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Volker Markl Technische Universität Berlin

Manageability for Database-as-a-Service ( DaaS ): Challenges and Opportunities for the Database Community. Volker Markl Technische Universität Berlin. Database as a Service. It is not just about map / reduce and DHTs! It is not just about providing SQL as a service !

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Volker Markl Technische Universität Berlin

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Manageability for Database-as-a-Service (DaaS): Challenges and Opportunities for the Database Community Volker Markl Technische Universität Berlin

  2. Database as a Service • Itis not just aboutmap/reduceand DHTs! • Itis not just aboutproviding SQL as a service! • Media Convergence • New datatypes • Crowd Computing • New form of II

  3. Challenge: Robustness • Fault-tolerance • Long runningcomputations • Large clustersofcommodityhardware • Detectionand easy replacementoffailedcomponents • Processing ofblack box functions on a non-relational data model • Information extraction • Data mining • Graph data • Audio, Video • Cannotconsiderqueriesin isolation • Workloadmanagementbeyondadmissioncontrol • Black Swans

  4. Challenge: Data isaselasticas a brick wall • Data Placement and Replication • Where • Data Migration • When • How • Some non-technicalproblems • Legal • Trust (lineage, security) Placement must bedoneautomaticallyatscale, considering legal andtrustrequirements

  5. Challenge: Multi-Tenancy @ Scale • Bothresourcepoolingandisolation • Provisioning • Bulk operations • Rolling upgrades

  6. Challenge: Transparency • The usershould not (needto) know • wherethedataislocated • whereprocessingtakesplaces • whoelseisusingthesystem • „service“ • The adminneeds • simple, scalablesystem • automation, noknobs

  7. Impact on Self-Managing Research • Tighterintegrationofplanningandprocessingrethinkworkloadmanagement • Automatic dataplacementandmigrationrethinkadvisors • Industrializationofoperation • assemblyofcomponents rethinksystemarchitecture

  8. In Summary • Robustnessiskey • Predictabilitygetsharderandharder • Data elasticityishardtoachieve • Can wepredictthefuturefromthepast ?

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