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Provides UniProt cross-referencing to GO, Pfam, and other datasets (but not EC). PIR (Protein Information Resource). 1. UniProtKB accession (UniProtKB accession with taxon_id) 2. UniProtKB ID 3. EntrezGene 4. RefSeq 5. NCBI GI number 6. PDB 7. Pfam 8. GO 9. PIRSF 10. IPI
Provides UniProt cross-referencing to GO, Pfam, and other datasets (but not EC). PIR (Protein Information Resource)
1. UniProtKB accession (UniProtKB accession with taxon_id) 2. UniProtKB ID 3. EntrezGene 4. RefSeq 5. NCBI GI number 6. PDB 7. Pfam 8. GO 9. PIRSF 10. IPI 11. UniRef100 12. UniRef90 13. UniRef50 14. UniParc 15. PIR-PSD accession 16. NCBI taxonomy 17. MIM 18. UniGene 19. Ensembl 20. PubMed ID 21. EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ 22. EMBL protein_id iProClass Data Table
Some are provided with the GO distribution: Candida GO slim Generic GO slim GOA and proteome slim PIR GO slim Plant GO slim Fission yeast GO slim Yeast GO slim GO Slims Custom slim sets are also doable, although we haven't set this up yet.
Query pages unified (fewer different pages) • Look and feel more like JPave • Functionality mostly the same Web PAVE Revisions
Unitrans Query filters DB Hit Annotation (UniProt/NT) GO Grouping
Shows pairs (unitrans vs. protein) • How to get combined expression for protein? All matches with keyword "storage"
Shows summed expression levels for each Protein • R-Stat from the summed expression levels Grouped results
Same as DB Hit view (note pairs) • Note large output GO – normal view
Show the GO results within heirarchy • Best for grouped results, otherwise many Unitrans per GO GO – tree view