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Cytology . General structure of the cell . Superficial complex

Cytology . General structure of the cell . Superficial complex. Cytology. General structure of the cell Noncellular structures Cell membrane (plasmalemma) Junctions. Organeles Nucleus Cell cycle.

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Cytology . General structure of the cell . Superficial complex

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cytology. General structure of the cell. Superficial complex Cytology. General structure of the cell Noncellular structures Cell membrane (plasmalemma) Junctions. Organeles Nucleus Cell cycle

  2. Cytology – sience about structure, function and development of cells and noncelllular structures Cell – limited by active membrane structuraly arenged system of bipolimers, which form nucleus and cytoplasm, take part in metabolism, protection and renewal cells as system Components of cell: cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus

  3. Noncellular structure: • Nucleated: • symplast (sceletal muscular fibers) • syncytium (spermatogenesis, ovogenesis) • Nonnucleated: • Extracellular matrix • Erythrocytes and platelates

  4. Fluid-mosaic structure of the cell membrane • Glycocalyx2. Bilipid layer3. Cortical layer

  5. Cell membrane scheme

  6. Cell membrane proteins

  7. Functions of cell membrane: • Limiting and transport: • endocytosis: • fagocytosis • pinocytosis • ekzosytosis: • Secretion • Excretion • Recretion • clazmatosis • Perimembrane metabolism • Cell reception • Junctions: • adhesive (tight, adherent), • isolated (desmosome, gap) • communicative (necsus, synapse)

  8. Cell

  9. Organelles • General • 1. Microscopic and submicroscopic • Special • Cilia • Flagella • Fibrilles (myo-, tono-, neurofibrilles)

  10. Components of nucleus: • Nucleolemma (cariolemma) • Carioplasma • Nucleolus • Cromatin or chromosomes Function: • Storage and passihg genetic information • Control of protein synthesis (realization of genetic information)

  11. Round nuclei with nucleoli

  12. Hertiving ratio – nucleo-cytoplasmatic ratio Paranecrosis – state between life and die of nucleus Kinds of nucleus die: Cariopiknosis - condensation Cariorecsis - desintegration Cariolysis - dussolution

  13. Barr’s body – condensated sex chromatin

  14. Cell cycle

  15. G0-period cells: • Steam cells • Differentiated cells: • Erythrocytes, epidermocytes • Can rephase (hepatocytes) • Cannot dived (higher differentiated) neurons, cardiomyoctyes Dies of cells: Necrosis – due to outer environment factors Apoptosis – inner checking, due to genetic program

  16. Confocal scanning laser microscope image

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