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Grammar Review 4. Reported Speech. Reported speech/indirect speech. What is reported speech? Imagine that it is Monday morning. You meet John in a cafe. During your conversation he says, “Oh! By the way, I’ve found a new job”.
Grammar Review 4. ReportedSpeech
Reported speech/indirect speech What is reported speech? Imagine that it is Monday morning. You meet John in a cafe. During your conversation he says, “Oh! By the way, I’ve found a new job”. On Wednesday afternoon you meet Ann in the supermarket and you want to give her John’s news. What do you say? “Blah blah, Oh! and he told me that he had found a new job”. This is reported speech. We use it when we tell another person what somebody has said or repeat something said from a previous conversation.
Reported Speech DirectSpeech: ReportedSpeech: istheexactmeaning of whatsomeonesaidbut not in theexactwords. We do not use quotationmarks in reportedspeech. He saidthat he wouldwaitfor me istheexactwords someonesaid. We use quotationmarks in DirectSpeech. He said, “I’llwaitforyou.”
We use say and tell in reportedspeech Say Tell We use tell in Reported speech when tell is followed by the person the words were spoken to. She told me (that) she was very tired. She told John (that) she was very tired. She told the police (that) she was very tired We use sayin directspeech. Shesaidto me , “I’mverytired.” But wealso use sayin Reported speechwhensayisnot followedbythepersonthe wordswerespokento. Shesaid(that) shewasverytired
We can report: Remember: As well as theverb “tobe” (is/am/are was/were) Certainwordschange in Reportedspeech. Directspeech: this/thesehere come Reportedthat/thosetherego “Thisis my book,” he said. He saidthatwashisbook. Can changestocould Willchangestowould Maychangestomight Mustchangestohadto A. Satements B. Questions C. Commands Requests Suggestions
ReportedStatements Toreportstatementswe use a reportingverb (say, tell, advise, explain, promiseetc) followedby a that-clause. In spokenEnglish thatmaybeomitted. Pronouns and possessiveadjectiveschangeaccordingtothemeaning. DS. He said, “I can’tfixitmyself.” RS. He said he couldn’tfixithimself.
Whenthereportingverbis in thePasttheverb tenses change as follows: DirectSpeech Reportedspeech Past simple: Shesaidshecouldn’tremember my name. PastContinuous: He saidshewasspeakingto Fred. PastPerfect: He said he hadbought me someflowers. Pastperfect: Theysaidthattheyhadmissedthe bus. Conditional: He said he wouldmeet me later. Present simple: “I can’trememberyourname,” shesaid. PresentContinuous: “She’sspeakingto Fred,” he said. PresentPerfect: “I’veboughtyousomeflowers,” he said. Past Simple: “Wemissedthe bus,” theysaid. Future: “I’llmetyoulater,” he said.
Time expressionschange as follows DirectSpeech ReportedSpeech thatnight, thatday, thatweek thatmonth, thatyear, then, at that time, at once, immediately, since thedaybefore, thepreviousday thenightbefore, theprevious week/month/year. thedayafter, thefollowing day, thenextweek/month/year twodays/months/years etc. before tonight, today, thisweek, thismonth, thisyear, now, nowthat, yesterday, lastnight/week/month/year tomorrow, nextweek/month/year twodays/months/years/etc. ago
ReportedQuestions In Reported questions we use affirmative word order and the question mark is omitted. To report a wh-question, we use ask followed by the question word (who, what , where etc). When there is no question word in direct questions (an auxilliary question – do, can etc) if or whether is used in reported questions. Pronouns, possesive adjectives, tenses, time expressions etc. change as in statements. DS. He asked, “what time is it.” RS. He asked what time it was. DS. He asked me, “Do you know her?” RS. He asked me if/whether I knew her. Noticethechange in wordorder!
Reported Commands/Requests/Suggestions Toreportcommands, requests, suggestions etc. we use a reportingverb (order, ask, tell, advise, offer, warn, beg, suggest*, promiseetc) followed by a to-infinitiveor a notto-infinitive. Note. *suggestisfollowedbythe –ingform. DS. He said,”shallwegobytrain.” RS. He suggestedgoingbytrain. DS. He saidtothem,”Stoptalking.” RS. He toldthemto stop talking. DS. He saidto me, “Don’ttouchit.” RS. He told me nottotouchit Noticethechange in wordorder!
ReportedSpeech. A Role Play situation You are in a hairdressers in Hollywood. In groups of 3 use the role playcardstoactoutthissituation. Student 1 isthehairdresser. Student 2 is a famous pop singer. Student 3 is a hard of hearingcustomer. S1. Howold are you? S2. I’m 27. S3. Whatdidyouask? S1. I askedherhowoldshewas. S3. Whatdidshesay? S1. Shesaidshewas 27. Students 2 and 3 are underthehairdryers S1. Where do youlive? S2. I live in New York. S3. Whatdidyouask? S1. I askedherwhereshelived. S3. Whatdidshesay? S1. Shesaidshelived in New York.
Possible role play prompt cards for previous role play situation • How old are you? • Where do you live? • Are you married? • Have you ever been to Madrid before? • Do you like Spanish food? • Are you staying here long? • Have you visited Toledo? • Who’s your favourite actor? • Are you making a new LP? • Do you like sports cars? • Do you earn lots of money? • When did you start singing? • Do you write your own songs? • Are you going to try acting? • Do you work hard? • Can you fly a plane? • Do you play squash? • What’s your favourite food? • Are you happy with your life? • Will you be making any more records? • What did you do last year? • Where are you going tomorrow? • Have you got any children? • Where did you go yesterday?
Activity 1. There has been a robbery. Reportthepoliceman’squestionstotheFactory Manager. Clickonthenumbertocheck. 1 What’syourname? 5. Whatdidtheysteal? 2. Didyouseethethieves? 3. Whatweretheywearing? • Has thiseverhappenedbefore? • 7. Wouldyourecognizethemagain. 4. How do youthinktheygot in 4. Thepolicemanaskedhim………. how he thoughttheygot in. 5. Thepolicemanaskedhim……….. whattheyhadstolen. 6. Thepolicemanaskedhim……….. ifthishadeverhappenedbefore 7. Thepolicemanaskedhim………… if he wouldrecognisethemagain • Thepolicemanaskedhim • whathisnamewas……………. • 2. Thepolicemanaskedhim………… • if he sawthethieves. • 3. Thepolicemanaskedhim………. • whattheywerewearing