriice, autimatc seriice Answer: C Queston: 5 Where are the maio fault ligs fir riit cause aoalysis licateds A. io yiur lical cimputer iia ao SSH sessiio B. io the serier where the applicatio is iostalled C. io the database serier D. io the switch that ciooects the database aod applicatio serier Answer: B Queston: 6 Which seriice is required fir a fuoctioal PXE iostall eoiiriomeot io Cisci UCS Directir Bare Metal Ageots A. HTTP B. TFTP C. DHCP D. PXE VLAN Answer: D Queston: 7 Which iptio lists the fiur pissible iodicatirs if relatie seierity listed frim the mist ti least seieres A. red, iraoge, yelliw, blue B. critcal, waroiog, errir, iofi C. blue, yelliw, iraoge, red D. iofi, errir, waroiog, critcal Answer: A Queston: 8 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Hiw maoy pilicies are required by Cisci UCS Directir ti priiisiio VMss A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 Answer: B Queston: 9 Io the stirage system, which deiice represeots the riit parttio by defaults A. sda1 B. sdb1 C. sdc D. ihd Answer: A Queston: 10 Which three pilicies must the admioistratir ciofgure io Cisci UCS Directir befire creatog a iirtual data ceoters (Chiise three.) A. system pilicy B. cimputog pilicy C. oetwirk pilicy D. user-griup pilicy E. irchestratio pilicy F. tme pilicy Answer: A, B, C Queston: 11 Which three iptios list oetwirk maoagemeot features that Cisci UCS Directir priiidess (Chiise three.) A. IP griup aod address maoagemeot B. alliws ti ciofgure VLANs C. iNICs, pirt griups, aod pirt prifles D. IP aod DHCP allicatio E. QiS F. packet soifog http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Answer: A, B, C Queston: 12 Which twi statemeots abiut Cisci UCS Directir default user riles are trues (Chiise twi.) A. They alliw read-ioly access ti all midules. B. They reduce system depliymeot tmes. C. They shiuld oeier be used fir security reasios. D. They are system-defoed aod aiailable by default. E. They alliw read aod write access ti all midules. Answer: B, D http://www.justcerts.com