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PROSPERING IN ALL THINGS: MY LIFE AS A TESTIMONY. Prof. Sam. B. ADEJUYIGBE, PhD, MNSE, MGhIE , MNIEM, COREN Regd. BY. Senior Pastor, Christ Apostolic Church, Chapel of Praise, Akure , Ondo State, Nigeria
PROSPERING IN ALL THINGS: MY LIFE AS A TESTIMONY Prof. Sam. B. ADEJUYIGBE, PhD, MNSE, MGhIE, MNIEM, COREN Regd. BY Senior Pastor, Christ Apostolic Church, Chapel of Praise, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Dean, College of Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria Sermon at the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Christ Temple, Mamacass Building, 2nd Floor, Allen Avenue, Lagos, Nigeria during the Sunday Service Programme of 12, February, 2012
Truth, wisdom, learning and good sense, these are worth paying for, but too valuable for you to sell. The father of a successful man has a good reason to be happy. You can take pride in a wise son. Let your father and mother be proud of you, give your mother that happiness – Prov. 23:23-25 • Many aspire great things, but few acquires it; some aspires without being able to perspire, forgetting that a good height that man attains is not by a sudden flight. In the game of life, success or failure is set before us. The world is an orchestra and men and women are players. Life is not a game of chance: it is necessary to know your past, and look at your future and pursue to be successful and prosper in life.
INTRODUCTION • With the rolling of the cycle of time, history emerges. However, greatness and prospering is not a matter of chance. • The circumstances surrounding the beginning of a man’s life does not necessarily determine the end of his life. It is possible to start from a low estate background, but rise to stardom in life. • The mystery of God’s infinite wisdom establishes that mostly, he uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and the weak to confound the strong. • Note that there is no coincidence in destiny.
PERTINENT QUESTIONS • Which way are you trekking and what are you aiming at in life? • Two women are admitted into a maternity, they are pregnant. One beautiful day, both give birth each to a bouncing baby boy. The women are from the same town under the same social environment. In a few years time one grows into a hooligan and the other into a hero. Why? • Two people enter the same University; they studied the same course under the same conditions; taught by the same lecturers and subjected to same training. They have equal learning and opportunities. At the end of their course one comes out with excellence in the final examinations, while the other comes out with failure. Why? • An interview is conducted in a ministry. Two people attend it. They are successful and are employed on the same day to work in the same office as senior officers. After three years one becomes so endeared to all who work in that office that any rumour about his transfer makes all around send rains of protest letters to the employer pleading for his retention. As for the other, he simply has become a nuisance to all and when his own transfer letter is not forth coming, protest letters requesting it heaped with the transferring officer. Why? • Two people married the same day, one get children the other no issue. Why?
These are some of the daily experiences of our life. • We are living a life where equal opportunity does not mean equal achievement or equal prosperity. • It is therefore, clear that the choice one makes to reach one’s goal lies in the will of each one’s soul.
WHAT IS A PROSPEROUS LIFE? • Prosperity is defined as when people have money and everything that is needed for a good life. • Prosperous is defined as rich and successful. Prosperous is a hypallage describing the state of being rich and successful. • The Bible quotations have this to say about being prosperous; • God designs for us that we “Live long and have prosperous life” - Deut 5:33, • God design for us a life that is long and prosperous Ps 34:12-14 • God exclaims: How joyful and prosperous you will be Ps 128:2-4
PROSPEROUS LIFE . . . • Men are born, kings are made. • One of the greatest hymn writers known in Christianity is Fanny Crossby. Like Paul who refused to be limited by his physical stature, Fanny confronted the physical challenge she was born with, she refused to be limited by it. • From the life of people like Fanny and Paul, it is glaring that physical limitation can only limit those who allow it.
THREE CLASSES OF PEOPLE • The Drifters (Wandering Stars) • The Failures • The Successful
The successful ones are people with clear and definite goals: • They set their goal, take step and succeed • They have confidence in God as well as in themselves • They TRUST – ORGANISE- PERSIST • Trust God that he can do it. Trust yourself, that you can make it in life. • Organise yourself and be steady
REASONS FOR FAILURE • Faulty foundation: When the foundation of your life is not well laid. Such as belonging to secret cult, bad gang etc. • Failure to talk and think positively towards one’s life. • Failure to ask for direction from God. • Following multitude to do evil • Envying sinners; • Seeking for wealth/position at all cost • Love of the world – mundane things • Seeking a position that God has not given to you because God will not honour what He has not commanded with His presence.
NAMES OF GREAT MEN CHANGE FOR A PURPOSE- Isaiah 61:1-3, Lk 4:18 • It is important to note that there are three important things that affect each individual in life: • (i) Name (ii) Location and (iii) People you move with • Those God changed their names: • Abram to Abraham. Gen.17:4-5 • Sarai to Sarah. Gen. 17:15-16 • Jacob to Israel. Gen. 35: 9-12 • Saul to Paul. Acts 13:8-10 • Simeon to Peter. Matt. 16:13-19 • Jabez. I Chr. 4:9-10
HALLMARK OF THOSE WHO ARE PROSPEROUS IN LIFE • If you must prosper, you cannot ignore having God’s presence. The presence of God brings prosperity. • We shall be looking at the following personalities in the Bible. • Abraham: Father Abraham was highly prosperous and wealthy because he obeyed the commandment of God – Gen. 12:1-2 • Joseph: Joseph prospered because of God’s presence (Gen 39:2) and so also he was connected to his divinely – ordained helpers, like Potiphar, who trained him.(Gen. 37:25-28, 36) • Jesus Christ: Even our Lord Jesus Christ needed God’s presence in order to succeed in life and ministry (Acts 10:38) • Moses: One person who knew the value of God’s presence was Moses. As long as God was with him: he could stretch his hands over the Red Sea and God would put a highway in the sea, he could smite the nation of Egypt with plagues of judgment, he could cause his rod to swallow the magic wands of the sorcerers of Egypt.
Do you want to prosper in life and ministry? • Your prosperity is a function of God’s presence in your life. • When you are born again, you have the presence of God inside of you in some measure. • The more you move closer and walk with God daily, worship, praise Him and feed on the word of God and obey Him, you continue to grow and all the challenges of the enemies will be scattered. . • The amount of God’s presence in your life will determine the amount of problems you can solve.
YOU ARE BORN/CREATED TO RULE AND HAVE DOMINION. Gen. 1:26-28 • In contrast to animals in verses 20 and 24. God said “Let the waters bring forth and let the earth bring forth”. • He now says “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” • You must have dominion as a Christian. • The terms image and likeness are used synonymously and refer primarily to man’s spiritual resemblance (rationally and morally) to his maker. • Chrs: OmoOlorunni won pewa • Only man has the capacity for eternal life, fellowship, moral discernment, self-consciousness, speech and worship. • Even after the fall, man still retains the image of God.
THE POWER FOR ATTAINMENT OF GREATNESS • Power is the ability to act or do things, authority, influence, force, energy, capacity to magnify. • Excellence is ability to do better than others, be very good; ability to surpass. • Considering the following assertion that; • You and I must rise and shine Isaiah 60:1-12 • You and I are born to rule Gen 1:26-31 • The right thinking person will want to excel both physically and spiritually:
Physical Excellence • Power to excel by physical means can be as a result of: • Your educational attainment – Going to University, Polytechnic, Colleges of Education etc. • Your having a good car in future • Building a house • Holding a reasonable and powerful office • Having a good husband and wife – to have a good family. • Having a good business for those not interested in reading further. Or learning and mastering a trade • You need the strength for greatness and prosperity. You need to be strong and be victorious in the following areas; • Getting over your hunting past at all cost, by knowing God personally Rev 20: 12&15 • Overcoming known and unknown curses Jer. 29:11, Rev 22:3 • Dealing with those stubborn pursuant of our life so as to bring success. Ex 14:1-end (4,8,10-13,14,15,17,19-25,27-31)
Physical Excellence . . . • You can achieve all the above by taking the following steps; • Plan your time, work, goals, leisure time and your life • You must have a focus, aims, objectives and goals. Ask the following questions; • What do you want to become in life? • What does God have in stock for you? • Then APPLY SMART • S – Specific; M – Measure; A – Attainable; R- Realistic; T – Tangible. • Take the struggling of life with Joy • ChrsGbeagbelebu Re etc • Don’t allow heaviness in your heart Prov 12:25, Prov 15:13. • Even at the point of provocation, look at all situations with joy. Prov 15:1 • Work hard and be honest, • Preparation + Opportunity or Good Luck = Success • I pray that our expectation shall not be cut off Prov 23:17-18, since the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want Ps 23:1
Spiritual Excellence • Whatever happens physically has its roots from the spiritual. • There are so many wicked and stronghold of the devil in the world II Cor. 10:4 – Satanic stronghold. • Therefore, you need the power of God to assist you in life. The power of God confers certain power and privileges like • Freedom from satanic oppressions • Having keys to loose and bound – Math 16:19 • Divine stronghold – Ps 18:2 • Having power over all evil forces – Acts 2:8 • Obtaining the promise of God Ex 23:20 • Fulfilling God’s covenant since He Is a covenant keeping God Ex 20:2, Gen 12:1-3, Deut 7:7-10 • The Lord being our shepherd Ps 23:1 • Being a noble use of God 1 Tim 3:1-7 • The Lord enlarging our coast 1 Chron 4:10 • The Lord bringing back all what has been stolen. He bringeth back the captivity of Zion Ps 126:1-6 • Treading upon serpents and scorpions by the power he has given us Luke. 10:19 • Have divine accelerated blessings 1Kings 18: 41-46 • It is human being that does not allow his fellow human being to excel. So you need to either: conform to them – the drifters or failures or – overcome them having the power of God that makes you a great man in the world.
THE STORY OF MY LIFE AS A TESTIMONY • The book titled – Destiny and Determination: Nurtured by God- is written to recount my experience in life from childhood, and the process of growth in the face of destiny and the determination to survive against all odds. • Glory and Honour be to our God forever and ever (Amen), who has the ability to take people from grass to grace. The only One that can lift and no one can pull down. My tower and strength in the time of struggling, from cradle through Modern School, Craftsman, Technician, Technologist, Engineer, Doctorate Degree and a Professor in Engineering. • This is an uphill task, since there were many obstacles, hindrances, mountains to climb, huddles to cross, barriers to overcome and bus stops on the way. • This is the line that the Lord enabled me to pass through in Life. I give thanks, honour and adoration to God Almighty, who enabled me to attain what he has destined for my life.
BORN A PEASANT FARM BOY • I was born a peasant farm boy on a Friday some 56 years ago at EfonAlaye, Ekiti State of Nigeria. • My father was a peasant farmer and my mother a petty trader. • I am the last born of my mother who had 4 children but lost eldest son in 1964 . • This our eldest brother later became a Grade III Teacher and my mother was being called “Iya Teacher”. • You could see the level of primitive and thick problems in a polygamous setting in which I came from. • My mother is the second wife in my father’s house of three wives. Through manipulation my mother who was supposed to be the first wife eventually ended up being the second wife. • Then the polygamous war I needed to fight in life started the day I was born.
A FARM BOY GOES TO SCHOOL • I started schooling early, courtesy of my eldest brother at IwarajaIlesa in 1963. But after his death I retuned back to EfonAlaye to continue with my education in primary three. • I Started my Secondary School Education at Christ Apostolic Church Commercial Modern School, Isale Ola, Ipetumodu in January, 1970. I was able to also gain entrance examination to Origbo Grammar School and Origbo Community High School all in Ipetumodu. • It is pertinent to note that I was unable to go to any of these secondary schools due to the limitations of my elder brother I was living with then. I was not doing badly in the Commercial Modern School, where eventually I was enrolled. I was given a prize at the end of that year as the neatest and the best overall performance in the class one of 1970. • I tried the admission to Trade Centre, Osogbo twice before I was finally admitted in September, 1974 to read Fitter Machinists (now known as Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice).
Polytechnic Education • I remember that I sought for admission to many higher Institutions like Petroleum Training Institution, Efurum, Polytechnic, Ibadan, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, but on the 2nd October, 1979, I gained admission to College of Education, IkereEkiti to read NCE Technical Education specializing in Metalwork and Technical Education. • As I was about to resume I did another entrance examination to Ondo State Polytechnic Owo and I was also admitted to read Nigeria National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, which was later re-designated to Higher National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering for 4 years. • That was how I was lucky to be one of the few that enjoyed 4 years straight course for HND in the Polytechnic instead of the two tie system of 2 years OND and 2 years HND.
University Education • After my HND, I applied for admission to more than 100 Universities in England, Australia, United States of America, Canada, and Finland, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. • I was admitted to so many of these Universities but I just concentrated in the following Universities; • Leeds Polytechnic, Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3HE – to read B.Eng./B.Eng. (Hons) Course in Manufacturing System Engineering – 4 Years. On 7th November, 1986, Unconditional Offer; • The University of Birmingham, P.O.Box 363, Birmingham B15 2TT – to read B.Eng/B.Com. 3 years on November, 20th 1986, Unconditional Offer; • Trent Polytechnic, Burton Street, Nottingham NG1 48U – B.Eng./B.Eng Honours in Manufacturing Engineering on 3rd April, 1987. • Liverpool Polytechnic, Liverpool - B.Eng./B.Eng Honours in Manufacturing Engineering on 18th November, 1986. – Unconditional Offer. • I was unable to go to any of these Universities due to financial predicament.
University Education . . . • The journey to my University Education in Nigeria started when a friend of mine whom we grew together at EfonAlaye Mr. Mathew Adegbola (now A Director at Administrative Staff College, Topo, Badagry) told me that there was a programme in Enugu where HND can be admitted. • He was a Postgraduate Student of this University then. Before this time, I already had admission for Masters Degree in the following foreign Universities; • Cranfield Institute of Technology (Later University), Bedford MK 43 OAL England – 2 Years Masters in Manufacturing Engineering, with one year preliminary year equivalent to Bachelors in Engineering. • University of Bath, Clever Down, Bath – Master of Philosophy (M.Phill) by Research in Process Planning with Dr. A.R. Mileham (now Professor). • Indiana State University of Terre Haute, Indiana, 47809, USA – Masters Degree in Manufacturing Technology, in Oct, 4th 1985. • I was unable to honour the above named admissions because of financial predicaments. So the clarion call of my friend, Mathew Adegbola became a welcomed idea. • Then Anambra State University of Science and Technology (ASUTECH), Enugu offered me a place on 21st September, 1990 for a 2-year study leading to the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical /Production Engineering on Part Time basis. We started lecture in January, 1991
University Education . . . • It was this certificate in combination with my HND certificate that I used to enter the Masters in Engineering at Federal University of Technology, Akure in 1995. • At Federal University of Technology, Akure, my case for admission was not a simple one since it was new for somebody with HND and PGD wanting to enter Masters Degree. • My case went to SENATE of FUTA five times before it was finally approved that I would be admitted for Masters in Mechanical Engineering – • FUTA said we should combine the HND Courses with PGD Courses and compare it with undergraduate courses run in FUTA and see if there were deficiencies. This was done and it was discovered that we even did more courses in the combined programmes than the University undergraduate; • It was also necessary to calculate my marks obtained on 5 points grading system used in FUTA to see if I made 3.5 and above. This was done. I had 3.62 which thereby qualified me for admission. • I wrote the course curriculum for mounting PGD in Mechanical Engineering as well as Inclusion of the combined HND and PGD as to qualify one for Masters Admission. • All the above mentioned points were done before I was finally admitted for the Masters programme in FUTA • I did not wait, immediately I finished my Masters I collected PhD form and in exactly 4 years, January, 22nd 2002, I defended my PhD thesis.
MY WORKING LIFE • I started my working career as a Messenger on the 1st January, 1973 at Christ Apostolic Church Teacher Training College, EfonAlaye. • Craftsman / Technicians: I started working as a Technician Grade III at Nipol Plastic Limited, ApataGanga, Ibadan on 1st August, 1977 with a starting salary of £1,186.00 per annum. I was there for about five months before I joined Ministry of Agriculture, Akure as a Fitter Machinists’ on 9th January, 1978. • Technical Instructor and Technologist: As a Higher National Diploma (HND) holder in Mechanical Engineering I was posted to Oyo State for the National Youth Service Corps. After the orientation I was posted to The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Satellite Campus at EsaOke. • When I left The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Satellite Campus, EsaOke, I joined the Federal University of Technology, Akure as a Technologist I in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering under the School of Earth and Mineral Sciences. • In January, 1990, I joined Department of Mechanical Engineering after passing an interview competed for by both internal and external candidates. I reported to Dr. A.A. Aderoba (now Professor) who accidentally was still in the Agricultural Engineering Department thus conferring on me the FIRST STAFF of the Department and the first Technologist
MY WORKING LIFE . . • Lecturer • I was appointed to the grade of Lecturer II in 1997 after acquiring an M.Eng. in Production Engineering from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure. I rose to become Lecturer I, Senior Lecturer and Reader (Associate Professor) on 1st October, 2005 and the Head of Department. • On 21st May, 2008, I was appointed Full Professor at The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State of Nigeria. • Presently, Dean, College of Engineering (COLENG), Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (1st August, 2011 to Date). • Formerly, Administrator (Director),Works and Services Department, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. (2nd January, 2009 to June, 2011).
Graduated Students • I have graduated many students at 1st degree, Masters and PhD levels: • 10 PhD Defended, 12 PhD still Ongoing; • 47 Masters of Engineering completed and defended their theses; • 32 Post Graduate Diploma students supervised; • 50 Bachelors of Science/Engineering Degree supervised; and • 19 Higher National Diplomas Supervised
Registration with Professional Bodies • I am a highly skilled Professional Registered Engineer who started from the craft level. • I am a Member of Nigerian Society of Engineers (MNSE), • Member Ghana Institute of Engineers (MGhIE), and • Registered with Council of Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).
Publications • 52 Referred Journal Articles; • 38 Referred Conference Proceedings; • 8 Books of Abstract; • 19 Textbooks Published • and 4 Thesis/Dissertation Submitted for the award of Degrees –121 Publications.
MY FAMILY LIFE • Samuel BabatopeAdejuyigbe married Miss Funmilayo Deborah Mogaji on the 3rd December, 1983 in a well attended marriage ceremony held at Christ Apostolic Church, Irowo Headquarters, Akure, Ondo State of Nigeria. • The best man was Ezekiel Adeyemo known as EZEKO MOTORS and the best lady was Miss KemiAdesinasi now Mrs KemiOjo. • The Toast of the wedding which was the prevailing vogue and circumstances by that time which my life was eventually built upon are enumerated thus: • “Hope is only passive, quite different from faith, which is active, creative. Hope has the element of uncertainty it looks forward to possibility, while faith looks backward to an accomplished work. Faith rests with confident assurance that God’s word would be fulfilled, even while it receives’ no encouragement at all by what the eye may see”. • “Persistent Faith always WINS. Let nothing discourage you. Let nothing change you. Allow no symptom to change your attitude towards God’s word. Be steady. Settle it forever in your heart that God’s promises WILL BE FULFILLED. It may require seven trips around the walls (Joshua 6: 15-16) or seven dips in the river (2 Kings 5: 14), but the victory will come through persistent faith in what God has spoken”.
MY FAMILY LIFE . . . • It is interesting to note that we were new couple without anything to fall on. I was just graduating from the Polytechnic and my fiancé was a student at Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo • Another aspect of this rough road which needed serious determination to pass through was that we waited for the fruit of the womb for good three years before we had our first born named Samuel BamidupeAyomideAdejuyigbe, now a Master Degree student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. • Since then our marital life has been a blessing. We had the second boy named Isaac IfeoluwaBabatopeAdejuyigbe two years and eight months later. By the Grace of God he too is a Master Degree Student of Architecture at The Federal University of Technology, Akure. • We waited for a longer time about 9 years to have the third boy Ireoluwa Adekunle Adejuyigbe, who is now in SSSII at Federal University of Technology, Akure Staff Secondary, School, Akure. We thank God for his loving kindness over the family. • My wife, Deborah OluwafunmilayoAdejuyigbe, is doing very well. Since I married her it had been sweet, sweet home all the way. She delivered three boys which we should be thankful to God for. .
AS A WORKER IN THE HOUSE OF GOD • I started working in the house of God as a Pupil Choir at CAC, Iwaraja, Ilesa, and Okesa, Ilesa in 1963/1964, and as a choir boy and officer at CAC, Oke Ayo and Central Choir, EfonAlaye from 1965 to 1974 • Secretary of CAC Students Association Choir and also the Band Leader of CAC OkeSegun, Irowo, Akure from 1977 to 1983, • Elder at CAC Oke Alafia Akure in 1992 and later ordained a Pastor in 1995. • I founded my present church, English Assembly of CAC, Chapel of Praise, at Akure in 2002. • I became born again Christian in December 25th 1974 in one of the CAC Students Association Conference, at Ado Ekiti.
CONCLUSION AND MY CHARGE: UN–LIMIT YOURSELF • You need to un-limit yourself at this stage of your life. • Know your limits, and then ignore them. • You must have victory, breakthrough over your limitations. • Your life is a reflection of what you belief. • A belief is a thought that you have held or something that you have told yourself over and over throughout your life. • Belief starts from young age, this is the foundation of your life. • Don’t let it limit you. It is agreed upon by human expert that an average person uses but a fraction (about 10%) of the potential mental capacity that he possesses. • Some have the ability to raise their own to about 20%. It is pertinent to know that most of us are using less than 10% of the potentials that we have, therefore you need to develop, believe, and declare that nothing is impossible to achieve your potentials. • Nothing shall be impossible unto you – Mathew 17:20
Conclusion . . . • You also need to banish worry in your life and replace worry with positive action that is fruitful. • Worry has been described as a spasm of the emotions, irrational thoughts, a catalyst for creating a depressed condition with a human being. • There is one song that says: Why worry when you can pray. • So my brother and sister stop worrying but rise above worry by replacing it with prayer and faith in God. • Faith is daring the impossibility. It is stepping out; trusting God to do through you what is beyond your natural ability. • The devil smiles when we make plans. He laughs when we get too busy. He trembles when we pray. • Worry is wasting today’s time to clutter up tomorrow’s opportunities with yesterday’s troubles. You have to learn how to rest in Him. Know that if God says it, He will make it good; if He speaks it; He will bring it to pass. • Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray with faith about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers. • Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee- Psalm 55:22
Conclusion . . . • Another area where you can un-limit yourself is by removing fear. • Always have this slogan that fears knocked at my door, faith answered and there was no one there. • Fear can keep you from going where you could have won. Don’t let your fear steal from you or prevent you from pursuing your dream. • I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears – Palm 34:4
Conclusion . . . • Also take care of your emotions. • In order to live a happy and productive life and really take charge of your destiny, it is necessary for you to take control of your emotional states. • Your emotions are as a result of thinking a particular thought. Some of the emotion resulted to rage, joy, anger, overwhelm, fear, helplessness, and other emotional states that you may experience daily. • Your emotion should not lead you to depression or some unwanted moods. If you suffer from constant depression you need to seek help. • Don’t be careless about your health. Take charge of your health. Many people in the world today are very careless about their health. Include enough physical exercise to make you fit. • My friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit. 3 John 2
Conclusion … • As John was concerned for Gaius’s physical and spiritual wellbeing we are also concerned too. This is the opposite of the popular heresy that teaches the separation of spirit and matter and despises the physical side of life. Today many people still fall into this way of thinking. This non-Christian attitude logically leads to one of two responses: • Neglect of the body and physical health; • Or indulgence of body’s sinful desires. • God is concerned for both your body and your soul. As a responsible Christian, you should neither neglect nor indulge yourself but care for your physical needs and discipline your body so that you are at your best for God’s service.
Conclusion . . . • Finally, Baba Adeboye said in Dallas in one of his preachings, I quote: “If the Lord dominates you, You will dominate the world” • Thank you and God Bless You All.