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Version: 9.0 Question 1 The dashboard widget indicates that FortiGard Web Filtering is not reachable. However, AntiirGs, IPS, and Applicaton Control have no problems as shown in the exhibit. YoG contacted Fortnetts cGstomer service and discovered that yoGr FortiGard Web Filtering contract is stll valid for several months. What are two reasons for this problem? (Choose two.) A. YoG have another secGrity device in front of Fortiate blocking ports 8888 and 53. B. FortiGard Web Filtering is not enabled in any frewall policy. C. YoG did not enable Web Filtering cache Gnder Web Filtering and E-mail Filtering Optons. D. YoG have a frewall policy blocking ports 8888 and 53. Aoswern B,D Explanatonn If Web fltering shows Gnreachable then we have to verify, whether web fltering enabled in secGrity policies or not. Web fltering enabled in a policy bGt the port 8888 and 53 are not selected, means the policy blocking the ports. Question 2 A cGstomer is aGthentcatng Gsers Gsing a Fortiate and an external LDAP server. The LDAP Gser, John Smith, cannot aGthentcate. The administrator rGns the debGg command diagnose debGg applicaton fnbamd 255 while John Smith atempts the aGthentcatonn Based on the oGtpGt shown in the exhibit, what is caGsing the problem?
A. The LDAP administrator password in the Fortiate confgGraton is incorrect. B. The Gser, John Smith, does have an accoGnt in the LDAP server. C. The Gser, John Smith, does not belong to any allowed Gser groGp. D. The Gser, John Smith, is Gsing an incorrect password. Aoswern A Explanatonn Fortgate not binded with LDAP server becaGse of failed aGthentcaton. Question 3
The exhibit shows an explicit Web proxy confgGraton in a Fortiate device. The Fortiate is installed between a client with the IP address and a Web server Gsing port 80 with the IP address The client Web browser is properly sending HTTP trafc to the Fortiate Web proxy IP address Which two snifer commands will captGre this HTTP trafc? (Choose two.) A. diagnose snifer packet any ‘host and host 3 B. diagnose snifer packet any ‘host and host 3 C. diagnose snifer packet any ‘host and port 8080t 3 D. diagnose snifer packet any ‘host and host 3 Aoswern C,D Explanatonn Snifer shoGld rGn between webproxy to webserver And also Snifer between client machine to web proxy connectvity as it is in explicit mode. Question 4 YoGr colleagGe has enabled virtGal clGstering to load balance trafc between the clGster Gnits. YoG notce that all trafc is cGrrently directed to a single Fortiate Gnit. YoGr colleagGe has applied the confgGraton shown in the exhibit.
Which step woGld yoG perform to load balance trafc within the virtGal clGster? A. IssGe the diagnose sys ha reset-Gptme command on the Gnit that is cGrrently processing trafc to enable load balancing. B. Add an additonal virtGal clGster high-availability link to enable clGster load balancing. C. InpGt iirtGal ClGster domain 1 and iirtGal ClGster domain 2 device priorites for each clGster Gnit. D. Use the set override enable command on both Gnits to allow the secondary Gnit to load balance trafc. Aoswern C Question 5 A data center for example.com hosts several separate Web applicatons. Users aGthentcate with all of them by providing their Actve Directory (AD) login credentals. YoG do not have access to Example, Inc.ts AD server. YoGr solGton mGst do the followingn - provide single sign-on (SSO) for all protected Web applicatons - prevent login brGte forcing - scan FTPS connectons to the Web servers for exploits - scan Webmail for OWASP Top 10 vGlnerabilites sGch as session cookie hijacking, XSS, and SQL injecton atacks Which solGton meets these reqGirements? A. Apply Fortiate deep inspecton to FTPS. It mGst forward FTPS, HTTP, and HTTPS to FortWeb. ConfgGre FortWeb to qGery the AD server, and apply SSO for Web reqGests. FortWeb mGst forward FTPS directly to the Web servers withoGt inspecton, bGt proxy HTTP/HTTPS and block Web atacks.
B. Deploy FortDDos to block brGte force atacks. ConfgGre Fortiate to forward only FTPS, HTTP, and HTTPS to FortWeb. ConfgGre FortWeb to qGery the AD server, and apply SSO for Web reqGests. Also confgGre it to scan FTPS and Web trafc, then forward allowed trafc to the Web servers. C. Use Fortiate to aGthentcate and proxy HTTP/HTTPS; to verify credentals, Fortiate qGeries the AD server. Also confgGre Fortiate to scan FTPS before forwarding, and to mitgate SYN foods. ConfgGre FortWeb to block Web atacks. D. Install FSSO Agent on servers. ConfgGre Fortiate to inspect FTPS. Fortiate will forward FTPS, HTTP, and HTTPS to FortWeb. FortWeb mGst block Web atacks, then forward all trafc to the Web servers. Aoswern D Explanatonn FSSO agent integrate fortgate with AD then inspect brGteforce,FTPS,HTTP, and HTTPS Gsing fortweb and then forward all trafc to web server.