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Toit: 082 852 6466

Toit: 082 852 6466. Maputo, mozambique July 31 st to August 2 nd 2012. Projects at local level Country level impact GEF impact with CSO’s Benefits of community participation GEF Secretariat: Advice and way forward. Enhancing Civil Society Participation: summary index.

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  1. Toit: 082 852 6466 Maputo, mozambique July 31st to August 2nd 2012

  2. Projects at local level Country level impact GEF impact with CSO’s Benefits of community participation GEF Secretariat: Advice and way forward Enhancing Civil Society Participation: summaryindex

  3. How can CSO better participate in...

  4. Possess specific skills, experience, and knowledge Lobbying Bring numerous stakeholders together - create linkages among communities, CSOs and governments Encourage cooperation and improve understanding and dialogue between local and national levels Enhance country ownership Ensure that the needs of affected communities are adequately met Improve project design, implementation and evaluation, and Help to strengthen the capacities of civil society groups Mobilises and leverages additional resources GEF Partners with CSO’s because...

  5. ‘Competition’ between NGOs for funding, knowledge kept secret rather than sharing resources (Gigabite Gardeners, Project Rhino KZN = effective pooling resources). Fear – funders want to see results and success, of government or other powerful operators, also fear of losing culture to West, process vs projects, timelines Cultural and language barriers – as a result of living in an ever shrinking world, Multiple participants (stakeholders) may mean each hold different goals, values or interests (the scientist vs the induna) barriers

  6. Can influence policy by demonstrating success at local level • CSO’s can build models & sell them to government, private sector and donor communities • Document interventions to develop best practice • Evaluation is difficult • Timing and communications issues, esp internet • Focal Points for local CSO’s • Build the network and submit 1 large proposal with location specific projects Country level impact

  7. Better communication between local civil society groups - lead to increased awareness of other work done in the area and possible partnerships. Conduct research on focal area strategies. Public participation – inform public of pressing issues relating to focal area strategies to encourage interested and affected parties to get involved. Use of cutting-edge technologies (and appropriate). Engaging more with local communities and implementing grassroots development projects. Not only focus on short-term change but sustainable long-term change. Trust and commitment are very important – recognise and accept differences, negotiation and realisation that this can be an asset. CSO can help GEF...

  8. Partnerships • Brings CSO’s together in programme oversight and decision making • Think Global and act Local • Small grants but together make a big impact • Platform • Fast & effective mechanism to access $ • Capacity building and funding assistance development inherent in funding • Ability to mobilise resources GEF SGP lessons

  9. Ownership • Accountability • Collective responsibility • Social harmony • Self reliance • Leadership development • Ethics and values Benefits of community participation

  10. CSO’s need to get involved at government planning level • Become a small part of a big programme • Get to know your regional focal point • Plan and network at a local level • GEF provides incremental costs • Use as a leverage methodology • Starting point is the strategy of GEF • GEF does not provide for building of capacity of CSO, its mandate is global impact • CSO’s must mobilise other donors to leverage GEF Secretariat feedback

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