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SWOT analysis on WMO assistance to Members Synthesis & recommendations. The question for this SWOT. Assessing WMO in its ability to help NMHSs develop their capacity… «What we do well we need to do better», Rob Masters DRA WMO. Definition - SWOT. WMO SWOT. WMO SWOT. WMO SWOT. WMO SWOT.
SWOT analysis on WMO assistance to MembersSynthesis & recommendations
The question for this SWOT • Assessing WMO in its ability to help NMHSs develop their capacity… «What we do well we need to do better», Rob Masters DRA WMO
WMO SWOT • But: • NMHS dont know how to get the information? • Processes and manuals are not alwaysfollowed • Not enough coordination among the different groups and bodies • WMO not enoughfocused on the « Management » of projects • Users not aware of benefits of good forecasts / Services • Mission creep, Definitions of roles • Duplicated projects, programmes, documents, events..on same topics/issues/.. Recognized worlwide technical specifications and technical requirements as there is a great need for climate knowhow, early warning systems.. Helping Members anticipate their needs through global standards, set of established and recognized bodies that help to answer those questions (RAs, TCs, ..) WMO is a multilateral organization and thus has a great opportunity to lead and/or coordinate with the other UN agencies on such topics (climate, met, hyd…) Less developed regions (Africa, ..) are bridging the Digital Divide
WMO SWOT • But: • WMO does not help advocateenough on what the Met purposeis Service focused (incl. PWS) • Lack of guidelines to prioritize capacity building agenda at sub-regional and local levels • Lack of coordination with Environment actors • Weak inter-organizational and inter-programme coordination. • Competition for resources with donors and other multilateral institutions especially in the domain of climate change and disaster risk reduction. Existing workshops and projects in favor of strategic planning and management, Examples of pilot projects demonstrating socio-economic benefits to the population living and goods safety RMO unit facilitating access to new resources such as Adaptation Fund Modernization national plans are opportunities Some of the MDG are deeply associated with the work of NMHSs, Disaster is an opportunity : have plan ready for disaster
WMO SWOT • But: • WMO not active enough in helping plans to be executed, for ex. weak mechanisms for transition of demo and pilot projects to sustainable capacity . • WMO has a visibility challenge in general, we are document oriented, our products are documents.. • Incoherent and sketchy monitoring of the capacity of Members, inertiafromwithin (lowresponses to surveys, ..) • Poor evaluation evaluation and monitiroing tools (IT) • Lack of management orientation to projectfollow-up • Loss of knowledge over time Country base Surveys WMO KPIs existence, country assessment Existence of pilot projects Quality Management Systems to implement represents a huge opportunity to speed up the process Some projects offer a large visibility (HK center, WIGOS..), which is a good outreach opportunity
WMO should help … • Increase NMHS visibility and national ownership through advocacy, outreach and communication • Coordinate Climate/met/hyd. Projects/programmes at all levels : governance issue • Optimize knowledge management with the Senior met community • Uplift capacities on the fundraising and project management issues • Engage into a sustainable process, system and tool for the CDS
… Matching the Adaptation Fund requirements? (cf Wayne presentation this morning) (a) Strong country commitment to regional cooperation; (b) The scope of objectives has to match national and regional capacities for regional programmes to deal effectively with the complex coordination; (c) Clear delineation and coordination of the roles of national and regional institutions: (d) Accountable governance arrangements, which take time to establish but are essential to gaining country ownership; and (e) Planning for sustainability of program outcomes after external support ends.
Recommendations for WMO to better help NMHS developing their capacity… Meaning • How can WMO address better the capacity development process? • How can WMO help Members accomplishing each of these CD steps ? • What can WMO bring in in a more efficient way ?
(a) On better coordination : defining roles and roles limits • Define clearly the WMO (including ECCD group) roles and limits of its roles, • Identify clearly the Governance structure within the core mission of providing Warning services for people and goods • Coordinate Climate/met/hyd. Projects/programmes at all levels : international/ regional/ technical / UN agencies, especially with the Environment stakeholders, where WMO can play a key role • Propose tools to Members such as the Country profile database
(b) Outreach/ Communication There is a marketing challenge to overcome and in that area a lot can be done such as : • Tell a good story about disaster : explain what we have done/ what we could do better • Cataloging and communicating on success stories • Develop a concrete and valuable marketing proposal for Public Weather Services • Capitalize on pilot projects, communicate on them, to show off the small fish to get the big fish • Dialog on this thematic, especially on the large medias
(c) Specific actions to enable PRs in their countries • Propose a specific career development package for PRs and stimulating their psychology of winners so they become good managers and leaders (esp. on the change management, coaching and leadership fields) • Organize Users For a with major stakeholders and NMHS to better communicate with the decision makers on the socio-economic benefits of our services • Help NMHS develop their strategic plans together with their development plans so execution is ensured • Assist in developing project proposals • Develop NMHS management manual/ guidelines
(d) On fundraising/ project management/ monitoring.. • Facilitate NMHS participation into major events linked or interlinked in climate issues • Strengthen relationship of NMHSs to planning, financial and political authorities • Develop the management component of projects, more than just coordination of projects • Link to donors and regional partners, using the existing financial schemes • Implement Survey Tools, optimize Country DataBase and organize country assessments
(e) Step into a modern knowledge society • Adopting new approaches in our communities : • Develop solutions from Data management to KM (Knowledge management) • Strategic Human Resource management approach • Get ready to integrate new generations (YZ gens..) • What can we do that can be transferable to other countries? • Propose guidance / best practice / legislation/ Missions of assessment / work through for inclusion • Develop pilot projects : improve the Demo aspects on the long run and engage the NMHS in taking the lead and capitalize/communicate on these examples
Additional remarks… • This model does not apply necessarily to all cases, but in most development «stories», it is true that we can find a logic in this process; • There might be issues to be considered prior to the CD process including governance issues • Key elements are national commitment, design of strategic plan and execution of plans.
Thankyou Yvette Ramos y@novaimo.com
(c) Using standard models to analyse – sowecan compare betterwith the «market» • P: political • E: economical • S: social • T : technical • E : environmental • L: legal
SWOT on WMO assistance to NMHSAssistance to build….. • Human resourcecapacity • equipping individuals with the understanding, skills, information, knowledge and training to enable them to generate, communicate and use decision-relevant meteorological, hydrological and climate information; • Infrastructuralcapacity • enabling access to the resources that are needed to generate, archive and use data and decision-relevant information, including observing networks, data management systems, computer hardware and software, internet, manuals and scientific literature; • Proceduralcapacity • defining, implementing and advancing best practices for generating and using meteorological, hydrological and climate information; • Institutionalcapacity • elaborating management structures, processes and procedures that enable effective meteorological, hydrological and climate information, not only within organizations but also in managing relationships between the different organizations and sectors (public, private and community, including international collaboration).
PLAN stage involves analyzing the current situation, gathering data, and developing ways to make improvements. • The DO stage involves testing alternatives experimentally in a laboratory establishing a pilot process, or trying it out with small number of customers. • The CHECK stage requires determining whether the trial or process is working as intended, whether any revisions are needed, or whether is should be scrapped. • The ACT stage focuses on implementing the process within the organization or with its customers and suppliers.