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Open and flexible learning as a strategy for lifelong learning A triple track policy e-Learning Russia: e-Learning Opportunities Today Moscow, 3-4 June 2010 Piet Henderikx, Secretary General EADTU. Lifelong learning and European policy Bologna process, Bologna Follow Up Group
Open and flexible learning as a strategy for lifelong learning A triple track policy e-Learning Russia: e-Learning Opportunities Today Moscow, 3-4 June 2010 Piet Henderikx, Secretary General EADTU
Lifelong learning and European policy • Bologna process, Bologna Follow Up Group • Lisbon strategy, Europe 2020 • EUA, Charter of Lifelong Learning • Leuven Communiqué • Gap between policy and reality, although high quality models and good practice are in place
The knowledge society in the 21th century • Knowledge is multiplied every 5-10 years in all fields • Never seen societal impact and continuous change • Jobs require more complex competencies • values, ethical choices and societal coherence become major challenges • Hence, a new role of universities as driving forces for the knowledge society and innovation – the knowledge triangle
A sense of urgency is needed: benchmarks • European Council (2009): 40% higher education diploma benchmark (30-40y) and an average participation of 15% of mature students (25-64y) • Leuven Communiqué (2009): Lifelong learning is a public responsibility, integral part of national education systems • EUA: LLL a central part of the mission of universities and hence of university excellence • Participation rate is far below the benchmark. Innovative approaches to LLL urgently necessary
Universities in the 21st century • universities as nodes of regional and international knowledge networks: pro-active driving forces in the circulation of knowledge • apart from research and innovation, three educational tasks: • Knowledge transmitters to professional and regional communities (innovative regions) • Suppliers of formal degree education • Providers of customized education and training on demand • LLL will permeate the life of the universities as well as the teaching and learning environment of formal education
A triple track approach to LLL for Europe 2020 • Open knowledge sharing via informal learning channels (open access, open innovation, open educational resources) • Open and flexible degree education (open university model) • Flexible education/training on demand for companies and the public sector • This triple track approach is capitalizing on current developments and will make lifelong learning a reality by reaching out to the majority of people
Track 1: Open access • open access reviews, open archives, repositories on line • DRIVER: the European portal for open access • Berlin Declaration (2007) • university policy: some universities request their staff to publish in open access Universities are aware of the fact that scientific information should be freely accessible – science should not be a closed circuit
Track 1: Open innovation • open innovation has advantages over closed innovation • divergent knowledge, beyond the borders of the own organisation • universities and networked innovation channels for regional innovation • network tools that link universities and companies, sme’s, public services, consultants (relevant, up to date, quick, structuring, stimulating,…) • interaction, co-creation of knowledge • IMEC, Leuven: micro-electronics, (bio)nanotechnology, … Innovative knowledge produced by universities should be valorised throughout interactive networks with companies and professional networks – towards innovative regions
STMicroelectronics IMEC Imec and the World’s Largest Industry Commitment to Semiconductor Research in Partnership
Triple Helix @ Leuven Bio-incubator I:: industry university government
Track 1: Open educational resources • M.I.T., Open Courseware Consortium • US, Japan, China • In Europe: United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain • OpenLearn (UKOU): the second generation of OER (courses for independent learning) • OpenER (OUNL); MORIL, OER-HE (EADTU) • Objectives OER: widening participation; sharing and re-using content in university networks, intercampus education, international cooperation; study orientation/preparation of (international) students; sharing knowledge with other organisations, companies, sme’s, professional communities; community education, education for citizenship; profiling the university • HEFCE, wikiwijs • Global Task Force with UNESCO/ICDE; global platform OER are a major opportunity for informal eduaction and networked cooperation
Track 1: Towards accessible and interactive university-led platforms for open knowledge sharing and regional knowledge circulation • Based on a combination of approaches: open access, open innovation and open educational resources • Discipline or project (innovation) based • Institutional strategy and framework, leadership • Linked with professional networks, communities, sme’s… • Track 1 is the basis for knowledge circulation in a regional development and international cooperation context. It is also part of a rich learning environment for tracks 2 and 3, including the networks with other organisations and professionals
Telematics-communication Kenniscentra TerayonComm. Systems AltalineTechnologies X-PlaneSIMAC Able QMedit Centers of excellence Sitelcom Spacechecker AgilentTechnologies Q StarTest MicroMatic Easics Telindus Reymen DataCenter Ardatis MindLinuxSolutions Acunia K.U.Leuven 4 Research groups Eyetronics Arcadiz Telecom Topcom Weidmuller Medicim Orban Microwave Products Septentrio IMEC KULeuven Hypervision EMD BetterAccess Adelante Technologies Windriver ICOS IMEC Wireless & multimedia platform FillFactory DeltaDesign Netsize Pure innovatieve bedrijven Opikanoba Telraam Resonext Tomoton AnSem CDM OptionInternational Philips Mixed innovatieve bedrijven TycoElectronics Xplanation XentecLoft33 SmashUitgeverijAverbode
Micro-electronics - nanotech Kenniscentra Eyetronics Telindus B.E.S.T. TycoElectronics Newfrom Centers of excellence A.C.S. Belgium OptionInternational Resonext CypressSemi ARM EonicSystems Luciad FillFactory Assurcard Vivactiss K.U.Leuven Lab Photochemistry & Spectroscopy Lab of Solid-state Physics & Magnetism STM Tomoton ICOSVision Systems AgilentTechn. JSRElectronics J.W.Lemmens KULeuven IMEC MicroMatic VectorInternational IPCOS Photovoltec PhilipsITCL Xenics IMEC Sub-45nm research facility Nanotechnology Platform Design platform Septentrio Delcomp Oligosense Pure innovatieve bedrijven ASMBelgium Krypton EpiqSensorNite TargetCompilerTechn. Data4S Soltech AnSem Easics CoWare Mixed innovatieve bedrijven MindLinux Solutions LMS
E-security Kenniscentra Assurcard EMD Centers of excellence Apeiron ControlSolutions International UtimacoSafeware EPYC Abtimore Ubizen K.U.Leuven Faculty of Applied Sciences 2 Research groups Evisor (IBM) Smash Hypervision Cronos- EGOVA Telindus BetterAccess KULeuven Manage-IT Cryptomathic K.U.Leuven Faculty of Law ICRI research group Hypertrust Ardatis Pure innovatieve bedrijven Good-Ex Benelux-France Data4S RiscTechnologyBelgium Mixed innovatieve bedrijven ElectronicVirtualOffice SOFT DEXX
Life sciences Kenniscentra E.S.R.I. DeckersDiv BiotestSeralco Benelux Dermat Centers of excellence Norgine Terumo Europe Medvision Benelux Univ hospitals K.U.Leuven Rega Institute CEHA Lab of Exp. Genetics & Transgenese Autocyte Europe KULeuven IVIA VIB VIGOUR ContiBPC Pure innovatieve bedrijven Malaise&co Ortec Mixed innovatieve bedrijven VWRInternational Centocor Thromb-X reMYND Tigenix Dakocytomation RNA-TEC 4AZABiosciences Cochlear Algonomics M-Elect Vivactiss PatientWeb Neurogenetics QMedit Custom8 PharmaDM @MedicalTechn. Data4S Oncomethylome MXS Diatos NewStandardEng. Medicim Materialise
Life sciences Kenniscentra E.S.R.I. Deckers Div Biotest Seralco Benelux Dermat Thrombogenics Centers of excellence Terumo Europe Tigenix ReMynd IDT(RNA-TEC) Dakocytomation BioTie Therapies Corp. Norgine Univ hospitals K.U.Leuven Rega Institute CEHA Lab of Exp. Genetics & Transgenese Cochlear Algonomics M-Elect Autocyte Europe PatientWeb M4S Medvision Benelux K.U.Leuven L-MTC Materialise Neurogenetics QMedit @Medical Techn. MXS VIB VIGOUR IVIA Custom8 Onco Methylome Puur innovatieve bedrijven Conti BPC Fugeia Regenesys Diatos New Standard Eng. Medicim Malaise&co Ortec Formac Pharmaceuticals CMPG Gemengd innovatieve bedrijven Centocor VWR International
Mechatronics Kenniscentra Stas Alnaco OraMachinesB.E.S.T. Optidrive Centers of excellence ACE Electronics WTCM Air Beraing Prec. Techn. Electrical & Mech. Design DV Consulting IPCOS Barco Aarschot Donaldson PartecEng Materialise K.U.Leuven Dept. Mechanics Researh groups Krypton Dynamotor Decoster Luyten Automation Metris Somatech KULeuven SST Food Mach Camco Techn AtosEngineering PEC EME K.U.Leuven Dept of Metall. & Mater. Eng Lab Agric Mach & Proc EntecomSystems Tecmate Intl. Pure innovatieve bedrijven Flexlink Systems D2S International M&M Corporation Data Analys Products CSI RobertBosch Scala Consultants LMS Mixed innovatieve bedrijven Affilips South Lancs Belgium
Feed-food-health Kenniscentra GCEurope Interbrew Belgium Citrique Belg Proefbedrijfvoorwitloof Centers of excellence RemyIndustr BodemkundigedienstBelgië EngelhardBelgium SESEurope GE Betz Sensient Flavors Centrum Toegep. Biol. K.U.Leuven/VIB Center of Microbiol & Plant Gen. Lab Molecular Cell Biology ICI-Europe Pure Global Water Techn ToxiconEurope B.R.I.S.K. KULeuven Cargill Frisk Intll Aveve Lochow-Petkus Belgium Hercules Europe K.U.Leuven 6 centers of excell. 3E Omni Scala Better3Fruit Pure innovatieve bedrijven Sodiaal Benelux TienseSuiker Quomak Intern. Aquatreat Belgium B.E.S.T. OraftiGroup Kon. Belg. Inst. tot Verbetering vd Biet Mixed innovatieve bedrijven Barco Elbicon SST Food Machinery
Track 2: Open and flexible degree education • The backbone of complex competency development • Well-structured curricula and long term processes • Mass-personalisation • Compensates for backlogs in the participation in higher education • Often an additional degree • Open and flexible degree education is needed for building complex competencies
Track 2: Evening classes… • A flexibility law for higher eduaction (Flanders, Belgium) • Evening classes, perhaps more accessible, but not flexible • Not scalable • Not sustainable • Blended solutions • Open and flexible degree education is needed for building complex competencies
Track 2: Open university • A European concept • Characteristics: • Open admission • Student centred • Course design by teams • Multimedia • Tutoring – study centres • Assessment • Quality criteria: e-xcellence • Partnerships: networked eduaction and virtual mobility • “Open university” is a high quality brand for formal open and flexible education. It should become more a European brand for high quality open and distance teaching universities in a partnership between them, including both types and covering all countries, serving regional lifelong learning strategies.
Track 2: Flexible education and training on demand • Innovation, knowledge valorisation, transfer of knowledge • Spinning off research, innovative ideas • Demand from companies, sme’s, public services • Individual and collective needs combined • Governmental orders: OUNL, UOC • Cooperation with professional organisations: OUUK • Interfaces or intermediate structures that create projects across university departments integrating research, innovation, educationn and training in a innovative field/project • The Knowledge Innovation Communities of EIT (see KIC Energy) • Partnerships • Task Force EADTU • Universities should valorise research into innovation to the benefit of society at large, on their own initiative (spin offs) or in cooperation with companies and sms’s (new products, processes). They contribute to innovative regions. Demand driven education and training play a core role.
LRD Research Divisions Faculties, departments, research groups: international quality in research, teaching performance LRD divisions/projects Contract autonomy & flexibility incentives Dual incentive mechanism to maintain a balance and healthy tension between striving for scientific excellence and gearing this excellence towards application and innovation. 18-9-2014 Confidential 28
Networking • Learning, a personal process • Communities of learning facilitate learning and bring learning to a higher level • Communities of practice, professional communities (incl. alumni, company staff,…) • Circulation of knowledge between both • Universities as engines of validated knowledge transfer, also by eduaction and training • regional and international global networking • Universities should network nationally and internationally for the sake of innovation and up to date education and training.
Conclusions • Lifelong learning should be strategically developed along three tracks, that go hand in hand : open knowledge sharing combining open access, open innovation, open educational resources), open and flexible degree education, flexible education on demand • Universities should define their role with regard to regional and international development, linking with communities of practice and professional communities, incl. companies, sme’s and public services • Open knowledge sharing leads to a high profile and to international cooperation in partnerships or “cooperation zones”