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MATIENZO TREES. DECIDUOUS Alder Ash Beech Birch Black Locust Black poplar Blackthorn Common Dogwood Crabapple Crack Willow Elder Field Maple. CONIFERS Larch Monterey Pine Yew EVERGREENS Bay Eucalyptus Holm Oak Holly Italian Buckthorn Mock Privet Strawberry Tree. Fig

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MATIENZO TREES DECIDUOUS Alder Ash Beech Birch Black Locust Black poplar Blackthorn Common Dogwood Crabapple Crack Willow Elder Field Maple CONIFERS Larch Monterey Pine Yew EVERGREENS Bay Eucalyptus Holm Oak Holly Italian Buckthorn Mock Privet Strawberry Tree Fig Grey Willow Hawthorn Hazel Lime Pendunculate Oak Plane Pyrenean Oak Sessile Oak Spindle Tree Sweet Chestnut Whitebeam Wych Elm

  2. LarchLarix deciduaAlerce A deciduous conifer. A small plantation exists on Muela near site 168. return

  3. Monterey PinePinus radiataPino insigne return

  4. YewTaxus baccataTejo This specimen is near the top of Muela return

  5. BayLaurus nobilisLaurel Its aromatic leaves can be used in cookery return

  6. EucalyptusEucalyptus globulusEucalipto These trees are near sites 2816 and 2817 return

  7. Holm oakQuercus ilexEncina The most common of the evergreens return

  8. HollyIlex aquifoliumAcebo return

  9. Italian BuckthornRhamnus alaternusAladierno This small evergreen tree can be recognised by the glossy light green underside of the leaves (or the display of its red berries) return

  10. Mock PrivetPhillyrea latifoliaLabiérnago This small evergreen has pairs of leaves opposite each other return

  11. Strawberry TreeArbutus unedoAborto or Madroño Among the unusual features of this tree: it has edible fruit that are on the tree in autumn together with the flowers for next year’s fruit return

  12. AlderAlnus glutinosaAliso return

  13. AshFraxinus excelsiorFresno return

  14. BeechFagus sylvaticaHaya An old beech tree near the bottom entrance of Cave 42 and the beechwood at Seldesuto. return

  15. BirchBetula pubescensAbedul This large birch tree is on El Naso, above La Secada return

  16. Black LocustRobinia pseudoacaciaFalsa Acacia These invasive trees can be seen in the area around Matienzo return

  17. Black poplar Populus nigraÁlamo or Chopo negro return

  18. BlackthornPrunus spinosaEndrino Spectacular blossom in spring and sloes for making pacharán in summer return

  19. Common DogwoodCornus sanguineaCornejo The leaves turn red in late summer return

  20. Crabapple Malus sylvestrisManzano silvestre return

  21. Crack WillowSalix fragilisMimbrera This tree is near the mill in La Secada return

  22. ElderSambucus nigraSaúco return

  23. Field MapleAcer campestreArce return

  24. FigFicus caricaHiguera Not just a garden tree. Like these examples, outside site 504, and struggling to survive in the entrance of Cueva del Agua return

  25. Grey WillowSalix atrocinereaSalguera Negra These examples are by Cueva Tablons return

  26. HawthornCrataegus monogynaEspino Albar return

  27. HazelCorylus avellanaAvellano return

  28. LimeTilia platyphyllosTilo This specimen is by the river in La Secada return

  29. Pendunculate OakQuercus roburRoble or Cagiga The most common deciduous oak in Matienzo: the acorns have a long stem return

  30. PlanePlatanus orientalisPlátano They can occasionally be found in other places than by the side of the road. This tree is the valley near Torca de Arnilla. return

  31. Pyrenean OakQuercus pyrenaicaRebollo A smaller oak. The leaves are very irregular and tend to stay on the tree after turning brown in Autumn return

  32. Sessile OakQuercus petraeaRoble Albar Not common in Matienzo; this example is at Seldesuto. The acorns have no stem, while the leaves have a short stem. return

  33. Spindle TreeEuonymus europaeusBonetero return

  34. Sweet ChestnutCastanea sativaCastaño This huge chestnut tree is near site 23 return

  35. WhitebeamSorbus ariaMostajo return

  36. Wych ElmUlmus glabraOlmo de Montaña Many specimens of these trees can be seen at Seldesuto, identified by the assymetrical base of the leaves, or their seed pods in early spring. return

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