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The HCV/FSS Program aims to promote economic independence by coordinating rental subsidies, training, and services for participants. The NOFA provides funds for program coordinators and supports homeownership activities.
HCV FSS Program Coordinator NOFA For Fiscal Year 2008
Eligible Applicants: Only public housing agencies (PHAs) may apply.
Purpose of the HCV/FSS Program • Promote local strategies to coordinate rental subsidy, training and services to enable participants to obtain employment that leads to economic independence. • Eliminate the need for cash welfare assistance. • Build family assets through the FSS escrow account.
Purpose of the HCV FSS NOFA PROVIDE FUNDS TO PAY FOR: • RENEWAL APPLICANTS: Salaries of ongoing HCV FSS program coordinator and FSS homeownership coordinator positions. • NEW APPLICANTS: The salary of one HCV/FSS program coordinator per application.
Role of the HCV/FSS Program Coordinator Assure that HCV FSS program participants are linked to training and services needed to achieve economic self-sufficiency
Role of the HCV/FSS Homeownership Coordinator Support homeownership activities of families in the HCV FSS program.
Funding for FY’08 • Total available: up to $49 million • Maximum salary: $66,000 per full-time coordinator position
Ineligible Uses of Funds: • Funding cannot be used for training and/or services for families. • Cannot be used to pay the salary of an FSS coordinator for a public housing FSS program.
Ineligible Uses of Funds: • Cannot be used for non FSS HCV families. • Not to be used for routine HCV functions that are reimbursed through HCV administrative fees.
Application Deadline Date: Electronic application must be received and validated by Grants.gov by 11:59:59 pm on June 12, 2008. Must apply electronically through Grants.gov or obtain waiver prior to due date.
Electronic Application Waiver: Directions for requesting a waiver are in the program NOFA. HOWEVER, IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY THAT ANY WAIVERS WILL BE GRANTED AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A PAPER APPLICATION.
Application Deadline Date: If a waiver is obtained: • The application must reach HUD by the deadline date. • There will be no 15-day grace period. • See the General Section of the SuperNOFA.
Electronic Registration andApplication For information on registration and application processes see: • 3/10/08 Federal Register Notice on early registration • 3/19/08 Federal Register SuperNOFA General Section
Electronic Registration andApplication Additional information sources: • Registration checklist and other information through www.hud.gov • View webcasts on electronic registration and application submission on the HUD website.
Electronic Registration andApplication All PHAs should sign up for the Grants.gov notification service. This is important!
Registration Process Registration and submission are separate processes.
Registration Process • Five step registration process for first time registration takes approximately 10 days. • Update/renewal required for applicants that successfully registered last year.
Registration Update Applicants that successfully registered last year are required to update/renew their registration this year. This is an annual requirement.
First Time Registration Process • Obtain Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number. Name and address information is validated by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). See 3/10/08 FR Early Registration Notice and 3/19/08 General Section for detailed information.
First Time Registration Process Carefully review your applicant information for accuracy when registering for DUNS # because it will be used in later stages of the registration process. Wait 24 – 48 hours after receiving DUNS # before going to next step so the number has time to be activated.
First Time Registration Process 2. Register with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) 3. Register with the Credential Provider
First Time Central Contract Registration Process • Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must register with Grants.gov • E-Business Point of Contact authorizes the AOR to submit grant application.
Registration Process If you aren’t already registered or have not renewed your registration, BEGIN THE PROCESS IMMEDIATELY! Incomplete registration was the most common error under previous HCV/FSS NOFAs and resulted in applicants not receiving funding.
Application Completion and Submission Instructions on how to download and submit an electronic application are on the HUD web site and in the 3/19/08 General Section. A full set of instructions on how to complete an application is at: www.grants.gov/
Electronic Application Package In FY 2008, HUD is using Adobe forms in the application packages. Applicants must download the free Adobe Reader 8.1.2 or the latest Adobe Reader version available from Grants.gov. (See 3/10/08 early registration notice and 3/19/08 General Section.)
Electronic Application Package If you are using an incompatible version of Adobe Reader, you may receive a validation error. Also, if more than one person is working on the application package, all must be using the same software version.
Electronic Application Package Once the Adobe Reader is installed, you can download the application package and instructions.
Electronic Application Package To download the application and instructions, enter the CFDA Number, the Funding Opportunity Number OR the Funding Competition ID. DO NOT enter more than one of these numbers or you will get a message saying that the “opportunity” cannot be found.
Electronic Application Package Do not download or attempt to upload the application using a USB flash drive (also called a “key” ”thumb” or “jump drive”.)
Electronic Application Instructions Download the application instructions . They include both the General and Program sections of the SuperNOFA plus forms that are not part of the application download but are included as elements of a complete application package.
Electronic Application Package Forms contained in the Instructions download are available in Microsoft Office Word 2003 (.doc) Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (.xls) or Adobe (.pdf) formats. Note: The pdf files are ONLY fillable forms and cannot be saved locally, unless you have Adobe Professional software version 6.0 or higher.
Electronic Application Package To complete a form from either the “Mandatory Documents” or “Optional Documents” section of the Grant Application Package, you will have to first highlight and move the form over to the “Submission” box and then open the form. (This is a change from previous years.)
Electronic Application Submission Use the form HUD-96011 if you have to fax a document. There are new fax numbers in FY 2008. Those numbers are: (800) 894-4047 and (215) 825-8796
Electronic Application Submission • Upon successful submission, applicants will receive an e-mail notification confirming receipt and indicating that the application is being validated. • The validation process will be completed in approximately 24 to 48 hours.
Electronic Application Submission • If the application does not pass the validation check, it will be rejected and the applicant notified of the reason for the rejected application. • DO NOT ASSUME that the application has been successfully submitted until you receive the validation notice.
Electronic Application Submission If a rejection notice is received, you must correct the error and resubmit.
Changes in FY’08 HCV/FSS NOFA There are few changes in FY’08. In FY 2008, renewal application category has been expanded to include applicants last funded in FY’05, FY’06 or FY’07.
Changes, continued Prior to the application due date, applicants must submit an addendum to the agency’s HCV program administrative plan that outlines reasonable steps the applicant will take to affirmatively further fair housing in the HCV/FSS program. (See III.C.3.g. of the program NOFA.)
Changes, continued This year, applicants must submit EITHER a form HUD-2991, Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan, OR a copy of the signed PHA Certification of Compliance for their current Annual PHA Plan.
All PHA applicants must: Administer their HCV FSS program in accordance with HUD regulations and requirements in 24 CFR part 984 and comply with existing HCV program requirements, notices and guidebooks.
Eligible Applicants - RENEWAL PHAs Limited to applicants funded under the FY’05, FY ’06 or FY’07 HCV FSS NOFAs.
Eligible Applicants - RENEWAL PHAs All renewal PHAs must have: • Hired a coordinator for the position to be renewed. • Executed FSS contracts with families. • Submitted FSS reports by completing section 17 of the HUD-50058 and transmitting to HUD.
RENEWAL Joint Applicant PHAs Renewal PHAs originally funded as joint applicants may apply separately or with different PHAs and retain their renewal applicant status. However, they must meet the 25 HUD-approved FSS HCV FSS slot requirement. (FSS Action Plan.)
Eligible Applicants - NEW • PHAs not qualifying as renewal PHA applicants under this NOFA. • Must have HUD approval to administer a HCV FSS program of at least 25 slots. (FSS Action Plan.) • Can apply jointly to meet the 25 slot minimum.
Eligible Applicants – MTW Demo Sites with FSS Programs • PHA must administer an FSS program. • PHA may request use of FSS slots reflected in the PHA’s MTW Agreement instead of the number in the PHA’s FSS Action Plan.
Troubled PHA Applicants: A PHA that is SEMAP troubled or has serious program management review, IG or IPA audit findings for its HCV or Mod Rehab program.
Troubled PHA Applicants, continued: If still troubled at the application due date, can apply only if the PHA submits an application that designates another organization or entity acceptable to HUD to administer the FSS program.
Troubled PHA Applicants, continued: If an applicant that is required to have such an agreement fails to submit the agreement with the application package, it will be treated as a technical deficiency that can be corrected.
Maximum Positions – RENEWAL PHAs • The number of FSS program coordinator and FSS homeownership coordinator positions funded in the applicant’s most recent award from FY’05, FY’06 or FY’07, that have been filled.
Maximum Positions – NEW PHAs • Up to one full time position. • For joint applicants, up to one position per application, NOT one position for each PHA.