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Towards 2020, Future National and International Perspectives on Research Presentation to LYIT Research Showcase. Andrew Brownlee 1 st March 2013. The Role of the RDI Office in Supporting and Promoting Research Across Institutes of Technology.
Towards 2020, Future National and International Perspectives on ResearchPresentation to LYIT Research Showcase Andrew Brownlee 1st March 2013
The Role of the RDI Office in Supporting and Promoting Research Across Institutes of Technology
The work of the RDI Office is framed by 4 core objectives and a commitment to ongoing accountability... EU Access Accessing European and international collaboration and funding opportunities to support RDI activities across the Institutes Influence Influencing the policy agenda to ensure a supportive environment for delivery of research, development and innovation activities by the IoTs Communicate Communicating and representing the interests of the IoTs in engaging with key stakeholders Support Supporting the IoTs by providing services which assist the undertaking of their research activities RDI Operational Plan 2012 The Office must also account for its work by making clear its responsiveness, quality, value-for-money and effectiveness
Role in supporting the research activities of the Institutes... • Develop and roll-out mentoring and support programmes for researchers • Successful IRCSET Embark/EPS mentoring and support system rolled out via Sharepoint site • 18 awards, 80% of those accessing support programme were successful • Running this again next year • IRC Employment Based Postgrad scheme identified as key opportunity for IoT targeting during the year • 50 participants in webinar & high level of interest • IRC Postgrad Scholarship Scheme • 68 participants in recent webinar & support programme prior to deadline of 12/3 • Information on funding sources circulated by e-mail, website, Sharepoint, social media • Database & contact list for researchers recording expertise • Peer-to-peer evaluation service part of support programmes • Facilitating potential research collaboration across Institutes
Role around communications and representation... • Research and innovation section of the website developed • More interactive and externally focused • Searchable research centres and case studies • Science Without Borders postgraduate sub-site now incorporated • Can add or update material at any time • Look at showcasing work of researchers • IoT activity promoted through social media • Arrange Young Scientist, Irish Independent promotional opportunities • Target development of new series of case studies • Represent IoT sector on various groups • EI IRCC, Open Access Group
The RDI section of the website should provide a focal point for promoting activity across the sector...
There is now a searchable database of research activity across all IoTs...
This links to research centre profiles and provides direct access to centre websites...
There is also a searchable database of industry case studies...
The new Science Without Borders site allows students to search for postgraduate opportunities...
Role around policy and influencing national RDI agenda... • Working with Director of Academic Affairs to ensure a sustainable, high quality model of postgraduate education • Involved in development of TU Quality Assurance Framework • New framework for PhD provision • Working with Heads of Research producing strategic position paper • Sustaining and Growing the Delivery of Strategically Oriented, Impact Focused RDI in the IoTs • Strategy to be finalised & taken to Board • Case for sustainable postgraduate funding for the IoTs • Submitted to HEA but Sectoral Development Fund postponed • Now being rolled out as IOTI initiative • Support development of more strategic relationship with EI • Lobby government on development of policy • Regular meetings with key stakeholders & submissions to SFI Strategy & HEA Researcher Career Development consultations
Role around access to European funding... • Work with UASnet to build partnerships & improve access to Europe • Proposal on sharing best practice in industry engagement around innovation • Linked up UASnet institutes around potential FP7 collaboration • Need further institutional impacts & target influencing new Horizon 2020 programme development • Focused programme targeting FP7 access during the year • Engaged directly with researchers to encourage interest • 96 participants including 60 researchers at support workshop • Led to 28 FP7 Project Expressions of Interests out of 51 from IoTs • Marie Curie webinar with 34 participants in July • Need to turn all this interest into funded projects • Facilitating access to key Commission contacts for researchers • Ambassadors Lunch, InterTrade Ireland delegation, EC researchers trip • Support involvement in EU Charter for Researchers • Facilitating collaboration between IoTs/potential international partners
The Development of Research Capability in the Institutes of Technology
There has been a transformation of research capability in the IoT sector in the last decade... • In late 1990s PhD and other research study very rare in the IoTs and sporadic and unstructured in nature • System transformed by expanding RDI role and commitment in IoTs, increased accreditation autonomy and new TSR fund • The IoTs were able to take advantage of their close links with industry to offer unique postgraduate and wider research propositions • The base of PhD study across the 13 IoTs has grown from less than 10 in 1995 to 196 in 2011 • Postgraduate research students at both PhD and Masters students have grown from 27 in 1995 to 86 in 2000 and 665 in 2011 (1,018 if DIT is included in the figures)
The pipeline of PhD and Masters research students provided real impetus for the development of specialist research capability... • Sizeable base of annual external research funding secured by Institutes (currently around €40mn per annum) • After significant growth this has fallen in recent years due to fiscal constraints
Commitment to and investment in postgraduate education stimulated a development path which means that the IoT sector today has... • 46 specialist research groups; • 521 researchers and support staff (all actively engaged with research); • 656 postgraduate research students; • €218mn in research funding generated between 2006 and 2010 • 66% is allocated toward research in ICT, Health and Biotechnology. • Increased proportion of funding drawn from European Programmes • On-site innovation and incubation centres which provide dedicated space, support, facilities and access to research expertise for up to 300 new and growing companies at any one time • Over 1,000 innovative new businesses have been supported by the IoTs over the last few years • The experience in starting and growing businesses ensures real market focus to all of our RDI activities • CoLab excellent example of how the spin-in model can work in IoTs
Research capability has been built up in specialist areas with centres of scale now in place and strong evidence of impact...
This has also been reflected in growing success in accessing Research Council programmes... • Dedicated IOTI-run support programmes to encourage take-up of Research Council opportunities • Webinars providing guidance to interested researchers • Guidance materials available to help preparation of applications • Examples of good applications and supporting statements provided • Panel of mentors from IoTs with previous success in securing Research Council funding offer pre-evaluation of applications • Starting to be reflected in results • 18 successful EMBARK awards last year • Highest scoring applicant of all EMBARK awards (Glenn Gordon at IT Sligo) • Number of successful EPS projects (e.g. Dairymaster & IT Tralee, Dynamac Corp/NASA & Limerick IT) • Strong interest in the recent employment-based postgraduate scheme due to established relationships with industry and track record in masters by research provision (which requires a shorter-term commitment from industry)
One of the most notable products of the development of capability has been the establishment of EI funded ARE Centres... Enterprise Ireland funded Applied Research Enhancement (ARE) Centres in IoTs
The success of initiatives like the ARE Centres demonstrates the potential to offer industry-focused research solutions... Further examples of IoT RDI industry impact available at http://www.ioti.ie/rdi/delivering-impact-for-industry
The IoT key research capabilities are closely aligned with National Priorities and offer scope for further collaboration... Searchable Database of all IoT Research Centres and Groups http://www.ioti.ie/rdi/research-and-innovation-activity-across-the-institutes
Towards 2020: Key Developments and Opportunities in the Institute of Technology Sector
There is a need for a whole system approach to the way in which RDI activity in Institutes is funded, supported and maintained… RDI Operational Plan 2012
Achieving a sustainable postgraduate pipeline absolutely critical... • Recognition of significant gap in postgraduate funding since end of TSR Strand 1 and Strand 3 funding • Lobbied HEA strongly and put forward proposal for sectoral postgraduate funding initiative for Sectoral Development Fund • Sectoral Development Fund postponed until this year • Presidents agreed to set aside 10% of reallocated money to kickstart initiative • 11 IoTs participating including LYIT • Plan to submit new proposal to 2013 Sectoral Development Fund • Heads of Research appointed working group to develop documentation for scheme • Launch expected by April 2013
There is also a need to take further advantage of IRC funding opportunities... • Could be enhanced opportunities from merger of IRCSET & IRCHSS • Level playing field with IoT proposals showing strong practical, impact focus • Single calls facilitate multi-disciplinary approach • Allows for partial and transfer funding for self or President scholarship funded opportunities • IRC Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme • Open to all disciplines – Closing date of 12th March 2013 • 80% of those accessing EMBARK support programme last year successful • IRC Enterprise Partnership Scheme open to postgraduate & postdoctoral applications. • IRC very keen to see applications from the Institutes of Technology because of close links to industry • IRC Employment-based Postgraduate Programme being rolled-out after a pilot last year • Successful applicants registered as postgraduate researchers in HEI but directly employed by the Employment Partner for the duration of their award
The IoTsneed to look at national, EU and international collaboration to drive further development in key areas... ICT networks and systems Pharma, Medical devices and diagnostics Food, marine and biotech Materials and green technology
There is an opportunity to develop a more strategic relationship with Enterprise Ireland…. • Success of the ARE programme now re-launched with 5 years of funding as Technology Gateways • Success of New Frontiers in building on EPP and starting and growing business • Essential regionally accessible incubator infrastructure • The ‘spin-in’ model by linking new campus companies to research capability • Innovation Vouchers proven as a key means of engaging SMEs in innovation for the first time • Deepening relationship by accessing programmes such as Innovation Vouchers • Also significant success in Commercialisation Fund • Recent breakthrough in SFI/EI TIDA awards with 10/58 awards last year (easing constraints on access this year)
Horizon 2020 offers a real opportunity to build on Success in FP7 SME & Other Calls • Has been a lot of success by Institutes on Research for the Benefit of SMEs in FP7 • Shorter term project durations (2 years) and reduced consortium partner requirements typically 5-10. • Typical Budget of €0.5 m to €1.5m, 100% Funded for RTD partners, 75% Funded for SME partners with 65% pre-financing • With focus on Horizon 2020 on wider innovation agenda and SME engagement should be continued & growing opportunities • DG Research have indicated simpler, innovation partnership style approach to encourage work with SMEs under Horizon 2020 • Will require 1 HEI and 1 international SME • Need to start planning now to ensure ready for calls in 2013 • IOTI looking at holding a support event to help development of ideas & application skills, building on success of last year’s FP7 event
Collaboration will be a critical element of future RDI success... • TU process facilitates working together across IoTs • Building links to access SFI research centre resources • Potential IoT contribution due to proximity to industry & SMEs completely overlooked • Technology transfer support delivered through consortia • Collaboration across IoTs and cross-disciplinary research increasingly important • New international development initiative attracted interest from range of disciplines across IoTs • Over 60 researchers expressing interest & Irish Aid engaged • HEA/QQI framework for provision of doctoral education will place requirements around critical mass which can be addressed by clustering or collaboration • Our engagement with industry and other key regional stakeholders is a unique attribute on which we must focus
There is a strong opportunity for IoTs to define a clear role in delivering impact-focused research & innovation activity... • Working with all our stakeholders to define current and future priorities • Building on critical mass in specialist research areas • Attracting high quality postgraduate and postdoctorate resources to our Institutes • Benchmarking research performance through establishment of strategic international partnerships • Complimenting national grants with EU funding wherever feasible • Embedding sufficient research and postgraduate management infrastructure • Establishing and maintaining a research foundation funding programme which ensures a pipeline of postgraduate students in respective IoT specialist areas
Thank you for your time Andrew Brownlee Director of Research, Development and Innovation Institutes of Technology Ireland 1st Floor, Fumbally Square Fumbally Lane Dublin 8 Tel. 01 708 2953 Mob. 0876203405 Andrew.brownlee@ioti.ie Twitter: andrewbrownlee7