Natural benefits of black tea : Teafloor Tea Subscription
There are many health benefits of black tea for the human body. The most popular benefits include weight loss and many beauty related benefits. Black tea comes from the same plant from which we also get green tea and oolong tea. This plant is called Camellia sinensis. When compared with the other two teas, black tea has a unique origin. Black tea originated from China but it was brought there by the British people. Black tea is also successfully grown in Sri Lanka and India. Today, black tea is one of the most popular varieties of tea in the world. It is also the most consumed variety of tea in the world. It has numerous health benefits. Some of the best-known benefits of black tea are as follows- • Black tea contains powerful antioxidants- This is probably the most famous benefit of black tea. Like every tea variety, black tea also contains tremendous antioxidants called polyphenols. The amount of polyphenols that you can get from consuming black tea is about 8 times higher compared than when you consume fruits or vege-tables. These polyphenols are antioxidants which can prevent the DNA damage that is caused by chemical toxicity. Black tea also contains another antioxidant called flavonoids. The tea flavonoids have detoxifying effects and can protect the cells from various harmful diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. • Improves Oral Health- Black tea is also could be beneficial to maintain as well as improve your oral health. The polyphenols found in black tea have been found to be beneficial to prevent the build-up of plaques on your teeth, which means that your teeth will be healthy and also your breath will be fresh throughout the day. Re-search studies indicate that the polyphenols in black tea can stop the development of cavities. The antioxidant present in black tea is also very beneficial to prevent the growth of bacterial enzymes that form the plaque in the teeth. • Can boost heart health- Studies indicate that a regular consumption of black tea can prevent various health diseases such as stroke and heart attack. According to some studies, people consuming black tea as part of a daily routine, around 3 cups per day will be less likely to suffer from diseases associated with stroke by up to 21% as compared with people who do not consume black tea • May control Blood Sugar Levels- Studies have also revealed that black the is bene-ficial for those who are struggling to maintain the blood sugar levels in their body. Black tea contains a higher amount of a compound called polysaccharides which are commonly known for its ability to reduce the blood sugar. Black tea can also reduce the late phase plasma glucose response in humans with a corresponding in-crease in their insulin. • May help in reducing the risk of diabetes- Black tea is considered to be helpful in the prevention as well as treatment of diabetes. This has been associated with a compound found in black tea called polysaccharides. This compound polysaccha-ride has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels. Some research studies have indi-cated that the compound polysaccharides found in black tea are useful to inhibit the enzyme called alpha-glucosidase, which transform starch into glucose. This black tea is beneficial to alleviate the excessive amounts of glucose that can lead to dia-betes. Also, numerous research studies have associated consumption of black tea with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. With numerous health benefits, you must surely be including black tea in your daily diets. If not for the health benefits, then try it for its amazing taste!
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