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Doctorates – a new Action Line in the Bologna Process

Doctorates – a new Action Line in the Bologna Process. Lesley Wilson Secretary General European University Association (EUA) www.eua.be EAIE Torino, Session 8.12, 18 September 2004. Structure. What the Berlin Communiqué says Key issues to be followed up Action Berlin to Bergen

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Doctorates – a new Action Line in the Bologna Process

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  1. Doctorates – a new Action Line in the Bologna Process Lesley Wilson Secretary General European University Association (EUA) www.eua.be EAIE Torino, Session 8.12, 18 September 2004

  2. Structure • What the Berlin Communiqué says • Key issues to be followed up • Action Berlin to Bergen • The role of universities • The EUA Pilot project

  3. I. Berlin Communiqué – Additional ActionEuropean Higher Education & Research Area – 2 pillars of the knowledge based society • Conscious of ….…the importance of research as an integral part of HEd across Europe, Ministers consider it necessary to go beyond the present focus on two main cycles of higher education to include the doctoral level as the third cycle in the Bologna Process. • They emphasise the importance of research/research training & the promotion of interdisciplinarity in maintaining and improving the quality of higher education and in enhancing the competitiveness of European HEd more generally. • Ministers call for increased mobility at the doctoral & postdoctoral levels & encourage the institutions concerned to increase their cooperation in doctoral studies & the training of young researchers.

  4. I.Berlin Communiqué – Additional ActionEuropean Higher Education & Research Area – 2 pillars of the knowledge based society • Ministers will make the necessary effort to make European HEd Institutions an even more attractive and efficient partner. • Therefore Ministers ask Higher Education Institutions to increase the role and relevance of research to technological, social and cultural evolution and to the needs of society. • Ministers understand that there are obstacles inhibiting the achievement of these goals & and these cannot be resolved by Higher Education Institutions alone. • It requires strong support, including financial, and appropriate decisions from national Governments and European Bodies. • Finally, Ministers state that networks at doctoral level should be given support to stimulate the development of excellence and to become one of the hallmarks of the EHEA.

  5. II. Key Issues to be followed up • More generally the links between the EHEA & the role of the universities • Understanding of doctoral level as the third cycle of studies (and as early stage researcher career..) • Role of research training (incl. interdisciplinarity) for the enhancing the quality, competitiveness & attractiveness of the EHEA • Promotion of mobility • Role & relevance of research for society • Identification/removal of ‘obstacles’ thro’ action at all levels (institutional, national, European) • Cooperation & networking at doctoral level

  6. III. Action from Berlin to Bergen • New action line introduced 2003 • Priority for discussion in Bergen – definition of next steps for 2005/2007 • On the basis of an analysis of the present situation • EUA Pilot Project on doctoral programmes 2004/2005 • EUA Conference on Research Training in Maastricht (10/2004) • Bologna Seminar (EUA, Ö, D): recommendations to feed into the drafting process for Bergen (2/2005) • EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions & TRENDS IV – research a priority theme (Glasgow, 31.3/03/04.2005)

  7. IV. The Role of the Universities At the level of the system • Ensure the link between the EHEA & the ERA - mission to both create and disseminate knowledge • Key responsibility for research training At the level of each institution • Promote the integral link between teaching and research • Ensure that research training responds to the changing societal needs & increasingly diverse career paths for young researchers Challenges • At system level: can there be ‘mutual learning’ between the EHEA & the ERA in respect of research training & mobility? • At institutional level: Are universities as institutions up to the challenge?

  8. IV. The Importance of Strong Universities Responsibility for • Developing strategies and defining policies: • Creating a responsive environment able to adapt to new challenges • Stimulating university/industry training partnerships as part of an overall innovation strategy • Integrating a transnational dimension and embedding mobility in all teaching, research & transfer activities • Supporting young researchers via appropriate HR policies = attractive training & working conditions • Providing the framework, the enabling structures & the incentives, e.g. for transnational/intersectoral mobility • Ensuring the proper creative research environment

  9. V. In Support of Institutional DevelopmentEUA Pilot Project :Doctoral Programmes Objectives • Take up the key issues mentioned in the Berlin Communiqué & formulate recommendations for future action • Identify the key characteristics/essential conditions for doctoral programmes in the future >changing environment & expectations • Faciltate the exchange & dissemination of examples of (innovative) good practice among universities & partners • Encourage institutions to assume their responsibilities for research training & the promotion of mobility • Promote inter-institutional cooperation and networking The project is financed by EC DG EAC with support from DG RES

  10. EUA Pilot Project Doctoral Programmes Organisation, Methodology, Key Issues • 49 universities are participating from 30 countries • Working in 6 networks on: structure & organisation, financing/status of doctoral candidates, quality, innovative practice, European cooperation.) • Exchange of good practice, recommendations for action to be prepared Some key issues by way of example: • Innovative practices, e.g. what can we learn from the establishment of graduate schools in different contexts? • What is the link to ongoing curricular reform at BA/MA level? • How to balance the ‘research project’ and the acquisition of additional skills & competences? • Do we want to promote a “Euro-PhD”?

  11. Reminder: Action from Berlin to Bergen • New action line introduced 2003 • Priority for discussion in Bergen – definition of next steps for 2005/2007 • On the basis of an analysis of the present situation • EUA Pilot Project on doctoral programmes 2004/2005 • EUA Conference on Research Training as a Key to a Europe of Knowledge (Maastricht, 10/2004) • Bologna Seminar (EUA, Ö, D): recommendations to feed into the drafting process for Bergen (Salzburg, 2/2005) • EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions & TRENDS IV – research a priority theme (Glasgow, 31.3/03/04.2005)

  12. “Intellectual capital goes where it is wanted and it stays where it is and will be well treated”

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