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Fast Switching Devices, High-Power Amplifiers, Novel RF & Magnetic Materials, and/or Induction RF at CLIC. Frank Zimmermann, CERN thanks to Ralph Assmann, Hans Braun, Fritz Caspers, Roberto Corsini, Phil Burrows, Daniel Schulte, Ken Takayama. RPIA 2006. Outline. overview of CLIC
Fast Switching Devices, High-Power Amplifiers, Novel RF & Magnetic Materials, and/or Induction RF at CLIC Frank Zimmermann, CERN thanks to Ralph Assmann, Hans Braun, Fritz Caspers, Roberto Corsini, Phil Burrows, Daniel Schulte, Ken Takayama RPIA 2006
Outline • overview of CLIC • extraction kicker for 1st drive-beam combiner ring • modulators for drive-beam linac • fast IP feedback • crab cavities • induction rf in damping ring? • emergency beam dumps along main linac? • halo kicker? • long-range beam-beam compensation? • pulsed flux concentrator for e+ capture • after target? • pulsed wiggler in the linac? • spent beam extraction? needed needed & conventional solution exists new ideas
Compact LInear Collider - CLIC • linear e-e+ collider with a c.m. energy reach of 3-5 TeV • fully complementary to LHC • key features: • high accelerating gradient ~150 MV/m → high rf frequency, ‘compact’ size • two-beam acceleration → energy stored in drive beam and rf power generated locally • central injector → fully loaded normal-conducting linac with 96% rf-to-beam power-transfer efficiency → rf frequency multiplication and power compression • physics motivation: • probe beyond the standard model • origin of mass, unification of forces, origin of flavors
2010 2005 2000 1995 Hans Braun A short history of CLIC Demo of all ILC-TRC feasibility issues Design & parameter revision satisfy physics demands, comply with RF limitations Cost estimate TDR CLIC Physics report 2nd ILC-TRC identifies feasibility issues CTF II 190 MV/m ! CTF3 nB 3→15 GHz! US MTLC (=Multi TeV Linear Collider) collaboration EUROTeV CDR NC structure crisis New drive beam scheme CLIC accelerated R&D initiative. Collaboration effort for 2010 feasibility demo New parameters, please physics demands mulitbunch, 150 MV/m CTF3, DB demoLow IB CTF 3, drive beam generation demo 30 Structures with nominal parameters Decelerator and representative unit demo 1st ILC-TRC Early years: A. Sessler, W. Schnell Single bunch, 80 MV/m SC drive beam linac First CTF CTF II*, 30GHz power CTF II, two beam demo CLIC is ~5 years behind ILC, feasibility proof after 1-2 years of LHC operation
CLIC TUNNEL CROSS-SECTION 3.8 m diameter CLIC TWO-BEAM SCHEME • Sessler 1982, • W. Schnell 1986 Drive beam - 180 A, 70 ns from 2.4 GeV to 400 MeV with -9MV/m QUAD QUAD POWER EXTRACTION AND TRANSFER STRUCTURE (=PETS) ACCELERATING 30 GHz - 150 MW STRUCTURES Main beam – 1.5 A, 58 ns from 9 GeV to 1.5 TeV with 150MV/m BPM CLIC MODULE (6000 modules at 3 TeV) CLIC can be built in stages simple tunnel, no active elements
Hans Braun Accelerating fields achieved in CLIC Test Facility II High gradient tests of new structures with molybdenum irises reached 190 MV/m peakaccelerating gradient without any damage well above the nominal CLIC accelerating field of 150 MV/m but with RF pulse length of 16 ns only (nominal 70 ns) new design copper new design tungsten old design copper 30 cell clamped molybden-iris structure A world record !!! 3rd Generation CTF-III now provides nominal 30-GHz rf power at nominal pulse length
CLIC 3 TeV 352 klystrons 40 MW, 94 ms delay 21 m drive beam accelerator 2.37 GeV, 937 MHz CR1 84 m combiner rings CR2 334 m decelerator, 21 sectors of 669 m BDS 2.6 km BDS 2.6 km IP1 & IP2 BC2 e- main linac , 30 GHz, 150 MV/m, 14 km BC2 e+ main linac 33.6 km train combination DB 16 cm→ 8cm booster linac, 9 GeV, 3.75 GHz BC1 e- injector 2.4 GeV e+ injector, 2.4 GeV e+ DR 360m e- DR 360m
modulators possible ‘RPIA’ contributions 352 klystrons 40 MW, 94 ms drive beam accelerator 2.37 GeV, 937 MHz extraction kicker fast IP feedback emergency beam dumps? emergency beam dumps? crab cavities pulsed wiggler? long-range beam-beam compensation? halo kicker?s pulsed wiggler? pulsed flux concentrator after e+ target? induction rf?
Power stored in electron beam Power extracted from beam in resonant structures 350 Klystrons low frequency high efficiency 48000 Accelerating Structures high frequency high gradient Electron beam manipulation Short RF Pulses PA = P0 N1 tA = t0 / N2 nA = n0 N3 Long RF Pulses P0 , n0 , t0 CLIC RF Power Source The CLIC RF power source can be described as a “black box”, combining very long RF pulses, and transforming them in many short pulses, with higher power and with higher frequency Roberto Corsini, HEP2005
Full beam-loading acceleration in TW sections P , n 0 0 Transverse RF Deflector, n 0 2 P , 2 ´ ´ n 0 0 Beam combination and separation by transverse RF deflectors P , n 0 0 Deflecting Field RF POWER SOURCE “BUILDING BLOCKS” No RF to load RF in High beam current Most of RF power to the beam “short” structure - low Ohmic losses Roberto Corsini, HEP2005
RF Transverse Deflectors Drive Beam Decelerator Section (2 21 in total) Power Extraction Drive beam time structure - final Drive beam time structure - initial 70 ns 70 ns 4.5 ms 100 ms train length - 32 21 2 sub-pulses - 5.7 A 2.5 GeV - 64 cm between bunches 2 21 pulses – 180 A - 2 cm between bunches Layout of CLIC RF Power Source Roberto Corsini, HEP2005 Delay Loop 2 gap creation, pulse compression & frequency multiplication Drive Beam Accelerator efficient acceleration in fully loaded linac modulators Combiner Ring 4 pulse compression & frequency multiplication Combiner Ring 4 pulse compression & frequency multiplication extraction kicker extraction kicker
schematic of drive-beam linac rf power source 40 MW 40 MW
drive-beam modulators • should provide 40 MW power in 100 ms pulse, energy per pulse ~4 kJ, at 150 Hz • in order to feed 937 MHz multi-beam klystron & generate long RF pulse • average power is >3 times larger than for other projects: • TESLA/ILC main linac modulators 10-MW with 1.7 ms pulse length for 1.3 GHz rf, energy per pulse: ~20 kJ, at 10 Hz • FNAL s.c. proton driver 20 MW, 1 ms , 1.2 GHz • NLC/JLC/GLC main-beam rf pulse (1-beam klystron) 640 MW, 1680 A, 380 kV for 3 ms, ~2 kJ/ pulse, 11.4 GHz klystrons, 120 Hz, solid-state induction peak power: 40 MW, pulse length; 100 ms, 150 pulses per second
extraction kicker for 1st combiner ring time structure of required kicker pulse 84 cycles per pulse pulse frequency 150 Hz flat top 210 ns rise time < 70 ns zero 770 ns fall time < 70 ns kick strength > 0.1 Tm or 20 MV rise time < 70 ns flat top = 210 ns pulse period = 1120 ns 84 cycles per pulse 150 pulses / s beam energy 2 GeV b~10 m kick angle ~10 mrad → kick strength ~ 0.1 Tm or 2x107 (V/m) m
fast intratrain IP feedback Last line of defence against relative beam misalignment Key components: • Beam position monitor (BPM) • Signal processor • Fast driver amplifier • E.M. kicker • Fast FB circuit Phil Burrows, CLIC BDS Day, 22.11.2005 Best Prototype: FONT3 (2004-5) at KEK/ATF, Queen-Mary U. London/Oxford Group Ultra-fast demonstration of FB: latency 23 ns 3 stripline BPMs high-power solid-state amplifier delay loop for preventing ‘overcorrection’
IP feedback layout Adjustable-gap kicker BPM 1 Superfast amplifier Superfast BPM processor Aim (FONT3): TOTAL latency < 20 ns Feedback Phil Burrows, CLIC BDS Day, 22.11.2005
Phil Burrows, CLIC BDS Day, 22.11.2005 kicker driver amplifiers before RPIA2006 FONT1 3-stage tube amplifier FONT3 PCB amplifier + FB Same drive power as needed for ILC
FONT3: BPM processor + amplifier/feedback installation in KEK/ATF beamline BPM processor board Amplifier/FB board Phil Burrows, CLIC BDS Day, 22.11.2005
56ns bunchtrain 200mm FB on 23ns FB + delay loop on Phil Burrows, CLIC BDS Day, 22.11.2005 FONT3: latency budget • Time of flight kicker – BPM: 4ns • Signal return time BPM – kicker: 6ns • Irreducible latency: 10ns • BPM processor: 5ns • Amplifier + FB: 5ns • Electronics latency: 10ns • Total latency budget: 20ns • ~3 periods during ATF or CLIC bunch train FONT3: Results (June 3 2005):Delay-loop feedback w. latency 23 ns
CLIC IP feedback requirements CLIC train length ~ 63 ns (similar to ATF) time of flight kicker-IP ~7 ns for 2 m distance feedback should have a range ~50sy ~50 nm, → maximum kick BL of 6x10-5 Tm or 19 kV stripline kicker: I~p(BL)d/(Lm0)~31 A (d~2 cm,L~20 cm) → peak power~5 kW (5W) for comparison: FONT1: 3-kW tube amplifier FONT2: solid-state amplifier FONT3: ultrafast solid-state amplifier voltage > 19 kV current ~ 31 A response time ~ few ns 220 cycles / pulse 150 pulses / s
crab cavity crab cavity crab cavities • 20-mrad crossing angle required to • remove spent beam including • coherent pairs & photons • avoid multi-bunch kink instability e+ e- luminosity loss w. crossing angle qc=20 mrad, sz~31 mm, sx~60 nm → Q~5.2 → Rq~0.19 only 20% of head-on luminosity! → crab crossing indispensable @ 3.75 GHz bunch spacing ~0.267 ns; minimum crab rf frequency frf= 3.75 GHz, R12~10 m 1 MV @ 30 GHz @ 3.75 GHz or 4 fs
timing tolerances for various crab cavities taking as tolerance: IP offset of 0.2 sx* Note: 0.02-ps phase-stabilization system is under development for the XFEL at DESY; CLIC target 5x more challenging
Induction-rf crab crossing? 8 cm (0.267 ns) conventional harmonic crab (dipole-mode) cavity option 1: linear crab cavity using transverse induction rf 4.7x1017 V/s or DV=28 GV over 60 ns huge! shift in IP from front to end of train Dx*=19 cm – large! rf voltage > 30 MV frequency 3.75 GHz timing jitter < 0.004 ps 220 cycles per pulse 150 pulses / s option 2: sawtooth 3.75 GHz both ideas look challenging 100 Mio.$ /10 MV (Weiren Chou)!!?
induction rf in damping ring CLIC damping ring produces a short (sz~1.3 mm) Gaussian bunch in harmonic rf system, large effect of intrabeam scattering gex= 134 nm w/o IBS → 550 nm w IBS high bunch frequency ~1.9 GHz if we can flatten the bunch profile by induction rf (e.g., barrier buckets) the IBS rate would go down for however longitudinal rms emittance should not increase; maximum static gain ~10%, unless we can compress the bunches dynamically with induction rf before extraction? rf voltage > 3 MV frequency 1.9 GHz cw operation → beam dynamics for induction damping ring
emergency kickers along main linac drive-beam quality monitors 30 kJ/drive beam Ralph Assmann drive beam sector 669 m 21 drive beam sectors / linac joint drive-beam emergency dumps main-beam monitors main beam, 220 bunches, 8 cm spacing, total energy per pulse up to 135 kJ emergency kickers & shared beam dumps to deflect by 1 cm over 50 m, a kick strength of 1 Tm or 300 MV is needed CLIC damage threshold diagram: minimum spot sizes for beam impact on various materials mis-phased or unstable drive beams are a likely failure mode in CLIC; emergency dumps prevent main-beam impact on the collimators, and shorten beam delivery kick strength ~300 MV or 1 Tm pulse length 60 ns repetition rate up to 150 Hz
halo kicker goal: deflect beam halo to larger amplitudes without using a low-gap scatterer (primary collimator), in order to avoid destruction of the latter and also to reduce wake fields; one solution proposed by Fritz Caspers: (arrangement used at CERN AA in 1980s) horizontal halo kicker sx>>sy pulsed current or voltage pulsed current or voltage electric or magnetic boundary current ~100 A pulse length 60 ns repetition rate 150 Hz vertical halo kicker at another place with by>>bx, sy>>sx
pulsed flux concentrator for e+ target >10-T peak field example: VEPP-5 R&D Positron production target The 1 kJ per pulse 120 Hz modulator . A.D. Cherniakin VEPP-5 flux concentrator maximum field: 120 kG @ 50 Hz repetition rate 120 Hz, 31 kA, 4 kV. > 10 T, 56 ms, 150 Hz repetition rate Pavel Logachev SuperB HL6 workshop VEPP-5 FC magnet VEPP-5 FC magnet
pulsed wiggler in main linac? Hans Braun, Maxim Korostelev, F. Z., APAC’04 +/-10 T over ~1.5 km, pulse length 60 ns total length for damping in linac vs. beam energy→higher field yields shorter length or smaller emittance geinitial=1 mm, gefinal=3 nm example FODO cell structure for damping linac
long-range beam-beam compensation g g solenoid field e+ e- e-e+ long-range beam-beam compensator e-e+ BBLR BBLR max. current 27 A, rise time 29 ns flat top 30 ns solenoid fringe solenoid fringe different bunches experience different numbers of long-range collisions, between 0 and 107 → shift of IP by about 1-2 sx during train passage
spent beam extraction coherent pair spectrum @3 TeV energy spectrum of spent beam for 0.5 & 3 TeV D.Schulte D.Schulte another challenge for RPIA2006: can we use pulsed/switching devices to either confine low energy particles or to reduce the energy spread of the spent beam? draft exit line > 100 Tm, > 30 GV pulse length 60 ns 150 pulses / s induction rf
conclusions CLIC is a future 3-TeV e+e- collider with high accelerating gradient & 2-beam technology RPIA’06 technology may offer solutions for combiner-ring extraction kickers and solid-state induction drive-beam modulators RPIA’06 could facilitate alternative solutions for fast IP feedback (& less likely crab cavities) RPIA’06 might also provide emergency kicker& dumps, halo kickers, pulsers for e+ flux concentrator (or beam-beam compensation), damping-ring rf, tools for spent-beam handling, and pulsed linac wigglers
thank you for your attention! CLIC HDS accelerating structure damping waveguides + slotted iris optimized geometry assembly without brazing molybdenum iris tips