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Overview of Human Energy: Past and Present Perspectives

Explore the evolution of human energy through history, covering tools like rolls, levers, and inclined planes to modern-day techniques and energy sources. Learn about the vital role of water, air, and food in sustaining human energy levels.

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Overview of Human Energy: Past and Present Perspectives

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  1. ENERGY - OVERVIEW I.Hantschk/H.Fibi 2009 PH Wien - Präsentation

  2. Permission to use is granted on the following conditions: The use is for educational purposes onlyNo fees or other income is charged Appropriate reference to this source is made. Data sources are indicated except pictures and drawings having been taken by the authors respectively publishers. Updated for LLP/AT-230/22/08 OStR. Mag.rer.nat. Hans Fibi & Prof. Ingrid HantschkUniversity of Education Vienna Grenzackerstraße 18 1100 ViennaAustria Phone: +436643833955e-mail: Hans210347@a1.net or johann.fibi@phwien.ac.at 2009 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. PH Wien - Präsentation

  3. Horse Power Men Power

  4. In former times men and sometimes animals like donkeys did the work…..as it presently is the fact, too.Rolls, levers and inclined plane helped for achieving better forceeffects, but saved no work.

  5. This it was….Besides water,wind and fire. More moderntools are added.

  6. „Human Energy“, once upon a time pictured by our students

  7. Human Lever Moveability affords more strength ! 4 1 G= 200 N F = 1 kN

  8. K = 0,05 mLcorrect = 0,20 m FLOAD = 700 N FSTRENGTH= 2800 N Damaged discSlipped disc K = 0,05 mLwrong = 0,30 mFLOAD = 700 N FSTRENGTH= 4200 N

  9. HUMAN BEING NEEDS... Food:Adult: 500 kg/a Child, one year old:340 kg/a, from this 50% milk Energy Water:2,2 litres / day m = 70 kg Solution, Concentration in the cells

  10. Air: 20 l air / minute 30-40 m3 air / day Transfer to Energy (ATP) 1 l air ... 1 kJ energy Without water:death after some days Human being consistsof about70 % waterreducing the bodily water by2 %: thirsty5-12 %: you must drink, otherwiseheadache, burning of the mucousmembrane of eyes, nose, mouth,throat, fever15-20 %: kidneys stop working,death. Drinking water 5-12 oC colourless clear odourless neutralwell tasting

  11. aerobicenergeticturnover (respiration):C6H12O6+6O2 6 H2O+6CO2 + 2830 kJ6 mol O2 ... 6x22,4 l = 134,4 lregardingto 2830 kJ1 l air ..... 20% O2 ..... fromthis 25%used ... 1 l air 1 kJenergeticturnover. standardizedmen: 200 cm³ air/breath - 20 l / min. anaerobicenergeticturnover(laticacid- fermentation)about 200 kJ / mol C6H12O6

  12. fast jumping upin the morning: 1 kW !! daily demand about 10-14 MJ,from this basal metabolism 7,2 MJ,from this heart: 200 kJand respiration 250 kJ. Permanent work: ~ 70 Watt (small horse is better), like a lamp Maximum high jumping ~ 3 kW or weight lifting ~ 8 kW

  13. Air temperature: 25 oCrelative humidity: 40-60 %wind speed: < 0,3 m/s Evaporation: 25 % IR -radiation 60 % Heat conductionandheat convection: 15 % K-Values in W/m²K:air no movement: 3slight wind: 7strong wind: 15 Clothing in winter: 4Clothing in summer(„light“): 12 300 W till 1 kW heat emission

  14. MEN - an OPENENERGETICSYSTEM energetic transfer – energetic devaluation formation of the system mass high-grade energy M energeticcontents of nutrients electricdirecting Caloric Energy mechanic energy valid for maintainance of the system´s temperature

  15. Water Pump - Lever Steering wheel - Rolls - Lever

  16. remaining inmodern times

  17. Techniques of the Near East – Lever plus Muscles and Water, sometimes Wind Wooden Gear „Bottled Chain“ Wooden Gear Water Wheel

  18. In the wind is energy, the wind has got it from the sun. This is, what they had…this is, what we shall use more intensively… Water is the sisterof the wind.

  19. Hurrican Wind mills Wind mill inMesopotamia

  20. They had wind…

  21. Deutsche (German)Bockwindmühle:Das gesamte Haus,gelagert auf dem Bock,wird mittels der Stangegedreht. The whole house, mounted on an basement, is turned into the windby a rod. Grinding grains to flour.

  22. Rhodos

  23. Holländische Windmühle: Windmill NetherlandDer Turmkopf drehte mitden Flügeln selbstständigin den Wind The side wheel turns the Top of the tower into the wind - automatically

  24. Retz Eldest Austrian Windmill - In function for demonstration

  25. Max.efficiency:59 %

  26. Experiments……

  27. An old Austrian tradition… Iron and Water for water mills

  28. Pelton-Wheel

  29. Ancient Greece….

  30. Picture: Praxis der Physik, 1998 We are accustomed to use 700 W electricity / person.Between 7 and 10 electric slaves always work for us.

  31. Vapour at work…….High pressurized vapour – The steam engine 1 cm³ water  1700 cm³ vapour

  32. The steam engine 1705…Newcomen - first engine1784….James Watt – reverse steam engine By far earlier: Heron of Alexandria: „Actio est reactio“ by steam Hero´s aeolipile

  33. Newton´s steam car – explain the principle of it ! Vapour (steam) makes independent of Wind ! 1862:Locomotiverunning on thestreet withoutrailway. First Austrian Locomotive Till about 1930 tractors are run by steam

  34. This was Newcomen´s steam engine –vapor expands – piston was pulled upwardswater cooling – vapour condensates subpressure – atmospheric air pressuredepresses the piston. Water is boiling –the vapour pushesthe piston upwards;by cooling the pistonmoves back

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