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Life in The 1920’s The Roaring 20’s

Life in The 1920’s The Roaring 20’s. Why was it called the ‘Roaring 20’s’?. It was a loud, prosperous time Many were happy the war was over Booming time – people were able to afford many things and life was good. A Booming Economy.

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Life in The 1920’s The Roaring 20’s

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  1. Life in The 1920’sThe Roaring 20’s

  2. Why was it called the ‘Roaring 20’s’? It was a loud, prosperous time Many were happy the war was over Booming time – people were able to afford many things and life was good
  3. A Booming Economy Canada experienced one of the greatest economic booms in its history. American companies invested in Canada's natural resources and manufacturing industries. New products, such as vacuum cleaners, stove and refrigerators became available. Automobiles and radios had the greatest impact on the social and economic life of Canadians. The stock market boomed with new investors.
  4. Canadian Politics and Leaders during the 1920s

  5. The Liberals - led by William Lyon Mackenzie King who was similar to Laurier. He did not take sides and always looked for a compromise to please the majority. Was Prime Minister from December1921 to June1926 and September1926 to August1930
  6. The Conservatives - When Robert Borden resigned in 1920, Arthur Meighen became the leader. He had very strong opinions, did not know the meaning of compromise, and was in favor of high tariffs (taxes) which prairie farmers opposed. Was Prime Minister from July 1920 to December1921 and June 1926 to September1926
  7. Technology and New Inventions

  8. Technology and Inventions Inventions and new technologies, especially for house hold products, advanced rapidly during the 20’s due to many Canadian and U.S. citizens ability to afford them and the wide spread use of electricity.
  9. Canadian Inventions Frederick Banting- a doctor from Toronto who created the formula for insulin which helps to control diabetes. His research was done with dogs but the first human (14 year old Leonard Thompson) was injected in 1922 and results were successful. Alexander Graham Bell - from Brantford, Ontario invented the telephone. The final model took years to perfect but by 1929 every 3 out of 4 families had a telephone.
  10. Men’s and Women’s Fashions

  11. Fashion Men’s fashion did not see any significant changes but women’s clothes became more revealing.
  12. Women’s Flapper Fashion
  13. Flapper Girls
  14. Flappers Some women broke the social rules and hung out all night with men at clubs and dances, drank, smoked, cut their hair short, wore provocative clothing and danced the Charleston which was considered inappropriate at the time. They were known as Flappers.
  15. In the 1920s, a new woman was born. She smoked, drank, danced, and voted. She cut her hair, wore make-up, and went to petting parties. She was giddy and took risks. She was a flapper.
  16. During the war, both the boys and the girls of this generation had broken out of society's structure; they found it very difficult to return. They found themselves expected to settle down into the routine of life as if nothing had happened, to accept the expectations of elders who seemed to them still to be living in a traditional way which the war had changed for them. They couldn't do it, and they very disrespectfully said and did so.
  17. Women were just as anxious as the men to avoid returning to society's rules and roles after the war. Young women did not date, they waited until a proper young man formally paid her interest with suitable intentions (i.e. marriage). However, nearly a whole generation of young men had died in the war, leaving nearly a whole generation of young women without possible suitors. Young women decided that they were not willing to waste away their young lives waiting idly for spinsterhood; they were going to enjoy life. The "Younger Generation" was breaking away from the old set of values.
  18. Men’s Fashion
  19. Jazz clothing surfaced in 1919 as a new music called Jazz was first being performed. This JAZZ SUIT, identified by it's extremely trim, tight/pinched look, was worn by those in the theatrical profession. As seen in World War One uniforms the jacket has a unique waist seam.
  20. Dancing, Going to Clubs, Entertainment

  21. Going Out Dancing and going out to clubs became very popular as well as going out to see a movie or a live show.
  22. Cotton Club – Jazz Hall The Cotton Club was a famous night club in New York City that operated during Prohibition that included jazz music.
  23. Swing Dancing at the Jazz Halls
  24. The 1920s was the Jazz Age and one of the most popular past-times for flappers was dancing. Dances such as the Charleston, Black Bottom, and the Shimmy were considered "wild" by older generations. As described in the May 1920 edition of the Atlantic Monthly, flappers "trot like foxes, limp like lame ducks, one-step like cripples, and all to the barbaric yawp of strange instruments which transform the whole scene into a moving-picture of a fancy ball in bedlam.” For the Younger Generation, the dances fit their fast-paced life-style.
  25. Charlie Chaplin Silent Movies – used orchestra music Talkies – when characters began to speak in the movie Slapstick Comedy
  26. Sports Sporting events made their mark in Canada during the 20’s as more people had money to spend on various sporting events such as baseball, tennis, hockey, sailing races and the Olympics.
  27. Sports

  28. Sports in Canada in the 1920s Sports in the 1920's in Canada centered on participation. Anyone who had the skill could participate. Amateur sports such as hockey, football, baseball, lacrosse, etc. flourished due to the influx of many talented players. The twenties were Canada's golden age of sport. Many sports, such as hockey, football, and baseball, were becoming all professional.
  29. The Babe!
  30. Sports in Canada in the 1920s The sports heroes of the decade were amateurs. They often came out of nowhere to capture the headlines, medals, and world records.
  31. Edmonton Grads
  32. The Edmonton Grads Women hit the scene large in the 1920's. basketball was large for women especially for a group called the Edmonton Grads. These ladies were a successful basketball team that Won 502 games and lost only 20. The Grads achieved 4 Olympic victories. These ladies even faced off against proffessional male teams and won 7 out of nine games!
  33. Sports
  34. Hockey!!!
  35. Hockey The Montreal Maroons entered the NHL in 1924 and the league successfully moved into the lucrative urban market of the US, adding the Boston Bruins (1924), the New York Americans (1925), the Pittsburgh Pirates (1925), the New York Rangers (1926), the Chicago Black Hawks (1926) and the Detroit Cougars (1926). However, almost every one of the players came from Canada.
  36. Canada at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium Flag of Canada Competitors 53 in 9 sports Medals - Rank: 12 3 Gold 3 Silver 3 Bronze 9 Total
  37. Prohibition, Bootlegging and Gangsters

  38. Prohibition Alcohol was illegal in different parts of Canada for short periods of the 20’s and illegal in the U.S. during the entire decade. Prohibition is the law that made alcohol illegal
  39. Why Prohibition??? 1920s’ Prohibition - not allowed to produce, sell, transport, import, or export alcoholic beverages Abstinence from alcohol was the only way to prevent drunkenness. The primary victims of alcohol abuse were women and children due to domestic violence.  
  40. Prohibition
  41. Bootlegging – illegally selling and distributing booze
  42. Gangsters Criminals made millions of dollars from the illegal sale of alcohol, this resulted in a large loss of provincial taxes since each province was individually responsible for the sale of alcohol. Al Capone was a famous gangster of the 1920s
  43. Al ‘Scarface’ Capone During the Prohibition era, gangsters ruled many of the large cities, becoming rich from owning speakeasies, breweries, brothels, and gambling joints. These gangsters would carve up a city between rival gangs, bribe local officials, and become local celebrities.
  44. The Operation
  45. Slang

  46. Slang Words Many American slang words which referred to alcohol became popular in Canada such as: moonshine (illegal liquor), bootleggers (those who sold it), and speakeasies and blind pigs (places to buy it).
  47. apple sauce Nonsense, meaningless flattery, or baloney. big cheese An important person. coffin varnish Cheap, inferior whisky. dead soldier An empty beer or whisky bottle. drugstore cowboy A young man who hangs around public places and shows off in an attempt to impress women. flat tire A dull or boring person. gangster A criminal who belongs to a gang gin mill A blind pig, or speakeasy. heebie-jeebies Feeling nervous, scared, or worried. hooch Whisky or liquor. jack Money. moonshine Whisky or liquor, usually cheap and low-quality because it is made in illegal stills. May also mean nonsense or baloney. real McCoy Whisky or liquor that is not watered down — also, people who are genuine and can be counted on.
  48. The Model T

  49. The Automobile – The Model T Automobile production boomed as cars could be built cheaper and more durable due to Henry Ford’s mass production assembly lines.
  50. Canadian Art

    The Group of Seven
  51. The Group of Seven The Group of Seven were famous for painting the Canadian landscape The painting contributed to the growing sense of Canadian Identity
  52. The Suffrage Movement –

    Women protesting for equal rights like the right to vote and paid work
  53. City Life

    How did towns and cities change?
  54. Toronto 1920 – Queen St.
  55. Canadian Bank of Commerce Building. City of Toronto 34 stories tall 1927 – (opened in 1931)
  56. NYC -1900
  57. NYC - 1920
  58. Smaller Towns
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