Chapter 1 New Media and New Technologies
New Media • “The established differences between author and reader, performer and spectator, creator and interpreter become blurred and give way to a reading writing continuum that extends from the designers of the technology and networks to the final recipient, each one contributing to the other—the disappearance of the signature.”
New Media • Globalization • Shift from audiences to users and consumers to producers. • Decentering of established and centralized geopolitical orders • New textual experiences • Computer games, simulations, special effects cinema
Digital & Analogue Media Digital Media Analogue Media • All input are converted into numbers – Digitization • Dealing with mathematics, electronic engineering, miniaturization and compression • Non-linear • Interactivity • Dematerialized • Photo print, book, roll of film • Input is converted to another physical object • Dealing with physics or chemistry • Linear • Passive • Materialized
Characteristics of New Media - Interactive Communications • Hypertextual Navigation (Above, Beyond, Outside) • User constructs an individualized text • Non sequential • Registrational interactivity (CMC) • Add text by registering messages • Immersive Navigation • Navigating representations of space or simulated 3D worlds • Configuration • User and software are engaged in refashioning one another.
Centralized Media • “Capitalism is becoming ever more tightly organized through dispersal, geographical mobility, and the flexible responses in labor markets, labor processes and consumer markets, all accompanied by hefty doses of institutionalized, produce and technological innovation.” – David Harvey • Hollywood films, chains, networks, conglomerates (media + other businesses), vertical integration
Disbursed Media • The new media determine a segmented, differentiated audience that, although, massive in terms of numbers, is no longer a mass audience in terms of simultaneity and uniformity of the message it receives. The new media are no longer mass media . . . Sending a limited number of messages to a homogenous mass audience. Because of the multiplicity of messages and sources, the audience itself becomes more selective. The targeted audience tends to choose its messages, so deepening its segmentation.”- Sabbah 1985 • Computer server – input/output • Prosumer = Desktop publishing, software – editorial and design technologies, digital cameras, video on mobile phones, digital distribution through YouTube
Appeal to Minority Interests • “A new media economics is being recognized, one that does not aim to address large single audiences but instead seeks out the myriad of minority interests and niche markets that the net is able to support.”
Prosumers • “In media industries, the craft bases and apprenticeship systems that maintained quality and protected jobs have broken down more or less completely, so that the question of how anyone becomes ‘qualified’ to be a media producer is more a matter of creating a track record and portfolio for yourself than following any pre-established routes.” • P. 35
Prosumers Video • A London Think Tank Researcher