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Australia’s engagement with Asia

Australia’s engagement with Asia. Asia-Australia engagement. 5. Collaboration and engagement with the peoples of Asia support effective regional and global citizenship. 6. Australia is part of the Asia region and our histories from ancient times to the present are linked.

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Australia’s engagement with Asia

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  1. Australia’s engagement with Asia

  2. Asia-Australia engagement 5. Collaboration and engagement with the peoples of Asia support effective regional and global citizenship. 6. Australia is part of the Asia region and our histories from ancient times to the present are linked. 7. Australians play a significant role in social, cultural, political and economic developments in the Asia region. 8. Australians of Asian heritage have influenced Australia’s history and continue to influence its dynamic culture and society.

  3. Aims • Build a bank of connections between Asian countries and Australia • Consider the consequences of Asia-Australia connections • Explore OWC resources about Asia Maldivian Youth Civil Society Climate Change Conference 2009. Image Credit: 350.org

  4. Asia Fact Match Photo credits: Australian Aid, One World Centre and JialiangGao (Wikimedia Commons

  5. “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.” - ChimamandaAdichie – Nigerian Novelist Hear more on the danger of the single story

  6. The Great Australia-Asia challenge • Your group must find as many links between Australia and your country as possible • Record these as: • speculative (if you’re not sure but you think the link is a possibility) or • substantiated (if you can include a source for further information) Fashion Designer Akira Isogawa Image Credit: Eva Rinaldi

  7. What are your questions? NaturalThese are questions about the environment - the land, the sea, living things, and their relationship to each other. These questions are about the built as well as the natural environment Who decides (political)These are questions about power, who makes choices and decides what is to happen; who benefits or loses as a result of these decisions; and at what cost EconomicThese questions are about money, trading and ownership, buying and selling  SocialThese are questions about people, their relationships, their traditions, culture and the way they live. They include questions about how, for example, gender, race, disability, class and age affect social relations

  8. Curriculum Links Yr 3 Civics & Citizenship: Why people participate within communities and how students can actively participate and contribute (ACHCK003) Yr 5 Civics & Citizenship: Why people work in groups to achieve their aims, and how they can express their shared beliefs and values and exercise influence (ACHCK027) Yr 6 History: The contribution of individuals and groups, including Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islanders and migrants, to the development of Australian society, for example in areas such as the economy, education, science, the arts, sport.(ACHHK116)

  9. Contact us at: 5 King William St Bayswater 6053 Ph: (08) 9371 9133 www.oneworldcentre.org.au library@oneworldcentre.org.au primaryed@oneworldcentre.org.au Tues, Wed, Thurs 9am – 5pm,

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