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Helpful and Harmful Bacteria Graphic Organizer

Helpful and Harmful Bacteria Graphic Organizer. Helpful Bacteria. Saprophytes: break down dead organisms Nitrogen-fixing bacteria help plants get the nitrogen they need to grow Foods contain bacteria like yogurt, pickles, cheese, and sauerkraut

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Helpful and Harmful Bacteria Graphic Organizer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Helpful and Harmful Bacteria Graphic Organizer

  2. Helpful Bacteria • Saprophytes: break down dead organisms • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria help plants get the nitrogen they need to grow • Foods contain bacteria like yogurt, pickles, cheese, and sauerkraut • Bacteria in our stomachs help to break down foods • Some medicines are made from bacteria • Bacteria are used in tanning leather for belts, shoes, wallets, etc. • Oil-eating bacteria help clean up oil spills

  3. Harmful Bacteria • Some bacteria cause foods to go bad and become unsafe to eat • Bacteria cause foods like milk to sour • Vegetables get soft and spoil because of bacteria • Pathogens: bacteria that produce diseases • Lyme Disease, strep throat, pneumonia, anthrax, tetanus, and whooping cough are caused by bacteria

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