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Ruby Quest: Chapter 29. Ruby and Tom use the SPADE KEY on the lock to Lab B. The double-doors slide open. [Animated]. SUBJECT 6 rises from the pool of light. [Animated]. SUBJECT 6's legs appear to have been amputated. His arms are long, thin, and end at bony points instead of hands.
Ruby and Tom use the SPADE KEY on the lock to Lab B. • The double-doors slide open. • [Animated]
SUBJECT 6 rises from the pool of light. • [Animated]
SUBJECT 6's legs appear to have been amputated. His arms are long, thin, and end at bony points instead of hands. • He lies in the center of the room, staring with empty eye sockets towards the door. His ears twitch slightly, listening. • IS SOMEONE THERE?
Ruby begins to speak, but the figure interrupts. • I CAN'T HEAR YOU, CHILD. • COME CLOSER.
Ruby speaks louder instead of entering the room. Subject 6 appears disappointed, a look of sadness crossing his face. He sits up, facing the door. ">Ask his name." The look of sadness disappears for a moment. His brow uncreases and he smiles thinly. DON'T YOU RECOGNIZE ME? IT'S ME, TOM. THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.
Subject 6 turns a bit, suddenly perking up his ears. LUCY? LUCY IS THAT YOU? I KNEW YOU'D COME BACK TO ME.
"Seriously using the third eye sounds good right about now." "Have Tom feign that he's Lucy: "Yes, it's me. Lucy.""
">Seriously using the third eye sounds good right about now." Ruby's third eye is in too much pain to open right now! ">Have Tom feign that he's Lucy: "Yes, it's me. Lucy."" LUCY, I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE. I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU.
Approaching the door, Tom realizes the room smells INCREDIBLY FOUL. Ruby agrees -- it's SO noxious, he can't even breathe it. ">tell him to come give it to you" I CAN'T MOVE, LUCY. PLEASE, COME TO ME. I'M SO LONELY HERE.
Tom starts to move in. Subject 6 does not react well. NO! I SAID LUCY!
Ruby slowly approaches, holding the oxygen mask to her mouth to breathe safely. Subject 6 smiles again. THANK YOU.
Ruby approaches Subject 6, who stares up at her with empty eyes. Ruby asks for the key.
">TOM: Feel around the entrance for a light switch" Tom begins blindly groping just inside the door for a light switch, holding his breath. Subject 6 holds up the GOLD KEY. THIS WILL GET YOU INTO HIS OFFICE. HE HAS TOOLS IN HIS DESK.
Tom frantically searches for the light switch. Ruby is not responding to his calls -- it's like she can't hear him. Tom places the GOLD KEY in Ruby's palm. DO ME A FAVOR WHILE YOU'RE THERE. CAN YOU BRING ME BACK SCISSORS? THANK YOU.
As Subject 6 begins to rise off the ground, Ruby beats a hasty retreat.
Ruby exits the room, closes it, bars it, and locks it. Tom tries to comfort Ruby.
Tom tries to hug Ruby, but she bolts in the opposite direction of the lab. She clearly wants to put some distance between herself and Subject 6.
Tom chases after Ruby, where he finds her unlocking the door to Filbert's office.
Ruby picks up the FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER. On the wall, Filbert has mounted a framed copy of the Hippocratic Oath.
"rummage through the drawers in the desk and filing cabinet."
">rummage through the drawers in the desk and filing cabinet." Ruby finds a few small scraps of paper in the drawer and decides to read them. [cutscene]
This is the last scrap of paper in the desk. There don't appear to be any other tools here either.
">search cabinet drawers" There are many bits of severed flesh in this drawer. It appears they have all been cut from something very cleanly, with great precision.
Tom totally wrecks the shit out of Filbert's stuff. The bad news is it doesn't reveal any clues Tom can find. The good news is he felt pretty good doing it.
The scraps of paper and tiny splinters of wood are hardly worth carrying. The room appears pretty thoroughly searched. Tom and Ruby consider their next move.
"Try Filbert's key on security station. I'm sure he had an access there."
">Try Filbert's key on security station. I'm sure he had an access there." One is an actual key, one is a magnetic card reader.
">MEDLAB eye chart" Ruby heads downstairs with Tom. Ruby begins to unscrew the eye chart.
...boy, this facility is just FULL of secret cubbyholes. Inside the hiding place, there is a SHARD OF GREEN WOOD.
Ruby thinks back to the recess on Locker #3. ...There's no way she has the complete key yet!
">unscrew the vent." Ruby and Tom exit and walk to the adjacent room. Ruby begins unscrewing the vent.