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A Comparison of Data Analysis Packages

A Comparison of Data Analysis Packages. Irwin Gaines, Jeff Kallenbach Fermilab. Outline. Introduction: a little history Build vs. Buy: general considerations User Requirements Basic Features Advanced features Conclusions. Introduction.

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A Comparison of Data Analysis Packages

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  1. A Comparison of Data Analysis Packages Irwin Gaines, Jeff Kallenbach Fermilab

  2. Outline • Introduction: a little history • Build vs. Buy: general considerations • User Requirements • Basic Features • Advanced features • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • Previous generation HEP experiments have used a ubiquitous homemade product: PAW • Why? Commercial systems did not offer either functionality or, more important, performance • Use of a universal product allows: • data sharing (ntuple files) • procedure and environment sharing (kumac files)

  4. Build vs. Buy • Old days (70’s-80’s): in house development effort “free”, any software purchase is expensive • More recently(90’s):attractive licensing terms, development costs should be amortized over as large a user base as possible, Support? • Now: Consider full product lifetime costs, including development, licensing, support. Does product need to be customized or enhanced to meet HEP needs? build buy

  5. Project Scope • Selecting events based on programmed selection criteria • Preparing various statistical distributions of various mathematical functions of data in the selected events • Linking in high level language programs to process event data prior to plotting • Modifying selection criteria and plotted functions interactively • Fitting the distributions • Comparing and performing calculations on different distributions • Preserving selection criteria and functions for later use or to pass to others • Saving samples of events in a variety of specialized formats for later analysis • Accessing these specially formatted event samples to make plots, fits, statistical outputs, etc.

  6. User Requirements • Web reference: http://www.fnal.gov/projects/runii/pasrec/ • Data Access • Data Analysis • Data Presentation • Usability • Support and Maintenance

  7. User Requirements: Data Access • Access rates (online) • Access rates (offline) • Serial vs. random access • Granularity of access • Foreign I/O Formats • Specialized optimized output formats

  8. User Requirements : Data Analysis • Scripting language • User control • Data selection • Input/Output • Numerical and mathematical functionality • Offline compatibility • Prototyping

  9. User Requirements: Data Presentation • Interactive visualization • Presentation quality graphical output • Formal publication graphical output

  10. Batch vs. interactive Sharing data structures Shared access by several clients Parallel processing (using distinct data streams) Debugging and profiling Modularity (user code) Modularity (system code) Access to source code Robustness Web based documentation Use of standards Portability Scalability Performance User Friendliness User Requirements: Usability

  11. User Requirements: Support • Maturity • customer base • product lifetime • product survivability • product support • licensing

  12. User Requirements: Maintenance • who provides maintenance • what does it cost • maintenance infrastructure • maturity and completeness • modularity • portability • standards • reliability and security • application specific issues

  13. Homemade package: ROOT Commercial Package: IDL (other commercial packages offer similar features; IDL appeared to be most aggressive in licensing terms) Main Contenders

  14. Basic Features • plotting • fitting • event selection • command languages • event I/O

  15. Gee Whiz plots

  16. ROOT: from browser, from tree viewer, from command line All plots are active,can be manipulated, saved for later use, printed in a variety of formats IDL:command line examples on following slides plots can be either static or active, displayed or printed Plots, Fits, Event selection

  17. Displaying a Histogram Open the a root file Browse the file • Display a histogram • The Canvas

  18. Fitting, Coloring, and Zooming • Adding a gaussian fit • Coloring the histogram • Zooming

  19. The Tree Viewer Tree Viewer buttons: • Variables • Slider • XYZ • Draw, Scan, Break • Ilist, Olist • Gopt • Weight

  20. ROOT CINT C++ interpreter (almost full C++ syntax) commands are methods of root classes Full access to compiled code (in any language) IDL “natural” control language (see examples) commands are part of scripting syntax full access to compiled code (in any language) Scripting language

  21. concatenate several files of ntuples read in a variable event selection (cut on several variables) plot histogram IDL command language chain=["d3_51.nhis","d3_68.nhis","d3_99.nhis","d3_19.nhis","d3_04.nhis"] mass=htGetVar(chain,"Rmass") cut4=where(lsig gt 5 and iso1 lt .05 and clsec gt .05 and iso2 lt .03) plot,histogram(mass(cut4),binsize=mybin)

  22. IDL Command Language • Fit plot and draw fit • plot->liveplot for interactive plots dist = histogram(mass(cut4),binsize=mybin) x=findgen(134)*mybin+1.7 dfit=gaussfit(x,dist,a) plot,x,dist oplot,x,dfit,color=20

  23. Reading ntuples with IDL ht2IDL - An Interface between HEP Data files and IDL As part of our investigation of the Interactive Data Language (IDL) for use in our environment, we have assembled a prototype of what we call ht2IDL (for "hepTuple to IDL). The is a small package of C++ code and IDL procedure files which enable the user to access HEP data stores, such as HBOOK files, from the IDL session. It uses the HepTuple package from PAT. How the package works Like most modern tools, IDL provides the capability to interface with external functions written by the user. This is accomplished by writing some code, using a C-based interface, then compiling it and linking it into a shared-object file. Then, by creating some simple helper files for IDL, and starting IDL from the correct directory, where all of the new interface code lies, the user has access to all of the new functionality provided the written code and the IDL "External Interface" In our prototype, this was all accomplished on an SGI/IRIX system. In order to attempt to achieve maximum compatibility with the RunII environment, it was decided to use KCC. In principal there is no reason it should not work with CC or g++. Then, referring to the IDL External Developers' Guide, we wrote some code which uses the HepTuple library to read HBOOK files, load the data into data structures compatible with IDL, and then return them to the IDL session. We have written a prototype provides an interface to the HBOOK files (using HepTuple), makefiles and some documentation on how to use them, and sample IDL scripts (called "procedure" files) to invoke the ht2IDL functions and display and manipulate the results. http://patwww.fnal.gov/pas/idl/ht2idl.html

  24. Support Features • Commercial products have excellent documentation, generally good support, but • you pay for it • hard to customize, usually don’t get source • homemade products moving to free software support model (support by community) • can modify source to enhance or customize • relatively easy to use other’s code • both require a local support organization

  25. ROOT How To’s

  26. Advanced Features • Optimized I/O and very large data samples • Using native user objects • Customized GUIs • Accessing over web

  27. Optimized I/O • Two separate issues: • data in memory vs. data on disk (efficient disk access necessary for large data files) • can’t improve on disk speed unless objects that are read together are next to each other on disk (column wise n-tuple and generalizations)

  28. ROOT I/O • Many years of struggle/experience to use disk based data • optimized data formats for efficient access: CWNT--> split trees • Formats designed with HEP type data access in mind

  29. IDL I/O • Basically memory based • Associated I/O allows mapping an IDL array or structure variable onto a file: • I/O occurs automatically when the associated variable is subscripted, accessing only the desired object • data set size limited by file size rather than memory size • direct access to each element in the file; including convenient event selection by indexing • files can have multiple associated structures (full events, tracks, hits, etc) • performance still limited by record structure

  30. Access to user objects • Root script language is C++, user classes can be used by interpreter if their header files are run through rootcint to create dictionary • IDL supports structures, a collection of scalars, arrays and other structures. Needs an external structure definition file to allow use in commands; no automatic way to create these from class headers

  31. IDL GUI Builder Available in IDL 5.3, the IDL GUIBuilder enables you to build intuitive GUIs with drag-and-drop ease. A convenient control palette with icons such as radio buttons, checkboxes, and horizontal and vertical sliders let you quickly construct interfaces that users understand. Widget properties are easily editable. Pre-made bitmaps give you graphical cues for customizing buttons relevant to their function. Also, widgets are arranged in row and column geometry for on-screen consistency. At the code level, built-in comments help you understand what each widget and event will accomplish.

  32. What Is ION? • An easy method for users to leverage the graphics and analysis power of IDL in web based applets and applications • Allows users to share IDL applications with non-IDL users • Easy set-up, use and management

  33. Client Machine Server Machine Web Browser Web Server ION Client ION Server IDL Internet Client Machine ION Application HTTP Data, Java Classes IDL Commands, Graphic Primitives ION Overview

  34. ION Applications • Web publishing is obvious, but what else? • Applications based on ION • Workgroups can develop and easily deploy data processing and visualization apps with ION • Thin clients download fast and can be updated easily • Applications can exist in any Java enabled machine and still access the power of IDL

  35. Conclusions • Both satisfy user requirements • Commercial products offer all basic functionality and many attractive advanced features • Homemade products still better optimized for specific HEP use • Support models evolving (open source model) • Can we mix and match to get best of both worlds?

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