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Muscular Fatigue: Methods for Assessing fatigue and Implications for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury. Paul Rimmer, (BSc, MSc). Post-Graduate Research Student School of Healthcare Studies. Presentation Overview. What is fatigue and how it can be categorised? What causes fatigue?
Muscular Fatigue: Methods for Assessing fatigue and Implications for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury. Paul Rimmer, (BSc, MSc). Post-Graduate Research Student School of Healthcare Studies.
Presentation Overview. • What is fatigue and how it can be categorised? • What causes fatigue? • Methods for inducing fatigue. • How do we assess fatigue level? • The effect of fatigue on biomechanics in healthy and ACL injured people. • Why is measuring the effect of fatigue on ACL injured people important?
Fatigue and Injury. • Fatigue has been implicated as a potential indicator for injuries in several sports. • Injury rates tend to increase towards the end of games. • Importance of pre-habilitation and rehabilitation.
What is Fatigue? • ‘Any reduction in the force generating capacity of the total neuromuscular system regardless of the force required in any given situation’ (Bigland-Ritchie and Woods,1984). • The two main types of physiological fatigue are defined as ‘central’ and ‘peripheral’ fatigue. • Central fatigue is influenced primarily by mechanisms affecting the neuromuscular system at a level above the neuromuscular junction. • Peripheral fatigue is influenced by mechanisms affecting muscle and contractile tissues.
What Causes Fatigue? • Peripheral fatigue: A reduction in muscle force due to the direct or indirect effects of the reduction of energy and substrates or accumulation of metabolites within the muscle fibres. • Central fatigue: The mechanism(s) involved in central fatigue remain unknown. • Central fatigue can be considered a safety precaution to maintain the function of various organs. • It is known to be influenced by low blood glucose and high temperature.
Functional (Open Chain) Methods. Running. Squatting. Jumping. Individually or in combination. Closed Chain Methods. Weight training machines. A set number of repetitions at %age of 1 rep max. Isokinetic Dynamometry. Multiple set up options using speed of movement, force, muscle action and range of movement. Methods for Inducing Fatigue.
Measuring Fatigue Levels. • Functional Protocols: Volitional Fatigue, Rate of Perceived Exertion, Loss of functional performance. • Weight Machines: Volitional fatigue. • Isokinetic Dynamometry: As above BUT can quantify end point of fatigue more accurately and calculate fatigue rate.
Effect of Fatigue on Biomechanics in Healthy Populations. • Limited studies on dynamic movements such as jump landing, hopping and cutting. • Most research carried out on drop-jump landings. • Comparing pre to post-fatigue conditions, the priority seems to be maintenance of knee joint stability. • Compensation strategies include increase in hip and ankle work.
Effects of Fatigue of Biomechanics in ACL Injured Participants. • Studies in this area are scarce: There are presently..... • 0!! Two main reasons for this. • Fear of Injuring Participants. • Lack of Clinical Expertise in the Research Setting. BUT.. We know some ACL injured patients in un-fatigued conditions show compensation strategies that are centred around knee joint stability and increased hip and ankle work.
Why is Measuring the Effect of Fatigue on ACL injured people Important? • Clinically a persons fatigue resistance/endurance is not effectively measured. • Therefore there is no assessment of the patients ability to perform dynamic tasks whilst fatigued. • Fatigue should be considered in the rehabilitation progress to guide decisions on return to activities. • We do not currently understand how or if fatigue effects ACL injured peoples movements.
Key Questions. • Do ACL injured patients show deficits in terms of fatigue resistance compared to uninjured people? • Do ACL injured people use different movement patterns in a fatigued state compared to uninjured people? • If so, does this put them at risk of re-rupture or further structural damage?
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