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Early American Inventions of the Gilded Age

Early American Inventions of the Gilded Age. Inventions That Improved Transportation. 1. Invention: Airplane Inventor(s ) Name(s ): Orville and Wilber Wright Year the Invention was created and/or patented: Dec. 17, 1903 (Patented in March 1903)

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Early American Inventions of the Gilded Age

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  1. Early American Inventions of the Gilded Age

  2. Inventions That Improved Transportation

  3. 1. Invention: Airplane • Inventor(s) Name(s): Orville and Wilber Wright • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • Dec. 17, 1903 (Patented in March 1903) • Interesting fact about the invention: • Very important in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. • Impact on society: • Travel long distances quicker. • Created a new industry.

  4. 2. Invention: Automobile • Inventor(s) Name(s): • Henry Ford • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • Model T invented and patented --1903 • Interesting facts about the invention: • Ford could produce large quantities quickly and inexpensively. • First affordable car. • Model –T and movable parts Assembly Line improved in 1908. • Impact on society: • Created the modern suburb. • Increased jobs, mobility ,travel

  5. Inventions That Improved Communication & Entertainment

  6. 3. Invention: Telephone • Inventor(s) Name(s): • Alexander Graham Bell • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • 1876 (patented the same year) Interesting facts about the invention: • the telephone connection to your house has not changed in nearly a century • By 1880 almost 49,000 telephones were in use. • Impact on society: • Revolutionized communication (instant communication ) • New Industry, jobs, socializing. How to use a rotery phone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIDw75mUl6c&feature=relmfu

  7. 4. Radio • Inventor(s) Name(s): - GuglielmoMarconi • Year the Invention was created: • Invented -1895 • Interesting facts about the invention: • David Sarnoff created NBC. (1stbroadcasting company. • By 1933, two-thirds of American homes had at least one radio, twice as many as those with telephones. • Impact on society: • Changed our lives by improving entertainment, information, & news.

  8. Radio: The Broadcast Industry • David Sarnoff • Broadcast: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukk6_OF0UPU • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3gjRDzss0M

  9. 5. Invention: Movies • Inventor(s) Name(s): - Thomas Edison (moving picture camera –kinetoscope) • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • Edison: 1893/1894 • Interesting facts about the invention: • First talking movie ever filmed was the “Jazz Singer.” • 1890 -1927, thousands of silent films were produced • Impact on society: • News ,entertainment, jobs, created celebrities.

  10. Electrification and Labor-Saving Inventions

  11. 6. Invention: Washing Machine • Inventor(s) Name(s): • Hamilton Smith • William Blackstone • Otto Warburg • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • Otto Warburg: 1908 (The “Thor”) • Interesting fact about the invention: • First electric commercial washer • Impact on society: • Created the soap industry and additional leisure time.

  12. 7. Invention: Electric Stove • Inventor(s) Name(s): -William S. Hadaway Jr. • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • - 1896awarded the first U.S. patent for an electric stove. • Interesting facts about the invention: • Limited at first to wired-up cities • Increased use after rural electrification projects of the 1930s and '40s • Impact on society: • Created jobs, cooking ease, additional leisure time and safety.

  13. 8. Invention: Water Pumps • Inventor(s) Name(s): - John G. Appold • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • Year credited for invention - 1851 (not electrified, yet) • Interesting facts about the invention: • First brought into the home in the late 1800s. • -Impact on society: • running water in homes and businesses.

  14. 9. Invention: Electric Lighting • Inventor(s) Name(s): • Thomas Edison • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • Patented on January 27, 1880. • Interesting fact about the invention: • In the 1920s people changed from gas to electric lighting which is safer. • Impact on society: • Provided light after the sun set and increased work hours. • Improved safety.

  15. NOTES: Early American Inventions

  16. Henry Ford’s Bright Idea:(Summarize the main ideas found in this section.) • Name the important person(s) & what he/she did:   • Two Important Facts:

  17. The Wright Brothers:(Summarize the main ideas found in this section.) -Orville and Wilber Wright invented the first plane which flew in Kitty Hawk, NC on Dec. 17, 1903; this invention made it possible to travel by air. • Name the important person(s) & what he/she did: • Orville and Wilber Wright: First Plane • Two Important Facts:

  18. Turn on the Radio:(Summarize the main ideas found in this section.) • Communication and information distribution improved by the invention of the telephone, telegraph, phonograph, motion pictures, and radio. • Name the important person(s) & what he/she did: • Telephone: 1876 • Telegraph: 1844 • Phonograph: 1877 • Motion pictures: 1895 • Radio: 1920s • Two Important Facts:

  19. Home Sweet 1914 Home:(Summarize the main ideas found in this section.) •  Many inventions improved the lives of families, saved time such as the refrigerator, washing machine, running water, toaster, and electric stove. • Two Important Facts:

  20. More Inventions of the Gilded Age

  21. Invention: Phonograph (Recorded sound/music) • Inventor(s) Name(s): Thomas Alva Edison • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • Invented 1877; Patented 1878 • 2 interesting facts about the invention: • Recorded music, speeches, sound on cylinders. • Lead to inventions such as CD’s & Ipods.

  22. Invention: Refrigerators • Inventor(s) Name(s): -Carl Paul Gottfried von Linde • Year the Invention was created and/or patented: • 1877 • 2 interesting facts about the invention: • First small fringe cost $25. • Food could last longer.

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