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Prophetic Significance of First Fruits Feast

Discover the symbolic meaning and fulfillment of the First Fruits feast, acknowledging God's provision and the beginning of the global harvest with Jesus as the first-fruit. Learn about the present Jewish observance and the prophetic role of First Fruits in the New Covenant era.

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Prophetic Significance of First Fruits Feast

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  1. First Fruits .... Resurrected

  2. Feast # 3 Name: First Fruits t MEANING: An acknowledgement of God’s bounty and providence to Israel. By consecration of the first-fruits (the so-called “Harvest Festival” of the institutional church is an interesting, if erroneous parallel) the Israelites proclaim that not only the first-fruits, but also the entire harvest, belongs to God. Leviticus 23: 10 - 11 (and 12 -14). The sacrifice of a year-old unblemished lamb simply echoes the Passover sacrifice. The offering of grain and wine at the conclusion of this “third feast of Passover” is emblematic of the body and blood of Jesus – His body “given” for all Mankind. Not only believing Jews belong to God’s Kingdom (first-fruits), but believers from every ethna belong to God’s Kingdom (the entire harvest). That is truly good news! But note that there is an order in God’s plan – first fruits followed by full harvest. Resurrected

  3. Feast # 3 Name: First Fruits t PROPHETIC FULFILMENT: The first fruit is offered to God to acknowledge His bounty and goodness in providing the harvest – all of which belongs to Him. The first-fruits is emblematic of the earliest saved and sanctified disciples of Yeshua. Yeshua Himself is the first to be raised to new life in a new, resurrected, body. The earliest believers, we might say, the proto-church – or the Jewish church, represents the first part of Jesus’ global harvest, starting in the first century and extending throughout throughout the “church age” (as some have called it). The whole of this harvest of souls belongs to God and is safely gathered in to His Kingdom. Resurrected

  4. Feast # 3 Name: First Fruits t PRESENT JEWISH OBSERVANCE: The feast seems largely to have been forgotten. As with unleavened bread, it is effectively subsumed into Passover – the three have become blurred as one. Leviticus 23: 9-16 1 Corinthians 15:23 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Resurrected

  5. Feast # 3 Name: First Fruits t Re: JESUS 1 Corinthians 15: 20-23. Yeshua is risen from the dead. He is the first-fruit of that far greater harvest – of all those who trust in the efficacy of the blood of the lamb. Jesus is the beginning of the eternal harvest FOR ALL TIME. Jesus’ resurrection, this prototype “early harvest”, marks the commencement of the New Covenant era, when ALL who place their trust in the efficacy of the Lamb’s blood are adopted to be a part of His family. (The Moses covenant has literally become the New Covenant [ Jeremiah 31: 31 ] (But in case anyone, especially Gentiles, get big-headed about this, note clearly with whom this new covenant is “made”)). They are already a part of that greater harvest. Some would argue (problematically) that First Fruits ushers-in the “Church Age”. Whilst there is some validity in this idea, it fails to engage fully with the prophetic significance of First Fruits. Resurrected

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