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. (- ∞ ) General Background: The Microscopic Representation of Complex Macroscopic Phenomena, , Annual Reviews of Computational Physics II p 243, ed D. Stauffer, World Scientific 1995 Complexity a Science at 30 , Europhysics News Feb-March 2003 p54 . .
. (-∞)General Background:The Microscopic Representation of Complex Macroscopic Phenomena, , Annual Reviews of Computational Physics II p 243, ed D. Stauffer, World Scientific 1995 Complexity a Science at 30, Europhysics News Feb-March 2003 p54
. (-∞)General Background:The Microscopic Representation of Complex Macroscopic Phenomena, , Annual Reviews of Computational Physics II p 243, ed D. Stauffer, World Scientific 1995 Complexity a Science at 30, Europhysics News Feb-March 2003 p54
-1) Realistic Market Modeling Platforms (Lev)A microscopic model of the stock market; Cycles, booms and crashes, Economics Letters 45 (1994) 103-111. Behaviorally realistic simulations of stock markets; Traders with a soul, Computer Physics Communications 121-122 (1999) 161 . http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/adap-org/9901003Microscopic Simulation of Financial Markets, Academic Press, New York, 2000.
Lev Thesis; The string market: Statistical Mechanics of Conventional Traders May Lead to Non-Conventional Market Behavior, Physica Scripta. Vol. T106, 41, 2003 Stock market shock explained Physicists model recent trading frenzy. Market 'spikes' are seen by traders as freak events.Physicists expect them, Thursday October 3, 2002
Lev; Frantisek; The Interacting Gaps Model: Physica A 330 (2003) 232. Given offered prices around current price at intervals Limit order Limit order (left unsaturated at current price) Limit order
One may have a new limit order close to the current price: changing the price by 1 tick Limit order Limit order Limit order
Or one may have a new market order that eliminates the order at the current price and goes to the first neighbor: and Limit order Limit order Limit order
Or one may have a new market order that eliminates the order at the current price and goes to the first neighbor followed by the next limit order and Limit order Limit order Limit order
Else one may have a new market order that eliminates the order at the current price at the common price and goes to the first neighbor followed by the next limit order and Limit order Limit order Limit order If one has M limit orders per Market order, the distribution of interval lengths is A power laws with exponent given by the implicit transcendental equation: For M~1 one gets ~1.9 consistent with the market data and not with the continuous approx
0) Social Critical Percolation, Social percolation models Physica A: 277 (1-2) (2000) 239 http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/soc-per.psGerard Social Percolators and Self Organized Criticality in Handbook of Graphs and Networks:From the Genome to the Internet,p.113 eds. S. Bornholdt and H. G. Schuster, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2002. Anti-Percolation; antivirus ; Parallel Networks (SN); herding (Tom help)
Percolation transition From non-sales at all to a lot of sales Infinitely sharp at infinite size system
0) Social Critical Percolation, Social percolation models Physica A: 277 (1-2) (2000) 239 http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/soc-per.psGerard Social Percolators and Self Organized Criticality in Handbook of Graphs and Networks:From the Genome to the Internet,p.113 eds. S. Bornholdt and H. G. Schuster, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2002. Anti-Percolation; antivirus ; Parallel Networks (SN); herding (Tom help)
Effects of • Expectations Adaptation • Self tunning to criticality • Fractal fluctuations and correlations
ALSO: effects of Expectations Adaptation Fractal space-time fluctuationsProduct Success prediction (15/ 17)
Resistant Acceptant Acceptant Acceptedalready
Resistant Acceptant Acceptant Acceptedalready
Resistant Acceptant blocked Acceptant Acceptedalready
Resistant Acceptant blocked Acceptant Acceptedalready
Resistance Resistant Acceptant Acceptant Acceptedalready
“ANTI-Percolation” Antivirus
Consumption;No herding Consumption; Home + ExpectationsNo herding Workplace Expectations Parallel Networks Consumption+Expectations=Herding Consumption; home WorkExpectations
0.1 Testing the Turing Test; Do Men Pass the Humanity Test? International Journal of Modern Physics C (Ruthy; to appear)
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4)AB- Model, Emergence of Localized, Adaptive, Resilient objects from Noise, The importance of being discrete: Life always wins on the surface Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 97, Issue 19, 10322-10324, September 12, 2000 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/adap-org/9912005 The risk of being unfair, the unstable fate of globalization (2003) Artific Life 4(9) 357 Innovations Refuse to Die:-The Unforeseen Longevity of Society Fundamental Ideas.(2004) Technological forecasting and Social Change In press The Immune self; Emergence of the Body Self-Cognition Proliferation and competition in discrete biological systems. (2003) Bulletin of mathematical biology 65(3) 375-396 Go To special presentation
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13) Networks and K-cores scaling 14) Genetic vs Internet network; A B A 253270, Z=23 36546, Z=46 C B C D 826, Z=2.83 442, Z=2.22 K~(1+ L/M) Surf->link Copy of gene at other location