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Geography 409 Advanced Spatial Analysis and GIS Principles of Effective Cartographic Design - 2 -

Geography 409 Advanced Spatial Analysis and GIS Principles of Effective Cartographic Design - 2 - Julia Siemer U of R, Winter 2006. Geographic Modelling and Mapping. Geographic analyses. Visuali- sation in GIS. Carto- graphic model. Real world. Data model. Data

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Geography 409 Advanced Spatial Analysis and GIS Principles of Effective Cartographic Design - 2 -

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  1. Geography 409 Advanced Spatial Analysis and GIS Principles of Effective Cartographic Design - 2 - Julia Siemer U of R, Winter 2006

  2. Geographic Modelling and Mapping Geographic analyses Visuali- sation in GIS Carto- graphic model Real world Data model Data base Maps, reports Conceptual generalisation Cartographic generalisation

  3. Cartographic Generalisation Basic techniques • Selection Relevance, size • Simplification Major characteristic

  4. Cartographic Generalisation Basic techniques • Combination Size, distance, relevance • Locational shift and size exaggeration Distance, relevance

  5. Cartographic Generalisation • Type of map e.g. statistical map (cartograms) or topographic map • Natural and man-made features e.g. coastline or administrative unit/border

  6. Qualitative and Quantitative Information • Qualitative information e.g. road types, countries, animals,… • Quantitative information e.g. population density, (absolute) number of immigrants,… • Different kind of data - geographic primitives Points, lines or areas

  7. Quantitative Mapping • Choropleth maps (area or shaded maps) • Colour shading applied to areas (administrative/statistical areas) • Variety of classification methods to depict the spatial array of data • Represented data need to be => relative values like ratios, proportions => of intensive spatial form like population density (people/km2) => no absolute numbers (e.g. people/district)

  8. Quantitative Mapping • Areal display of absolute values => only with regular grid as spatial units

  9. 50 150 300 600 - - - - < < < < 50 150 300 600 1200 Quantitative Mapping Colour schemes for choropleth maps • Univariate maps => one theme • Unipolar data • Use changes of colour value and intensity • Low values: light value/intensity • High values: high value/intensity Inhabitants per sq km

  10. Internal Migration Balance as % of Population +15 0 - 0 - > > > < +15 0 -15 -15 Colour circle Quantitative Mapping Colour schemes for choropleth maps • Bipolar maps => one theme with natural or meaningful dividing point => increase/decrease => above/below the mean • Use complementary colours

  11. Quantitative Mapping • Bivariate maps: two variables and their correlation variable 100 Variable 2 variable 2 0 0 variable 1 100 Variable 1

  12. Quantitative Mapping • Bivariate map

  13. Quantitative Mapping Colour schemes • Use conventions yellow-orange-red for populations data red: female, blue: male • Use associations red: warm, blue: cold, green: vegetation • Cultural influences

  14. Quantitative Mapping Nature of colours • Additive colour primaries (electronic display) • Subtractive colour primaries (printing, painting)

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