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The winter 2011 issue of Commander's Corner provides updates on recent events, promotions, and re-enlistments, along with a special focus on the upcoming Easter celebration. The Commander expresses appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the Provider Family and highlights the success of the Holiday Block Leave. Additionally, the new Battalion Chaplaincy/FRG Dinner and changes in leadership are announced.
PROVIDERS QUARTERLY Winter 2011 COMMANDER’S CORNER LTC Eric J. Sloughfy • •Special points of interest: • • Calendar Events on page 2 • Re-enlistments and Promotions on page 6 I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you in the Provider Family an early Happy Easter. The year 2012 is off to an outstanding start and promises to be a memorable year for our “High Performance Team”! I appreciate all the families that participated in our “Holiday Block Leave” potluck events held in every company. Cadre worked late hours and took care of the sons and daughters of America; Holiday Block Leave was a complete success. This success is attributed to the comraderie of the men and women in uniform of our battalion and the support received from their families. Thanks to Tiffany Gallucci (FRG Leader), Milota Miller (FRG Treasurer), Kim Darby, Lizza Vazquez, Sara Arroyo and all the volunteers and cadre for your countless volunteer hours to make every event a tremendous success. A special thanks to all our Company Level volunteers for their tremendous efforts. There is no doubt about it – you are all focused on working hard to improve the programs as every company stood up a Company Level FRG for the families and cadre. Our next event will be a Battalion Chaplaincy/FRG Dinner that will be the Spring kick off for 2012. More to follow on the exact date. We bid farewell to Papa Company Commander CPT Leslie Ship and welcomed CPT Grace Hurlocker as the new Pirate-6. Leslie, job well done and I appreciate what you have done to ensure the Soldiers of P CO, past and present, will continue to support victory. Leslie has left an indelible mark on the Army and the Quartermaster Corps. The best of luck to Shondre, Mya, Max the Golden Retriever, Leroy Brown the Chocolate Lab and of course the new baby – Bing! We will miss your team player attitude . Grace now assumes command and the responsibilities that go with training, caring, and leading the Pirates. I have full confidence that she and the cadre will continue the fine traditions of the Papa Pirates – Morale is Extremely High! Finally, I thank each of you for your dedicated service. I thank you and your families for all the time and effort you put into training our young Quartermaster Warriors. I look forward to the year ahead as we seek to raise the bar of our already superior performance. Provide It All •Inside this issue:
CSM’S HOT TOPIC CSM Ernest R. Lee Upcoming Events Happy New Year!!!!! I pray and hope that you had the chance to Refresh, Renew, Refocus, Rejuvenate and remember to make this New Year a great and wonderful Year. As we end the winter months, we must look ahead on the major events that the Battalion will be conducting. Holiday Block Leave close out and the Martin Luther King Jr as well as the President’s Day weekends were a great success. Reflect on the great accomplishments that all of these great men have done to make the United States of America a free place to live. The winter months are transitioning into the spring months and we must think safety and make sure we do not have a cold weather incident. The way you can do this is take care of your Battle Buddies. The 266th Quartermaster Battalion is thankful to the Soldiers, Officers, civilians and family members for making our Battalion one of the best on Fort Lee. This New Year make sure that you spend a lot of quality time with your family. Have a great and wonderful Provider New Year. Provide it all “ARMY STRONG”!!!! April 2012 13 APR CDC Spring Fling (073-UTC) 14 APR BN Bagging Event Commissary 16 APR B CO COR 16-20 APR Spring Clean Up 18-20 APR Strong Bonds Singles Retreat 18 APR BDE CSM NCOPD w/ PSG’S 18 APR Holocaust Remembrance Day (Liberty Chapel) 19 APR FT Lee Volunteer Appreciation Reception (Lee Club) 20 APR BDE CSM/Key Leadership Quick Look/overview • 20 APR-W Co COC 0800 (PFH) 20 APR Garrison Right Arm Night 23 APR-SWFTX 12-21 D-14 23 APR-Behavioral Health LPD(make up) 23 APR-4 MAY-SHARP Cert Tng 24 APR-Regimental Induction Ceremony 24 APR- Mil Traditions & Etiquette LPD w/Mrs .Hodge (E7&Above) 25 APR BDE Family Welcome 25-26 APR-TARP Training 08 26 APR- BN Hail & Farewell 27 APR-Senior Leader Sharp Training MAY 2012 Asian/Pacific/Islander Heritage Month 02 MAY- Audie Murphy Board 04 May-BDE B Day Run 09 MAY-BN CDR/CSM lunch w/XO’s 11 MAY- 23rd BDE Dining Out 15 MAY- 23rd BDE FRG Steering Committee 16 MAY-BN CSM NCOPD (LTD) 17 MAY-CH Andrews Lunch w/PSGs 18 MAY-Garrison Right Arm Night 23 MAY-BN CDR/CSM Farewell Party 23 MAY-QMS Town Hall MTG 25-28 MAY- Memorial Day Weekend 29 MAY-BN AIT Council MTG 29 MAY-BDE AIT Council MTG 30 MAY-BDE NCOPD 30 MAY-BDE Family Welcome 31 MAY-Post Retirement Ceremony For more info go To this website: www.lee.mwr.com
HHC UPDATE PIRATES UPDATE One of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 23rd Quartermaster Brigade mission is the reception and in-processing of all 92 series and 88N MOS’s into Line Companies within the brigade. HHC has three and a half days to in-process over 250 Soldiers every weekend. The majority of the Soldiers arrive on the Friday afternoon and Saturday mornings from all the BCTs across the country. During this quarter, we had 5 newborn baby additions to the Nighthawk Family, to include CPT Bell’s son, Daniel Cordon II, born on 15 December 2011. We are very happy to have these new additions to the HHC Family. 3 new Platoon Sergeants have also joined us from companies around the brigade. SFC Polk, SFC Guthrie and SFC Bacchus are now busy at work with the HHC team. Finally, we welcome SPC Haynes, Assistant Supply Sergeant, and his wife to HHC. HHC had a great beginning to the holidays while holding our second FRG Meeting and Holiday Party Potluck. We had a great turnout and cannot wait to continue growing our FRG and raising more money. Thanks to all the spouses and family members of Headquarters and Headquarters Company cadre and staff for your support. Nighthawk 6 • As the Captain of the Pirate Ship, the First Mate and I want to take the time to say thank you to all the crew members and their families! For without all hands on decks, the Pirate Ship would not stay afloat. I want to especially thank the spouses and Family Members of the Pirate crew, because without them taking care of home port the Cadre could not do what they do on a daily basis. THANK YOU!!! • As we focus on Families, Papa Company said good-bye to Captain Shipp the Captain of the Ship after 16 months of unwavering commitment and invaluable service as the company commander. Her, along with her husband CW2 Johnson, and their daughters Kierra, Brielle, and Mya, and son “Baby” Bing, will be sorely missed upon the Ship; but the Pirates know that they will continue to make the Army strong at their next duty station, Fort Hood, Texas. • The Pirates warmly welcomed the new Captain of the Pirate Ship, yours truly, Captain Grace N. Hurlocker, and my family on 20 January 2012. I look forward to working with everyone on the Pirate Ship — who have already made me feel so welcomed. My family and I are ready for our maiden voyage aboard the Ship! • Finally, I want to thank each cadre member, their families, and civilians for your dedicated service and dedication to our Family Readiness Group! • AAAAAAAaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!! • Pirate 6 • CPT Grace N. Hurlocker Weasels participate in Toy Drop
TIGERS UPDATE WARRIORS UPDATE We Lead The Way • New Tiger Cadre -- • Tango Company’s most recent • addition to the Tiger Family is our • new Executive Officer, 1LT Kyumin “Tony” Shin as well as his wife Kong Ju and new baby boy Gio born 17 Jan 12. The entire Tango family is excited about the wonderful new additions from the Shin family! As it was last year, 2012 is going to be full of activities, events and missions for our Whiskey Warriors to accomplish. Nevertheless, our Warriors are back from two weeks of long and well rested Holiday Block Leave. Welcome back Warriors, as we begin our mission on a high note! At the start of the New Year, I have been in Command for over a year. I want to start out by saying that I’m proud of my Cadre for putting in countless hours towards the training of our 92G Whiskey Warriors. It has been an adventurous; yet, good learning experience during my one year tenure here at Whiskey Company. The Warrior family participated in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) beginning November and ending the 10th of December. The CFC was overwhelmingly successful as the Spartan family helped contribute over $7,500, in order to provide health and human service benefits throughout the world. Moreover, the Warrior family welcomed a new Operation Sergeant in its ranks, SSG James Smith who came from Fort Hood, Texas. He is accompanied by his three kids: Logan, Jasmine, and Jamal. While his three kids are attending college, SSG Smith is able to spends his free time playing basketball and enjoying the surrounding community. Lastly, Whiskey Company sadly said good-bye to two valuable members for this quarter: First Sergeant Sedwich Price and Operations Sergeant SSG Jacqueline Brazil. These two will be sorely missed; however, we know that First Sergeant Price’s 20+ years of military expertise will make a difference in the civilian sector, while SSG Brazil will continue to make the Army stronger at the Army Logistics University (ALU). As we begin FY 2012, I want to wish our Service Members and their spouses a prosperous New Year. Warrior 6 Out! FRG Family Celebration • During the month of December, • Tango established a Company • Level Family Readiness group. • The Tigers appointed Katja • Heinl-Collier, the wife of SSG • Collier from the Joint Culinary • Center of Excellence as Tango • Company FRG Leader. The Tigers celebrated with a Potluck Dinner. It was a great opportunity for the Tango Company Cadre to take time out of their busy days and get to know each others families! • Holiday Block Leave Rear Detachment— • This past Holiday Season, Tango Company had the honor of housing and entertaining all the 23rd Quartermaster Brigade's trainees who were not on leave. The Tigers took the Warriors to participate in many outstanding events including but not limited to G-Force Karts, Swaders, Iron Bridge Sports Park, even a VCU NCAA game. It was a fantastic opportunity to take care of Soldiers who could not be home for the Holidays. • TANGO TIGERS WHISKEY WARRIORS Weasels participate in Toy Drop
BULLDOGS UPDATE Hi! I would like to introduce myself as the newest member of the Bulldog Family, 1LT Paulette Hale, the new Executive Officer. I am originally from Stafford, Virginia, about an hour South of Washington D.C, so of course I’m a Redskins and a Wizards fan. Go Skins! My hobbies include basketball, running, and Comedy Clubs. I don’t make the comedy, but I like to laugh. In my Army career attended ROTC and commissioned from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2009 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Exercise Science. I branched Quartermaster and completed the Basic Officer Leadership Course in June 2010. Shortly after, I attended the Mortuary Affairs Officer Course. My first and previous duty assignment was 49th GRP where I served as a Platoon Leader for 108th Quartermaster Petroleum Supply Company and 111th Quartermaster Mortuary Affairs Company. I served as a Platoon Leader for about 18 months. While assigned to 108th Quartermaster Company, I was the Officer in Charge for the Combined Joint Logistics Off-the-Shore 2011 Korea Mission. As the Officer in Charge, I led forty Soldiers in setting up an Inland Petroleum Distribution System while working alongside the US Korean Forces. I am eager to begin a new journey as the Bravo Company’s Executive Officer. A WORD FROM THE CHAPLAIN Dear Provider Family, I love to run. Recently, having slowed my running down because of cold weather, I’m doing more track work. But, I still love to run. Occasionally, I will use an iPod on the track. My iPod has several different folders; Coffee Shop, Devotional, and Running to name my three favorites. There are several different functions on the iPod that can be set too—repeating, continuous, and simple play. If I get those settings mixed up, I could be in for a very boring run. If I repeat continuously on a slow song—I will keep hearing the same song over and over. Sometimes our hearts have similar functions-play, repeat, or continuous. We must know that we control what playlist plays in our heart and how it is played. We could get one tune in our head—it might be anger, or it might be sadness, or it could even be a discouraging tune. We need to change it back over to a more upbeat or encouraging tune in order to continue. We could also get some negative tunes and find out that they are on replay mode—and we get stuck listening the same tunes over and over. Again, change the selection of what you are hearing yourself say. We could also get some of those negative songs and have them continue for days, weeks, or months on end. It is imperative that you stop these channels and shift toward the positive. Opening to positive folders comes through exercise, taking your mind off the problem, and prayer. It is understandable and realistic for your heart to play a sad tune once and awhile, but sometimes they can get stuck in a sad or hurt folder for a long period of time and we may not be able to open anything else. This is a good time to seek help from a Chaplain or mental health professional. Remember that my door is always open for a prayer or support. CH (CPT) Keith J. Andrews
S4 SHOP Operations Greetings from the S-3 section, we hope everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year. We hit the new year running and will continue to do great things in 2012. This Quarter we will continue to push on and make 266th QM BN the best Battalion in the Brigade. We welcome a new baby girl to our Fort Lee team (Nevaeh Justice Jones), SSG Darryl Jones and his wife are very proud parents. We also welcome Mr. Boozer to the team. He is becoming an instrumental asset to 266th QM BN and promotes esprit de corps. When talking about SWFTX, we truly have the best coordinator on this of the globe. Mr. Elder continues to inspire and motivate. SWFTX 12-11 is right around the corner and the 266th team is looking to have another great rotation. The S4 section would like to welcome Mr. Clarence Jones as the new Battalion S4 Supply Technician. The S4 section appreciates everyone for being helpful and understanding during the new transition. We are always here to assist. “SOLDIER ALL DAY” SSG (P) Williams S-4 NCOIC S1 SHOP FRG FRG Trunk or Treat was held on 4 November 2011 at the Firestation #2. There was plenty of food, games, and candy for all to enjoy. Special thanks to Mrs. Tiffany Gallucci, and Milota Miller for a job well done for their hard work and creativity in putting this yearly special event together. Your 266th QM BN FRG Leader Is Tiffany Gallucci and FRG Treasurer is Milota Miller Your 266th QM BN FRG Liaison 2LT Jonathan Langford The S1 shop would like to welcome our newest Providers family members. Kenneth Dunaway Jr. transferred from ALU to the 23rd BDE. SPC James Orr comes from the 49th Group. He has made his presence felt, bringing much needed experience to a young section. Taking the helm as the NCOIC is SSG Paula Walker. She joins the Providers family from Fort Devens, MA and is already making a positive impact. The rest of the shop continues to provide excellent service to the Soldiers of the 266th QM BN, ensuring that all Soldier actions are process in a timely matter. The upcoming months will be challenging as we have a large incoming student population, but we will rally together and continue to lead the way to Provide it All!