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Explore the thrilling world of crime thrillers, from high-paced action to suspenseful mysteries. Discover the various sub-genres like thriller mystery, erotic thriller, psychological thriller, and supernatural thriller, each offering a unique twist and keeping you on the edge of your seat with unexpected plot twists and engaging characters.
Thriller Research Thriller Research Joe Irvine Varndean college Joe Irvine Varndean college
Thriller sub genresCrime ThrillerCrime thriller contain many criminal activities throughout and are usually very fast paced the use of violence is used frequently. They are usually fiction as the events are so extreme that they would not take place in real life, this is good as it makes the film more exciting as the possibilities are endless on what crime thrillers can do. Crime thriller also use a lot of suspense and use a lot of spying where the audience know something's going to happen but the character being watched don't know. In crime fiction, the hero might be a police officer, or a private eye, who can still be tough and resourceful. He is pitted against villains determined to destroy him, although, unlike in thrillers, not necessarily other people, the country or the stability of the free world and usually the hero will be able to overcome the obstacles set out.An example of a crime thriller film is the film could be the film ‘Lawless’ which is set in the 1930 to 1940 and there is a war between in the great depression there is a 3 brothers who own a bootlegging business. But end up having their business being a risk from a new deputy which causes many conflicts.
Thriller mysteryIn thriller mystery you do not know the identity till far into the film the hero will have to stop the plans of the villain. The villain will usually be very ruthless and harm innocent people where as in mystery films it usually focuses on small crimes. Thriller mystery usually have the villain to have a large scale plan and anyone can get affected in the film ( no one is safe) Thriller mystery never have one crime that is committed with no meaning there is usually and larger scale behind it e.g. in ‘se7en’ he doesn't just murder people for the sake of it but because of his religious beliefs.An example of a thriller mystery would be the film ‘se7en’ which involves 2 detectives a rookie and a veteran, who are trying to hunt down a serial killer which a motive of the seven deadly sins
Erotic ThrillerErotic thriller has an emphasis on eroticm where there a sexual relationships throughout. Erotic Thriller usually involve disturbing sexual acts and also usually involve aspects of mystery thriller. There are usually not hero's instead main character which have to overcome something mental rather than physical and which affects a small amount of people.An example of a erotic thriller film is ‘Single White female’ is about a woman who leaves her boyfriend and is looking for a lodger to live in her house so she can afford the rent. All of the applicants seem weird until a level headed woman turns up as seem fine at first but later on a disturbing secret of the visitor is revealed to the ‘Single white female’
Psychological ThrillerIn which (until the often violent resolution) the conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional, rather than physical. Characters, either by accident or their own curiousness, are dragged into a dangerous conflict or situation that they are not prepared to resolve. Characters are not reliant on physical strength to overcome their brutish enemies, but rather are reliant on their mental resources, whether it be by battling wits with a formidable opponent or by battling for equilibrium in the character's own mind. At times, the characters attempt solving, or are involved in, a mystery. The suspense created by psychological thrillers often comes from two or more characters preying upon one another's minds, either by playing deceptive games with the other or by merely trying to demolish the other's mental state.An example of a psychological thriller would be the film ‘Paranormal Activity’ which always ends in a violent resolution but always start slow and begins to build up keeping the audience on their seat. The film is about a couple who move to a suburban which seems great longer through the film strange things begin to happen to the couple.
Supernatural ThrillerSupernatural thriller are fiction and involve unworldly elements (fantasy) They put the audience on their seat and always involve aspects of horror. Sometimes the villain or villains will have supernatural powers or the hero will experience supernatural things that will put he/she in danger. The plot is usually twisted as they will want the audience to think something else is happening until the conclusion. An example of a ‘Supernatural Thriller’ is the film ‘Lady in the water’ which is about Apartment building superintendent Cleveland Heep rescues what he thinks is a young woman from the pool he maintains. When he discovers that she is actually a character from a bedtime story who is trying to make the journey back to her home, he works with his tenants to protect his new friend from the creatures that are determined to keep her in our world.
Thriller extra ordinary events happening in ordinary places In the film Sixth Sense they start with a cold looking celler which is dark a woman comes down to collect a bottle of wine from the ceiler giving the impression she is wealthy. The camera shot is from behind the wine rack to give the impression that she is being watched by something. This gives tension to the audience by making them expect something bad happening. She runs from the ceiler after grabbing the wine as she seems spooked by something. The shot which gives the impression that she is being watched. And her costumes shows that she is wealthy as she is wearing a expensive dress also the character as a celler. Living room scene The next shot is of her coming into the living room where her husband. The room is light and there is a fire pit going giving the impression of warmth and comfort this is completely opposite to the celler. There are children cards on the shelf giving the impression he works with children and that he is a loving man as they say “thank you” on them. The scene give the audience a background story of these 2 people.
Thriller extra ordinary events happening in ordinary places • The next shot is of them entering the bedroom they are playful at first but then relies that the window is broken. The man walks round to fun a man standing in the bathroom in distress. This causes a large change of mood in the scene from playfulness to fear. The 2 characters from before are odinary people where as the man standing in the bathroom seems to be not mentally well. The objects in the room are normal and the only thing that does not fit in with the scene that gives distress is the disturbed man. The 2 men talk and the husband begins to realise he knows him. The man becomes more and more distressed when eventually when the husband tries to approach him, he gets shot.
Narrative themes and conventions In the film “Sixth Sense” they use a false path throughout the film until the end where is resolved and you realise what's going on this makes the film very interesting it also means that you are able to watch the film again as they put clues through out the film on what's going to happen. Throughout the film “Sixth Sense” you believe that this doctor Is trying to help this child who believes that he can see dead people. At the start of the movie the man get shot by one of his past patients but after this the shot goes to the doctor waiting for the child. You assume that the doctor lived from the gun shot and that he is going to work on his next patient. He works with the child who reveals that he is able to see dead people and that he is afraid and cannot get away from them. The doctor trys to help him to cure him of seeing dead people but in a twist the doctor finds out that he is actually dead himself and the child is helping him as well as helping the child. You find out as the film reveals certain shots showing other sides of the story and how when he thought that involved him they actually didn’t for example when he enters to restaurant to talk to his wife and she leaves and pays for herself and he thinks she is ignoring him as he is late but It is actually because she cannot see him. When you watch the film these clues are given throughout for the viewer to look for after watching the film again.
Hitchcock Hitchcock was one of the greatest directors when making thriller movies and he created the sub-genre of psychological thriller. He created techniques of creating tension without using pure gore and revealing everything to the audience he was a firm believe that less was more. And he preferred thriller to horror as he was able to be more creative and to try new techniques in thriller films. He features more than 50 films. He was from England and had been involved in creating silent movies and the first talking movies. He died at the age of 80 and is still a major influence on how thriller films are done today. He started making films in England Then after a few years he started making movies for Hollywood This is where his careers began to explode and what made him So popular and inspiring.
Mise en Scene • Setting-The setting can effect the mood of a scene drastically as you are able to do so much with it and it can influence the viewer feelings. If you want your film to have tension and to make the viewer uncomfortable they can use the setting In a very dark place e.g. a woods. This would be effective as in the woods there are many places for a villain to hide also if it dark then it hard to see and to spot things. Darkness is used frequently in a thriller as it adds tension to the viewer as they don’t know what's going on ( fear of the unknown) also because it can be used very effectively to make people jump and to give them a feeling of adrenaline. An example of the use of Mis en scene for setting in a film is ‘Bullet Boy’ the way they have done this by making the setting a urban background making the film feel gritty and dangerous. Props- Props can also be used to add tension they can also be used for the to give to give the audience clues on what's about to happen or if something bad is going to happen to the person in the film e.g. the use of a picture of someone being stabbed in the background would make the audience think that the person is about to be stabbed by someone. Props can also be used in a murder scene as you are able to use a gun or weapon to show someone getting shot. They used props in the film ‘Se7en’ effectively by showing books of religious images and people being tortured this is good because this shows that this film is going to involve tortured with a religious incentive .
Mise en scene Costume and makeup- there is huge possibility in how costume and makeup can be used in films. Costumes can be made to show how respected a figure Is or how wealthy they are for example if you see someone in a expensive suit then you know that they have wealth and are probably well respected where as if you see someone in a ripped top and scruffy trousers then you assume that they are from are poor and probably have a low amount of respect and power. This can also be show through makeup as you are able to use make up to make someone look more healthy or making them look more gritty. Costumes and makeup are also used to display the emotions of the characters by using certain clothing items for example if someone is wearing bright colours then the director is most likely trying to display that they are happy and are confident where as if they were wearing dark cloths. Which were seen as gothic then this will make the audience assume that they are depressed and not confident. They use makeup in the film watchmen to show the woman crying at the funeral. Costumes can also effect the narrative of the film for example dracualars cape which is used to capture victims is a very. Also caps are very symbolic of power and also danger. Also the use of colour in make up and costumes can display the mood of a character very easily for example the colour red is very symbolic of blood and death. They use costumes in the film ‘Bullet Boy’ to show that the person is In prison as they are wearing a prison outfit.
Mise en scene Figure expression / facial expression (acting)- how someone acts can effect the Mise en scene massively and could be argued that is one of the most important aspects of the Mise en scene. The reason for this is that there are an endless amount of possibility on how actors can show how they feel through acting of for example if someone feel sad then the actor can cry to show that they are upset or if they are in joy you can show the actor jumping around laughing. This acting is used in thriller when you know something bad is going to happen and they will show the acting being in distress this make the audience feel distressed as well. Usually in thrillers they want the actors to act similar to how someone viewing the film would believe they would act. They can also make the actor do things that will make the audience feel even more distressed and in less control for example someone here something coming from a dark room, the audience usually doesn’t want them to investigate the room as they know something bad is going to happen so in the film the will show the actor entering the room. A good example of Mise en scene in thriller is the film ‘Bricks’ at the start where the boy is looking at the dead body his facial expression plays a huge part in the mood of the scene and shows how sad and mysterious the opening is. Also facial expression and close ups of people facing can be used to show how someone is feeling or can be used for a villain watching someone. Also they can use very close up shots of only certain parts of someone face for example the director doesn’t want to reveal to the audience who the villain is till the end so the director can show the villain watching someone or planning something by only showing there eyes this reveals the emotions of the villain it also stops the audience from seeing the villain. This is usually used for mystery thriller
Mise en scene Lighting and colour-lighting has a massive effect on the mise en scene as you are able to portray tension through lighting as well as happiness and security. For example if you show a scene of someone walking through a tunnel and it’s a zombie apocalypses you will expect the colours to be dark and gritty and for the viewer to be able to see very little. This would ad tension as it is the fear of the unknown all it causes the audience to believe that they are about to see something that is going to scare them. If you wanted to portray happiness for example a wedding day the colours and lighting will be bright with the sun up and people where whites and blues as these are soft colours as well. This makes the audience feel happy and giving the feeling that nothing could go wrong. Colour can also be used to make the appearance of someone different it can make someone look distressed and gritty with dark colours and dark cloths and it can also make people look happy with light cloths and light colours. They use lighting in the film ‘Sixth Sense’ at the start with the cold dark room in the cellershows how cold the room is and also displays a level of discomfort to the character.
Typical thriller characters You have the antagonist in a thriller this will be the criminal/villain that is going against the hero’s in the film for example In the film se7en he is going against them by killing more people and making it hard for them to find out his identity. In many thriller film the identity of the villain will be kept secret till the end for example you only find out who the person who is committing the murders in “se7en” by the end. But in some thriller films you know who the villain is from the start it really does depend on the subgenre of the film if it is a mystery thriller than it will be highly likely that you will not find out who the villain Is till the end where as in a action film you will probably find out who the villain Is very earlier on. In some thriller films they will make the villain seem almost invincible and the hero has a low chance of defeating him. A director that has done this in many films and has done it very effectively is Rob Reiner. He is known for the film “The Princess Bride” the film is a about a evil prince that seems unbeatable because of his social states and a distressed princess that is trying to be free from him, the genre of this movies is fantasy as it contains mythical creatures.
Typical thriller characters • The other type of character that you will see in a thriller film is the Protagonist. They will usually be a victim and seem helpless to what is going on in the film. They usually act in a similar way to how a ordinary person acts they are included in thriller films for the audience to connect with the character and to make the audience feel the distress that she fills for example in the film the “Grudge” is contains a ordinary child that seems helpless and cannot get away from this horrific curse I believe that they used a young child for two main reasons. One is that he is helpless so the audience feel more distressed when watching and they can relate to how he must be filling as everyone has been a child. The other reason I believe they used a child Is that the audience is able to feel helpless as well as a child I someone that most people would like to help also if they have children they can relate to the fillings they would have if that was happening to there child. • The Protagonist will usually have a flaw in there life for example a alcoholic this is done so that the audience don’t get the feeling that they are perfect and also gives the audience that tension that the villain will exploit this weakness. Protagonist will usually be places in a dangerous place that is uncomfortable for them and they are not used too.
Diegetic and non-diegetic sound • In a thriller scene there are 2 types of sounds there are the natural sounds of the scene for example a bird sings. And there are the sounds that are not natural and are added when editing e.g. music (soundtrack) for example the sound of birds in the early morning in the opening scene of Donydarko this is an example of a Diegetic sounds. • Diegetic sounds can be used to add tension in the scene as there are many natural sounds that people represent with danger for example a wolf howling. They are also used to add realism to the scene and to improve the narrative • Non-diegetic sounds can also be used to add tension in a scene for example the music begins to speed up become louder this will add tension to the scene. Another way they add tension with the use of diegetic sounds is by having silence with the non-diegetic sounds to add tension as this makes the audience believe something bad is going to happen also when this event that is being built up the sudden shock is reinforced by the fast music then silence. An example of a open scene that use music for a great effect is in the opening to the film ‘Se7en’ where at the start there is someone planning some sort of plan and the music becomes more dramatic as the scene goes on it also gives clues to what the film is going to be about.
Thriller films and audience • Thriller films can create tension and hanging of your seat filling for the audience this can be done through excitement this is done by building up something amazing about to happen and then when it happens the audience has been so built up that it seems more amazing to them the ways they do this is by giving the audience little hints at what's going to happen without revealing to much for example in the film Die hard you can tell from the start that something bad is about to happen or that there is going to be some sort of action that is going to take place. • They also use suspense in thriller with use of audio (suspense music) or they also make suspense by getting the character to do something that makes the audience feel uncomfortable for example going into a dark a spooky room. They also build up that something bad is about to happen to that person but make it seem that the character is completely unaware of what's going to happen to them. • They give the audience high levels of anticipation by giving them clues of what about to happen as I have said above.
Thriller films and audience They use ultra high expectation for the audience this can be used to give the film a twist for the audience so that they think that they have figured out what has happened in the film but at the end they realise they were wrong this is good as it makes the audience think where they went wrong but it also means that people can interpret the film in there own way. A good example of this Is in the film “sixth sense” where you realize at the end that he is dead and the boy has been helping him. They also use uncertainty this makes the audience on age as they are unsure of what going on and also many people fear the unknown so this Is used frequently in films. Anxiety of the characters this can be used well if the audience have become very involved with the film and feel as if they are going through what the characters are going through and can relate to them. This works well because if the character feels anxious about something then there is a high chance that the audience will feel anxious about it as well. Voyeuristic behave used from the villain can ad huge amounts of tension for the audience for as the audience know that the character are being watched but the protagonists don’t. Also the behave of someone watching someone doing something sexual without the person knowing can be seen as disturbing to the audience.