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This report provides an overview of the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey, highlighting key findings related to the health and well-being of youth in British Columbia. The survey covers topics such as physical activity, nutrition, mental health, substance use, sexual health, and more. The report also includes student testimonials, showcasing the impact of this survey on their lives.
“Thank you, this really helped me see what is happening in my life and how I can fix it!” (Grade 9 student) “Thank you for keeping it confidential and to be done alone. I probably wouldn't have answered so honestly if it had not been confidential” (Grade 9 student)
Assigned sex & gender identity Mainstream public schools Statistically significant findings About the results
46%European heritage 79% born in Canada 25% here less than 2 years 53% spoke languages other than English at home Background
10% Indigenous 61% First Nations, 32% Métis 28% spoke Indigenous language 4 in 10 – Family in residential school Ta Saanti and Raven’s Children V Indigenous youth
Birth certificate: 50% male & 50% female Current gender identity: 2% non-binary Most youth identified as straight • “I am worried about what my parents would say or do if I ever told them I was bisexual. I'm worried they won’t love me anymore.” (Grade 7 student) Gender identity & sexual orientation
Living with relatives & others • Caretaking responsibilities 1 in 4 moved in the past year 8% had run away 6% had been kicked out Living situations Government care
Sleep Note. The difference between 2013 and 2018 among 13 year-olds was not statistically significant.
72% on social media • 49% doing homework • 4 in 10 went offline • 48% woke up feeling rested Sleep
“ I go to bed early every night but because school starts so early in the morning I feel like I still don't get enough sleep” (Grade 7 student)
26% seriously injured • Organized sports: Most common cause • 13% had concussion in past year • 52% did not get treatment for concussion • Some injury-prevention behaviours improved Injuries
Injury prevention Note. Among those who took part in the activity in the past year.
Gender differences in mental health • 65% happy in past month • 54% managed stress well • 12% extreme stress • 4% extreme despair Mental health
17% seriously considered suicide in past year 5% attempted suicide in past year • 17% self-harmed in past year • 11% males • 24% females • 47% non-binary youth Suicidality & self-harm
Self-harm Note: Students could mark all that applied.
18% did not access needed mental health services in past year • 10% males • 26% females • 47% non-binary youth Among these students… • Hoped problem would go away Mental health services • did not want parents to know
22% had oral sex • 20% had intercourse • Fewer youth under age 15 had sex • Oral sex: 17% used protection • Intercourse: 63% used condom • 1% involved in a pregnancy • 1% had an STI Sexual health
“Many students watch [porn] and get unrealistic ideas of what sex is like. More than once I've turned to porn to simply learn about what goes on in sex." (Grade 9 student)
“[I would like to learn more about] vaping-side effects. How do I quit vaping when I'm severely addicted to nicotine?” (Grade 12 student)
64% drank in the last month F 35% drank last Saturday 49% mixed alcohol 61%binge drank last Saturday 40% got alcohol from an adult Among youth who used alcohol
“I'm pretty much just poor and I think it’s affecting me mentally, like I’m not as good as some people.” (Grade 9 student)
71% had been bereaved • 9% lost someone to suicide • 2% to a fentanyl overdose • 36% had a family or close friend attempt or die by suicide Loss and bereavement
F • Verbal sexual harassment • Physical sexual harassment M • Sexually abused • Physically abused F • Discriminated against in past year • Had been bullied in past year Violence and discrimination
Most students felt connected to school • 73% felt safe at school • Asked school staff for help • 25% skipped school in past month • 83% planned to attend post secondary School