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BUBBLE LAB. Purpose: to test the hypothesis that bubble making can be affected by changing the properties of a bubble blowing mixture. PROBLEM AND HYPOTHESIS. Create your own Problem and Hypothesis before you start this lab.
BUBBLE LAB Purpose: to test the hypothesis that bubble making can be affected by changing the properties of a bubble blowing mixture.
PROBLEM AND HYPOTHESIS • Create your own Problem and Hypothesis before you start this lab. • Problem: Can bubble making be affected by changing the properties of a bubble blowing mixture? • Hypothesis: If the properties of a bubble blowing mixture are changed then the properties of the bubble will be affected.
MATERIALS • The following will be needed for this lab: • 4 plastic drinking cups • Liquid soap • Water • Table sugar • Salt • Drinking straw • Spoons • China pencil
PROCEDURES • 1. Label the cups 1, 2, and 3 (one number per cup) • 2. Place one teaspoon of liquid soap into each cup. • 3. Add 2/3 of a cup of water to each cup. • 4. Swirl the cups to mix the solution. • 5. Add 2 teaspoon of sugar to cup #2 and swirl the mixture. Wait 3-5 minutes before blowing bubbles. • 6. Add 2 teaspoon of salt to cup #3 and swirl the mixture. Wait 3-5 minutes before blowing bubbles. • 7. Dip the straw into cup #1 and gently blow into it to make a bubble. Practice blowing bubbles.
PROCEDURES CONTINUED • 8.Write down your observations. Use 2- 3 sentences to describe what occurred. • 9.When you have mastered the bubble blowing techniques move on to the next procedure. • 10. Now dip your straw into cup #2 and blow bubbles using the proper bubble blowing technique. • 11. Write down what you observed. • 12. Now dip your straw into cup # 3 and blow bubbles using the correct bubble blowing technique. • 13. Write down your observations. • 14. Next dip your straw into the unknown solution cup and blow bubbles using the correct bubble blowing technique. • 15. Write down your observations. • 16. Write down, in your observation section, which cup # solution the unknown is.
OBSERVATIONS • Place all observations in this section: • Cup # 1 Bubble Blowing Technique • Cup #2 Bubble Blowing Observations • Cup #3 Bubble Blowing Observations • Unknown Cup Bubble Blowing Observations
RESULTS/CONCLUSION • Write and Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. • 1. Did you observe any differences in your ability to produce bubbles using the mixtures in cups 1 and 2? Support your answer using your observations. • 2. Did you observe any differences in your ability to produce bubbles using the mixtures in cups 1 and 3? Support your answer using your observations. • 3. What can you conclude about the effects of sugar and salt on your ability to produce bubbles? Support your answer using the observations. • 4. What was your unknown solution? How did you determine its identity? Support your claim using your observations. • 5. What errors occurred during the lab and why?