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o rp 1. optimum reception training. Course Objectives. To give you an introduction to the core elements of using SALONGENIUS To establish in your minds The importance these elements have on your business Who should be responsible The benefits of using them

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  1. orp 1 optimum reception training

  2. Course Objectives • To give you an introduction to the core elements of using SALONGENIUS • To establish in your minds • The importance these elements have on your business • Who should be responsible • The benefits of using them • To give you the skills to utilise these key elements

  3. This will… • Increase sales by improving Data Quality • Raise Customer Satisfaction by keeping in touch with your clients • Improve your job opportunities and job satisfaction by learning new skills

  4. Schedule • Data Quality • Client Data Quality • SALONGENIUS Data Quality • Business Benefits • Keeping in touch with Clients • Improving your Skills

  5. Data Quality Increase performance by improving Data Quality • Improved client contact • Better technical records • Accurate sales records • Easier to use system • Improved Business Analysis

  6. Client Data Quality • What affects Client Data Quality • Technical Histories • Archiving and Purging • Duplicate Clients • Other SALONGENIUS data • Sales

  7. What affects Client Data Quality • Address & Receive Mail • Phone & Receive Phone • Mobile & Receive SMS • Email & Receive Email • Other fields • Especially Booking a New Client in Appointment Diary

  8. Driving Data Quality • Contact Details & Permission fields New Client information – get as much as you need initially - don’t forget the permissions Existing Client information - revisit, check and improve - don’t forget the permissions You may not get this all in one go • Focus on effective data collection Diary driven – Client Data Quality Branded Data collection form

  9. Technical Histories • Client Record - F2 Service • Technical services • Pending Blue , Completed Red • Colour / Perm / Beauty / Treatment / Advanced Beauty type histories • Memo – free format • Update – pro-forma • Repeat Previous – copy forward • DO NOT USE CLIENT MEMO • F7-2 Pending History reports

  10. Archiving and Purging Housekeeping functions – keeping your data current • Archiving (copying somewhere else) • Sales Data • Appointment Data • Purging (deleting forever) • Client Data • Technical Histories • Client Letters

  11. Duplicate Clients Client Merge Utility • Duplication Reports • Utility outside of SALONGENIUS • Merge Sales & History

  12. SALONGENIUS Data Quality • Staff Records • Service Records • Stock Records • Discounts

  13. Service Record Quality • Technical • Name • Category • History Type • Available to • Prices and Times • Colour

  14. Treatments • Treatments, like colours, require products, but • There is very little service time to track • Commission same as for retail (10%) and not that usually awarded for other service (30%) • Treatments services therefore need to be sold as a service on the bill, but tracked separately for commission purposes because: • Not all treatments products are single use; some come in large tubs so selling treatment product will affect stock figures • Selling the treatment product as retail, when in fact a service was done in salon, falsifies the true Retail %

  15. Treatment Services 5 Steps to Effective use of the Treatments • Setup the Treatment commission • F2-1-3 SYSTEM DETAILS • Enter in SERVICE COMMISSION UDF as Treatment • Setup the Treatment Service • F4-2-1 SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS • TECHNICAL=NO • CATEGORY=Treatments • COMMISSION=Treatment • Setup the Treatment Product • Use effective Sales to record the up-sell • Use effective Stock Control to record the product use

  16. Treatment Product Effective use of the Treatment Product • Setup the Treatment Product • F4-1-1 STOCK SPECIFICATIONS • Setup the Treatment product • PRODUCT TYPE=PROFESSIONAL • Use effective SHOP USE to track product usage

  17. Staff Record Quality • Department • Position • Price & Time Level • Available for sales • Available for Bookings • Default Appointment Time • Colour

  18. Stock Record Quality • Standard Stock Files • Correct Ranges • Correct Descriptions • Correct History

  19. Discount Record Quality • Name • Category • Discount Type • Available when • Retail and/or Service • Correct Promotion tracking

  20. SALONGENIUS Settings • SALONGENIUS Settings • Appointment Settings

  21. Business Benefits • Improved Salon Ranking • Reduce Return Rate • Improve Average Bill • Easier to use system Improve your Business Analysis

  22. Salon Ranking • Data Quality Report (F6-6) • Key Performance Indicators • Salon Gauges - CompareMySalon.com • Quality Mark, No Show% • Return Rate, Retail %, Technical % • Average Bill, Allocated % • Management System • Quality Mark Breakdown • Better data – better information

  23. Quality Mark Breakdown • Score - Although proportional to the sum of the following columns it is NOT an exact sum of them. There are other factors and weightings calculated that provide the salon score. • Client Sales - A score based on the percentage of clients billed that are Active Clients. The larger the number the better. • Avg. Return - A score based on the salons Average Return Rate. This will always be a negative number but the closer to zero the better. • Mktg - A score based on the percentage of clients billed in the last 12 months that can be marketed. The larger the better. • Retail / Tech - A score based on Retail sale percentage and Technical sale percentage (depends on the Service – Technical setting). • Appts - A score based on Busy percentage, the percentage of Future Appointments and the No Show percentage. The larger the better. • Avg. Bill - A score based on the percentage of their Average Bill against a benchmark. • Adjust - A score based on the percentages of Refunds, Deleted Bills, Cancelled Bills, Changed Operators and Changed Prices. This will always be a negative number but the closer to zero the better.

  24. Keeping in Touch with Clients • Do you record No Shows? Are you recording No Shows? Do you Remind Busy Times or all bookings? • How do you remind clients By telephone By SMS or email

  25. Busy Times vs All Bookings The No Show Problem 1000 bookings per month 3% No Show rate – 33 per month – 1 per day Busy Day 10 cols x 7 services @ £50/serv = £3500 value 1 No Show = £50 lost Impact 1.4% loss on day Quiet Day 3 cols x 4 services @ £50/serv = £600 value 1 No Show = £50 lost Impact 8.3% loss on day Likelihood of Walk-ins to fill cancellations?

  26. Phone vs SMS Costs The No Show Problem 1000 bookings per month 3% No Show rate – 33 per month Phoning costs 1000 x 4p per call (2min @ 2p/min) = £40 2mins per call = 33 hours @ £6.08b.w. £200 Cost £240 per month SMS costs 1000 x 8p = SMS messages £80 Saving £160 per month SMS SAVES£1920 per Year

  27. Appointment Reminders • Remind All Clients ALWAYS REMIND CLIENTS = YES SALONGENIUS only sends SMS to enabled clients As Data Quality improves so SMS efficiency improves • Automate Reminders F2-1-5 SMS REMINDERS AUTOMATIC REMINDERS = YES REMINDER PERIOD = 1 DAY BEFORE VISIT

  28. Improving your skills • Effective Sales • Client Sales • Redo’s & Refunds • Accounts & Deposits • Basic Reporting • Cashing-up • Backing-up

  29. Sales Data Quality Client sale Information • Correct Bookings & Sales • Accurate refunds • Accurate redos • Commitment to Teamwork • Good salon communication • Drive rebooking

  30. Getting Sales Correct • Client books for a FHH but it changes to HHH in chair • Who tells Reception & how early?

  31. Refunds On the sale list • Add the item to refund • Select REFUND • Enter REASON (always required) • Negates the item price • Complete sale as usual • On Client Record Card – refunded items VALUEin red Know your salon Refund policy

  32. Refunding Products • Select the client • Add item being returned and REFUNDit • If swapping, add the replacement item • Complete the sale • Displays Option to put the return back into Stock • ALWAYSSelect YES – add back to stock • If required use SHOP USE or DAMAGED STOCK

  33. Redo’s • Client unhappy with service • Service is re-done • Free-of-Charge • In salon (originally done here) • Same or Different operator • Does the first operator keep the commission? • Other salon (Head Office) • No original sale to refund

  34. Other salon Redo sale • Booking Redo • Book Service - New Client – Operator A – required service • Use SPECIAL SERVICE and APPOINTMENT NOTES to indicate a redo • On Arrival – IN SALON creates bill for the service • Operator A – Service to be redone • To record this sale as an Other Salon Redo • Select REDO to zero the value • Complete the bill as normal • If balance zero select CASH • Technical History to complete to record redo notes

  35. Redo sale (in salon) • Booking Redo – check Client Record Card • Book Service - Operator B – same service as original • Use SPECIAL SERVICE and APPOINTMENT NOTES to indicate a redo • On Arrival – IN SALON creates bill for the redo service • Operator B – Service to be redone (same as original) • PRICE ADJUST this if required (original price or part-redo price) • To cross account this sale with original sale • Select Original Operator A • Select Original Service (Price Adjust if part redo) • REFUND to negate the value and cancel out service being redone by B • Complete the bill as normal • If balance zero select CASH • Service value removed from A and added to B • New Technical History to complete to record redo notes

  36. Deposits & Accounts • F2-2-1 - ACCOUNTS MODE • If ACCOUNTS MODE = NONE then not an option • If ACCOUNTS MODE = DEPOSITS ONLY will only be an option if the clients’ balance covers the bill total, otherwise use MIXED • If ACCOUNTS MODE = FULL then always available • Client Record Card – F3 FINANCIAL • Personal Account • Deposits (Account Payments) shown as Credits • Account used as Method of Payment show as Debits • Non-zero Balance at top of record card

  37. Paying a Deposit • Start a sale list for client with an Operator • Account Balance button at top • ShowsGreen(+’ve balance in credit) • orRed(-’ve balance in debt) • Select Account Balance button • Enter the Account Payment (Deposit) • Account payment added to sale list • No Commission

  38. Using Deposits • Build sale list for service(s) • Account Balance button shows deposit • Select TOTAL • Select MIXED if balance less than total • Select ACCOUNT and enter balance of the account • Select top-up payment methods to complete bill

  39. Summary • Identified Key areas in SALONGENIUS • The impact of using these areas and problems • Good use • Poor use

  40. Action Plans • Plan for next few months • Objectives & Targets • Responsibilities • Support Needed • Restrictions • Benefits

  41. orp 1 completed thank you

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