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1. The Balkans: Problems and ProspectsVladimir GligorovBrussels, December 9
2. Contents Growth and external imbalances
Effects of crisis
Growth prospects
Regional and EU integration
3. GDP per capita, 2008EUR at PPPs
4. Real GDP growth in CEE and SEE, 2000 = 100
5. FDI stock, per capita, in NMS and SEEC, 2000-2008, EUR
6. FDI stock, per capita, in NMS and SEEC, 2000-2008, EUR
7. Industrial production, 2008
8. Exports of goods and services (BOP)in % of GDP
9. Exports in NMS and SEE, EUR mn
10. Exports of goods and services (BOP) in % of GDP
11. Technology-driven industries, as % of total manufacturing exports to the EU
12. Low-skill industries,as % of total manufacturing exports to the EU
13. Labour-intensive industries, as % of total manufacturing exports to the EU
14. Trade balances of goods and services and income balances 2000-2008, in % of GDP
15. Trade balances of goods and services and income balances 2000-2008, in % of GDP
16. Trade balance (commodities) in % of GDP in SEE and CEE
17. Current account in % of GDP in SEE and CEE
18. Private transfers in SEEin % of GDP
19. Components of the Balance of Paymentsin % of GDP, 2008
20. Gross external debt in % of GDP
21. Gross external debt in % of exports of goods and services (BOP)
22. General government budget balance, in % of GDP
23. Labour market indicators 2008LFS, in % average
24. Unemployment rates, 2007-2009in %, annual average, LFS
25. The main problem Weak tradeable sector
External imbalances
Low domestic savings
26. GDP growth rates, 2005-2010year-on-year, growth in %
27. Industrial production growth, 2005-2010year-on-year, growth in %
29. Industrial production: very slow recoveryIndustrial production, July 2008 = 100
30. Foreign trade: very weak recovery
31. Foreign trade: exports flat
32. Exchange rates*Flexible exchange rate: drastic real depreciation after September 20082008-2009, EUR NCU, Jan. 2008 = 100
33. Exchange rates*De-facto fixed exchange rate: modest real depreciation after September 2008 2008-2009, EUR NCU, Jan. 2008 = 100
34. Exchange rates*Currency board or euro as legal tender: minor real depreciation after September 20082008-2009, EUR NCU, Jan. 2008 = 100
35. Consumer prices, 2008-2009August 2008 = 100
36. Integration Regional cooperation – trade and investment – Resenstein-Rodan big push policies – however it is a small and shrinking region
European Union perspective – key for stability and also regional cooperation
37. Conclusions There are no quick fixes
Growth model has to be reconsidered due to sustainability and feasibility issues
Savings will have to be increased and consumption will have to grow slowly if at all in the medium term
Economic policies will have to be changed and structural reforms wil be necessary with the aim to change the real exchange rate