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Genre Requirements

This project explores a wide range of genres to delve into various aspects of the human experience, including a researched expository piece. The project consists of 7 pieces in total, showcasing at least 6 different genres.

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Genre Requirements

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Genre Requirements • At least 6 different genres represented, but will have 7 pieces total • Required genres: research piece (will count as one of the 6 genres) • At least 6 other entries must be written (2 of these will be “main” pieces, not including research) • Bottom Line: total of 7 pieces (research + 6 others), but only 6 genres represented

  2. Structure Requirements • Must include the following: • Title page* • Letter to the Reader* • Body with repetend *These do not count toward page or genre requirements

  3. Topic Possibilities • A Person (famous, historical, relative) • A historical event (WWI, 9/11) • A problem with society (racism, abuse) • I-search (revealing/realizing oneself)

  4. Letter to the Reader • Must be in letter form (Dear reader…) • At least one paragraph • Identify your topic and why you chose it. • Include signature

  5. Body and Repetend • One of your pieces must be a researched, informative expository about your topic • Research piece will be used as essay portion of QLA assessment (Monday, Dec 13- Tuesday, Dec 14) • 1 page double-spaced (3 sources) • Minimum of fifteen (15) facts researched • Works Cited must also be turned in with research piece Why a research piece? In order for the reader to “get” your topic, he/she must first understand the basics.

  6. Body Cont’d • The other pieces can be mixed and matched off the main list • If there is another genre you can think of, let me know! • Body must have a beginning, middle, and end- the order must make sense

  7. Repetend • Something added to your paper that repeats or continues. This creates unity among the various genre pieces (similar to weaving a thesis throughout a paper). • More on this later

  8. Helpful Hints • Be creative. Choose a topic that is meaningful. The purpose of this paper is to help learn who you are and how you feel. • Be an individual. One student per topic

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