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Civil War in Yugoslavia

Civil War in Yugoslavia. Bosnia. Background – Yugoslavia was formed at Versailles in 1919. Under control of Marshall Tito after WWII until the early 1980s. Croats/Slovenes = Catholic; Serbs = Eastern Othodox ; Bosnians = Muslim

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Civil War in Yugoslavia

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  1. Civil War in Yugoslavia

  2. Bosnia • Background – Yugoslavia was formed at Versailles in 1919. Under control of Marshall Tito after WWII until the early 1980s. • Croats/Slovenes = Catholic; Serbs = Eastern Othodox; Bosnians = Muslim • Cause: 1990 President Slobodan Milosevic sought a Serbian-dominated Yugoslavia • Established tighter control over previously autonomous regions • Croatia & Slovenia declare independence and fought Serbia successfully. • Bosnia-Herzegovina declared independence in March 1992 • Bosnian Serbs refused to live in a Muslim-dominated state and rebelled with the aid of Serbia • Bosnian city of Sarajevo was attacked. • Ethnic cleansing – Elimination of Muslims by Bosnian Serbs • Dayton Agreements – Agreed to divide Bosnia between Serbs and Muslims

  3. Kosovo • Kosovo Crisis • Milosevic attempted to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of Albanians • NATO bombed Serbia in order to stop cleansing • Milosevic was removed from power and arrested for war crimes. Died in prison in 2006. Slobodan Milosevic

  4. What are similarities and differences in the tension in S.E. Europe in the periods 1900-1914 and the 1980s-1990s? • (See pages 898-901)

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