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Avoidance : Lesson 5

Avoidance : Lesson 5. By: Claudia , Edna and Sebastian ( Edclauseb ). Abeyance. (noun) Suspension, a condition of being temporarily set aside. Abstemious. (adjective) Eating and drinking little or in moderation Restricted to bare necessities. Circumvent.

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Avoidance : Lesson 5

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Avoidance: Lesson 5 By: Claudia , Edna and Sebastian (Edclauseb)

  2. Abeyance • (noun) Suspension, a condition of being temporarily set aside.

  3. Abstemious • (adjective) Eating and drinking little or in moderation • Restricted to bare necessities

  4. Circumvent • (verb) to avoid or get around by clever maneuvering • To avoid by going around; to bypass

  5. Elude • (verb) to escape from, usually by daring, cleverness, or skill • To escape the grasp or understanding of • (adjective: elusive)

  6. Eschew • (verb) to avoid, especially on moral or practical grounds.

  7. Evasion • (noun) the act of escaping or avoiding by cleverness or deceit • (verb: evade) • (adjective: evasive)

  8. Malinger • (verb) to pretend to be ill or injured in order to avoid duty or work. • (noun: malingerer)

  9. Oblique • (adjective) indirect; intentionally vague or ambiguous • Misleading, devious or dishonest • (noun: obliqueness)

  10. Shirk • (verb) to neglect, put off, or avoid a duty or responsibility

  11. Shun • (verb) to willfully ignore; to stay away from.

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