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Jean-Luc BIARROTTE CNRS-IN2P3 / IPN Orsay, France EURATOM FP7 MAX project coordinator

Overview of the MAX activities & possible H2020 prospects. Jean-Luc BIARROTTE CNRS-IN2P3 / IPN Orsay, France EURATOM FP7 MAX project coordinator. The MYRRHA linac concept Main MAX achievements Outlook & possible H2020 prospects. The MYRRHA project. MYRRHA Project

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Jean-Luc BIARROTTE CNRS-IN2P3 / IPN Orsay, France EURATOM FP7 MAX project coordinator

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  1. Overview of the MAX activities& possible H2020 prospects Jean-Luc BIARROTTE CNRS-IN2P3 / IPN Orsay, FranceEURATOM FP7 MAX projectcoordinator J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  2. The MYRRHA linac concept • Main MAX achievements • Outlook & possible H2020 prospects J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  3. The MYRRHA project MYRRHA Project Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications At Mol (Belgium) Development, construction & commissioning of a new large fast neutron research infrastructure to be operational in 2023  ADS demonstrator  Fast neutron irradiation facility  Pilot plant for LFR technology J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  4. MYRRHA as an ADS demonstrator • Demonstrate the physics and technology of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for transmuting long-lived radioactive waste • Demonstrate the ADS concept (coupling accelerator + spallation source + power reactor) • Demonstrate the transmutation(experimentalassemblies) Main features of the ADS demo 50-100 MWth power Highly-enriched MOX fuel Pb-Bi Eutectic coolant & target keff around 0.95 in subcritical mode 600 MeV, 2.5 - 4 mA proton beam J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  5. MYRRHA proton beamrequirements High power proton beam (up to 2.4 MW) Extremereliabilitylevel J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  6. The ADS reliabilityrequirement • Beam trips longer than 3 sec must be very rare: • To limitthermal stress & fatigue on the target window, reactor structures & fuel assemblies • To ensure a 80% availability– given the foreseen reactor start-up procedures • Present MYRRHA spécifications: <10 beam trips per 3-monthoperationperiod(i.e. MTBF > 250h) – derived from the PHENIX reactor operation analysis • Far above present HPPA accelerator performance – MTBF is a few hours at PSI or SNS • Far abovepresent ADS specifications in US or Japan– based on simulations • In any case, reliability guidelines are needed for the ADS accelerator design: • Strong design i.e. robust optics, simplicity, low thermal stress, operation margins… • Redundancy (serial where possible, or parallel) to be able to tolerate failures • Repairability(on-line where possible) and efficient maintenance schemes J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  7.  Initial configuration  The failure is localized in injector Operational injector 1: RF + PS + beam ON The switching magnet polarity is changed (~1s) - + Warm stand-by injector 2: RF+ PS ON, beam OFF (on FC)  A failure is detected anywhere  Beam is resumed Failed injector 1, to be repaired on-line if possible Beam is stopped in injector 1 by the Machine Protection System @t0 - + Injector 2 operational (@t1 < t0 +3sec) Strategy for a fault in the injector = parallelredundancy Need for an efficient fault diagnostic system ! J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  8. Strategy for a fault in the main linac = serial redundancy  A failure is detected anywhere → Beam is stopped by the MPS in injector at t0 Listen to F. Bouly  The fault is localized in a SC cavity RF loop → Need for an efficient fault diagnostic system  New V/φ set-points are updated in cavities adjacent to the failed one → Set-points determined via virtual accelerator application and/or at the commissioning phase  The failedcavityisdetuned (to avoid the beamloadingeffect) → Using the Cold Tuning System  Once steady state is reached, beam is resumed at t1 < t0 + 3sec → Failed RF cavity system to be repaired on-line if possible J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  9. Layout of the MYRRHA linac J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  10. Layout of the MYRRHA linac J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  11. CDT Reactor design SCK●CEN(2009-2012) FREYA GUINEVERE exp. SCK●CEN(2011-2016) MAX Accelerator design CNRS(2011-2014) ARCAS Transmutation economics SCK●CEN (2010-2013) MAXSIMA Safety assesment SCK●CEN(2012-2018) MARISA Consortium organisation & licensing SCK●CEN(2013-2016) MYRRHA within EURATOM FP7 J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  12. The MAX project (2011-2014) Goal: deliver a consolidated reference layout of the MYRRHA linacwith sufficient detail and adequate level of confidence in order to initiate in 2015 its engineering design and subsequent construction phase • WP1: Global accelerator design • WP2: Injectordevelopments • WP3: Main linacdevelopments • WP4: System optimisation http://ipnweb.in2p3.fr/MAX/ 11 partners ~ 5 M€ total cost ~ 10 people FTE J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  13. The MYRRHA linac concept • Main MAX achievements • Outlook & possible H2020 prospects J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  14. WP1 – Global accelerator design • Production of a reference design for the whole MYRRHA accelerator • LEBT (presently under construction by SCK+LPSC) • RFQ + CH booster (KONUS version) • MEBT • Main SRF linac(incl. fault-tolerance capabilities) • HEBT (ISOL deviation + reactor interface) • Definition of beam time structure & power control strategy Listen to R. Salemme Listen to D. Mäder Listen to F. Bouly • MYRRHA linacinternational design review (Brussels, Nov. 2012) • Very encouraging feedback, list of very valuable recommendations J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  15. WP1 – Global accelerator design • Consolidation of the reference design • Beam dynamics benchmarking activities • Parmteqm/Toutatis→ OK • Lorasr/TraceWin→ OK • Start-to-end beam simulation from ion source to target • First sensitivity analyses and error studies • Improved design of the injector achieved • Lower emittance RFQ • More conservative CH injector design Listen to D. Mäder • Assessments of the MYRRHA buildings layout J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  16. WP2 – Injectordevelopments • R&D on the MYRRHA 176 MHz RFQ • 4-rod w/ technology choices optimized for reliable CW operation • Fabrication and high-power RF test of a 1m-long prototype • Design of the 4m-long MYRRHA RFQ Listen to D. Mäder • R&D on the MYRRHA CH cavities • NC and SC CH cavity design incl. ancillaries • Fabrication of a NC 5-gap CH-prototype • Fabrication and 1st tests of a SC 7-gap CH-prototype J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  17. WP3 – Main linacdevelopments • R&D on the MYRRHA 352 MHz Spokecryomodule • Design of the MYRRHA spoke 2-gap cavity incl. call for tender for 2 prototypes • Detailed design of the MYRRHA spoke cryomoduleincl. engineering drawings Listen to H. Saugnac • R&D on 704 MHz ellipticalcavities • Fabrication and CW conditioning of 2 power couplers • High-power commissioning of the test cryomodulew/ =0.5 5-cell cavity, 80kW IOT, @2K • Development of an innovative CTS control system suited for fault recovery scenarios • First assessments on multipacting Listen to M. El Yakoubi Listen to I. Martin Hoyo Listen to Y. Gomez J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  18. WP4 – System optimisation • Reliabilityanalysis • Development of a reliability model of the SNS accelerator& benchmark w/ SNS logbook data • Development of the MYRRHA linac reliability model (in work) Listen to A. Pitigoï • R&D on 700 MHz solid-state amplifiers • Design of a 32kW SSPA for MYRRHA • Development & test of a 800W elementary module Listen to S. Sierra • Conceptual design of the MYRRHA cryogenic plant Listen to T. Junquera • Main lessonslearnedfrom the GUINEVERE ADS operationanalysis J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  19. The MYRRHA linac concept • Main MAX achievements • Outlook & possible H2020 prospects J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  20. Outlook • Complete MAX scientific programme (project ends 31 July 2014) • WP1: include new improved injector design in TraceWin & perform MC error studies in nominal case and (at least 1) fault cases • WP2: perform additional RF tests of RFQ (long test run) and CH prototypes • WP3: cryomodule operation with DLLRF and innovative CTS control system to assess the feasibility of fault-recovery scenarios • WP4: run the MYRRHA reliability model & provide recommendations • Prepare a possible follow-up within Euratom H2020 • First H2020 Euratom FISSION call (deadline date: 17 Sept. 2014) • Output of the preliminary discussions between MAX and SCK*CEN are: • Only 1 integrated project with 3 big WPs (reactor safety, liquid LBE R&D, accelerator R&D) • Main goal of the accelerator WP: focus efforts to pursue the development of a full-scale MYRRHA injector demonstrator while trying to sustain the generic R&D developed so far during MAX J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  21. Possible H2020 prospects • Possibletopics for a future accelerator WP (6M€ total budget oom) - tbfurtherdiscussed !! • WP.1: construction of a full RFQ demonstrator (IAP?, …?) • WP.2: 176 MHz RF power amplifier development (SCK?, …?) • WP.3: Digital LLRF development (IPNO?, …?) • WP.4: Beam diagnostics (CEA?, IPNO?, …?) • WP.5: Controls (SCK?, CosyLab?, …?) • WP.6: Beam simulation code development (CEA?, LPSC?, IPNO?, …?) • WP.7: LEBT space-charge experiments (LPSC?, CEA?, SCK?, …?) • WP.8: Injector commissioning (SCK?, IAP?, IPNO?, LPSC?, …?) • WP.9: Detailed injector reliability analysis (EA?, …?) • WP.10: SRF spoke R&D – prototyping, multipacting (IPNO?, LPSC?, …?) • WP.11: SRF CH demonstration with beam (IAP?, …?) Listen to C. Joly Listen to D. Vandeplassche Listen to M. Plesko Listen to D. Uriot & F. Bouly Listen to N. Chauvin & R. Salemme • Additional/new ideas and partners are obviously very welcome ! J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  22. These are very preliminary draft ideas !! We are all here to help: • identifying the necessary R&D topics for the ADS/MYRRHA linac development • finding synergies (that make sense) amongst different European institutions Listen to L. Medeiros & contribute to the final session !! • Clearly, huge R&D investment is still needed to demonstrate the ADS feasibility & prepare for MYRRHA construction. • It would be nice to have a more clear view (before 2015) on: • how the MYRRHA project will evolve (construction phase?, delayed?, postponed…?) • the associated possible impact on SCK accelerator R&D roadmap J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

  23. Thank You for your attention! • http://ipnweb.in2p3.fr/MAX/ • http://myrrha.sckcen.be/ J-L. Biarrotte, EuCARD²/MAX workshop on Accelerators for ADS, CERN, 20-21 March 2014.

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