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Changes In The OBR 2008. Introduction. New rules (3):. 2.00 (ordinary effort); 3.01 (f); 7.05 (j). Changed / modified rules (21).
Introduction New rules (3): 2.00 (ordinary effort); 3.01 (f); 7.05 (j) Changed / modified rules (21) 1.15 a, c; 2.00 (Ligapräsident); 3.01 c; 3.02; 4.10 d; 4.11 c, d; 4.12; 4.19; 6.02 c, d; 6.05 a, h, k; 6.06 d; 6.08 c; 6.09 b; 7.04 c; 7.08 a; 8.01 a, b; 8.02 a, b; 8.04; 8.05 h; 10.00 erased rules (2): 4.03 d; 7.09 b, c, k
Introduction Importance of the changes for games under SBSF rules and therefore for the umpires. 10 very important important 9 less important It’s a challenge for everyone of us - especially for the well experienced umpires!
Changes with great importance 6.02 d: Speed up the game at home plate (penalty strike) • In 05/06 the minor league tested this rule on a provisional base and in 2007 it was introduced as an OBR. • The rule doesn‘t apply for MLB. • SBSF: in effect since 2008 • To be enforced in every league and every game. • There will be discussions about ist sense.
Changes with great importance 6.02 d: Speed up the game at home plate (penalty strike) The batter shall keep at least one foot in the batter‘s box throughout the batter‘s time at bat. Exceptions: • The batter swings at a pitch • The batter is forced out of the batter‘s box by a pitch • The umpire calls „Time“ • A defensive player attemps a play on a runner at any base • The batter feints a bunt
Changes with great importance The batter shall keep at least one foot in the batter‘s box throughout the batter‘s time at bat. Exceptions (continued): • A wild pitch or passed ball occurs • The pitcher leafs the dirt area after receiving the ball • The catcher leafs the catcher‘s box to give defensiv signals In all these exceptions the batter may leave the batter‘s box but not the dirt area around home plate. Important: the lines are part of the batter‘s box (6.03)
Changes with great importance The batter may leave the batter‘s box and the dirt area around home plate.... • When „time“ is called for the purpose of • Making a substitution • A conference by either team
Changes with great importance It this rule is violated and there is a delay of the game: • „Time“ (Dead Ball) • (automatic) „Strike“ • No pitch is allowed / necessairy • Important: restrict quick pitches After a penalty strike: give the batter a reasonable opportunity to take his proper position in the batter‘s box, before the umpire calls a successiv strike persuant to rule 6.02 d (1) Umpires shall encourage the on-deck batter to take a position in the batter‘s box quickly after the previous batter is safe or put out.
Changes with great importance Comment The point is: from what point on is it a delay of the game? • Plenty enough exceptions • If it isn‘t one of the exceptions: „Time“, then „Strike“ • Players are recommended to principally keep one foot in the batter‘s box • Players are recommended to take their position in the batter‘s box instantly/quickly • After a penalty strike a batter quickly has to take his position in the batter‘s box • Not allowed to argue about a penalty strike • Pitchers may provoke penalty strikes with resuming their position faster than usual
Changes with great importance 6.02 c The batter refuses to take his position in the batter‘s box Old ruling: • Umpire shall order the pitcher to pitch tha ball (live ball) • Each such pitch shall be called a strike New ruling: • „Time“ and „automatic strike“ • No pitch allowed / necessairy
Changes with great importance After a penalty strike: give the batter a reasonable opportunity to take his proper position in the batter‘s box, before the umpire calls a successiv strike. Umpires shall encourage the on-deck batter to take a position in the batter‘s box quickly after the previous batter is safe or put out. • Verbal: „Batter up!“ or • Through hand signals
Changes with great importance 1.15 a, c Pitcher‘s glove • New: Pitcher‘s may use multicolored gloves • Not allowed: white or grey (exclusive of piping) • Not allowed: attach foreign material of different color • Umpire‘s judgement wheter color is distracting in any manner • Umpire shall remove an „illegal“ glove on his own initiativ or upon complaint of the opposing manager. • In case of violation: replace the glove
Changes with great importance 6.09 b Batter thinks, he‘s out on dropped 3rd strike Old ruling • BR was out as soon as he reached the dugout • Before that, he could still try to reach 1st base • Problem 1: catcher had to chase the batter runner • Problem 2: old ruling was opposing to „abandonning the base“ • New ruling • BR as soon as he leaves the dirt area around home plate • Condition: BR shows no effort to reach 1st base • Ball stays alive and in play (as it was before)
Changes with great importance 7.08 a Definition: base line Old ruling • Direct line between bases • Problem: not practical New ruling • Straight line from the runner to the base he is attempting to reach • Important: only when the runner tries to avoid a tag play • Runner may run 3 feet away (armlength)
Changes with great importance 7.08 a Definition: base line
Changes with great importance 7.08 a Definition: base line
Changes with great importance 6.05 a, 7.04 c No legal catch in the dugout / out of play territory Old ruling • Catches in the dugout were legal
Changes with great importance 6.05 a, 7.04 c No legal catch in the dugout / out of play territory Definition • Playable area: fair territory and foul territory • not playable area: dead ball or out of play territory
Changes with great importance 6.05 a, 7.04 c No legal catch in the dugout / out of play territory New ruling • Lean over / reach over dead ball territory is allowed • If at least one foot is on or over the playing field • Step on dead ball territory is not allowed • Catching a ball in dead ball territory is not a legal catch • Dugouts are not on the playing field anymore
Changes with great importance 4.11 c „Time-play“-situations at the end of a game Clarification • Home run to end a game • Batter-runner is thrown out With less than 2 outs • Only the winning run counts With 2 outs • All runs scored before the 3rd out count • exception: force outs
Changes with great importance 3.02, 8.02 a intentionally discolor or damage a ball The pitcher may not (unchanged ruling) Pitching hand in contact with mouth while on mound „ball“ Expectorate on ball, hand or glove Rub ball on glove, person or clothing Apply foreign substance on the ball Deface the ball Deliver a ball altered in such a manner New: umpire‘s judgement for 2 and 3 (!) • Intention to deface the ball!
Changes with great importance 3.02, 8.02 a intentionally discolor or damage a ball No intention to deface the ball • One warning per game possible • Consistent violation: apply the ruling Intenional violation • Apply ruling
Changes with great importance 3.02, 8.02 aintentionally discolor or damage a ball Approved ruling (modified) • Remove the pitcher from the game • No play after such a pitch: • No runners: „ball“ • With runners on base: „ball“ und „balk“ • Defensive coach has the option to accept a possible play.
Changes with great importance 3.02, 8.02 aintentionally discolor or damage a ball Option Play Either a runner or the batter-runner doesn‘t reach the next base safely. Option 1: Situation is accepted by the coach (pitcher still will be ejected) Option 2: apply ruling If the batter-runner reaches 1st base safely and every other runner can advance one base, the option play os nullified.
Changes with great importance 8.04, 8.05 h pitcher delays the game No runners • rule 8.04: 12 seconds rule (used to be 20 seconds) • Start: pitcher in possetion of the ball and the batter in the batter‘s box facing the pitcher • End: pitch is delivered • Penalty: ball
Changes with great importance 8.04, 8.05 h pitcher delays the game With runners on base • Throwing to a fielder without the intention to make an out - while the batter is ready to hit (8.02 c, 8.05 h) • Warning • If done repeatedly: balk and ejection • Any other intentional delay of a pitcher (8.5 h) • balk
Important changes 8.01 a, 8.05 b pivot foot • Pivot foot must touch pitcher‘s plate • No further restrictions Free foot • Set-Position: between pitcher‘s plate and home plate • Wind-up: free positioning • Wind-up: step to the side of pitcher‘s plate is allowed
Important changes 8.01 b no runners • Pitcher may deliver the ball without coming to a complete stop • Watch out for quick pitches! Quick pitch with runners on base balk
Important changes 6.06 d manipulate a bat • Use or attempted use of such a bat • Batter steps into the batter‘s box with tempered bat 7.05 j intentionally touching a pitched ball with equipment • Base award for batter-runner and runner: + 1 Base • Time of touch • Live ball Ruling closes gap (batted, thrown and pitched ball)
Important changes 3.01 c rubbing baseballs prior to the game • New: home team‘s duty 3.01 f, 8.02 a rosin bag • Not the umpire‘s duty anymore • Umpire only checks if it‘s there
Important changes 4.19 time of a protest • A protest must be made before the next pitch, play or attempted play • Same conditions as in an appeal play
Important changes 6.05 k three foot lane • Batter-runner may leave three foot lane with • A step or side step • slide if • He is attempting to touch 1st base, and • Therefor reaches 1st base
Less important changes 4.10 d, 4.11 d, 4.12 Tied Games / Suspended Games If a regulation game is called with a tied score... • old: tie game = no game (has to be played again) • new: suspended game (has to be continued)
Less important changes 2.00 League president • Changes not important for umpires 2.00 Ordinary effort (new) • Ordinary effort of a fielder • Only important for the official scorer 4.03 d Old layout of catcher‘s lines • Rule removed
Less important changes 6.08 c Approved ruling: Penalty for catcher‘s interference during a squeeze play • Relation to 7.07 removed • No change to the approved ruling so far 7.09 b, 6.05 h bat touches a pitch a 2nd time • Relation to 7.09 h removed • 6.05 h stays the same
Less important changes 8.02 b pitcher carries a foreign substance • Minor League: 10 game suspention
Rule changes 2008 How do umpires handle these rule changes?
Rule changes 2008 • Changes are communicated to all clubs • Umpires are SBSF representatives and therefor responsible for their inforcement • Expected trouble: penalty strikes • Use preseason games • Use plate conference - but don‘t lecture • Get yourself ready and prepared for it • Enforce the rules from day 1 on!!! • Enforce the rules constantly
Rule changes 2008 • Don‘t be easy on the players at the beginning of the season • Don‘t develop your own philosophy • This challenge exists in every sport • Strict enforcement gives you self-confidence