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This course covers lab safety rules, objectives include executing experiments accurately & safely, collecting data, interpreting results, and submitting reports following guidelines. Attendance is mandatory, with strict policies on late submissions and safety protocols.

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  2. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing the course, student will - execute the procedure of a textbook laboratory experiment with attention to accuracy, proper procedure and health & safety - be able to collect relevant data and make careful, appropriate observations during the execution of the experiment - be able to interpret the data for the purpose of completing calculations and answering questions on the laboratory report sheet

  3. COURSE MATERIALS - Chemistry 1151L laboratory manual - Safety glasses - Scientific calculator - Laptop computer

  4. ATTENDANCE POLICY - Attendance is mandatory - There are no provisions for make-up labs - Missing classes for more than three times is an automatic failure - Absenting oneself and copying data from a lab partner is NOT allowed All parties involved in such acts will be penalized

  5. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES - Carefully read through the course syllabus and safety rules before labs begin - Every student must print and sign the lab safety and lab waiver forms before labs begin - Forms and more information can be found at http://a-s.clayton.edu/Chemistry/CHEM1151L/chem1151Lhome.htm - Before coming to each class, carefully read objectives and procedure of the experiment to be conducted - Record all data and observations during experiment and use that to complete laboratory reports

  6. LABORATORY REPORTS - All laboratory reports should be typed using Word and printed - All graphs should be plotted using Excel and printed - Only hard copies are accepted - Hand written reports will not be accepted In case of a printing problem - Students may email completed reports to the instructor just to prove completion - Hard copies have to be submitted later - Changes cannot be made to the reports after emailing or else the report will be considered late

  7. LABORATORY REPORTS - Data sheets used for completing reports can be found at http://a-s.clayton.edu/Chemistry/CHEM1151L/chem1151Lhome.htm - These data sheets are also included in the laboratory manual - Students are required to complete all tables of data, observations, calculations, and all the questions that follow - Laboratory reports are due in one week (just before the next class begins) - Reports submitted during or after the class are considered late - Late reports incur a penalty of 10% per day - No reports are accepted after the last day of classes

  8. GENERAL LAB SAFETY - Carefully observe all safety rules since it is a major concern at all times - Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available in the labs and give important information on the properties of chemicals - All containers are labeled with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) safety diamonds that show the type and degree of a chemical hazard - The safety diamond is color coded as shown on the next slide

  9. GENERAL LAB SAFETY - The white gives special information such as water or oxidizer incompatibility - The degree of hazard is rated from 0 to 4 0 indicates no significant hazard and 4 is the greatest hazard

  10. GENERAL SAFETY RULES Students may lose points if the following safety rules are not observed - Always come to the lab early (about 5 minutes to time) and prepared - Students must be present during the pre-lab lecture which is given at the beginning of each class - Students who miss pre-lab lecture may not be allowed to do the experiment and will obtain a zero for that lab report - Goggles must be worn at all times - Dress, skirts, or shorts above the knee are NOT allowed. However, students may cover these with a suitable lab coat or apron

  11. GENERAL SAFETY RULES Students may lose points if the following safety rules are not observed - Closed-toed shoes must be worn at all times (No open-toed shoes, sandals, slippers, high-heeled or woven shoes) - Loose sleeves must be folded to prevent dipping in chemicals - Long hair must be tied back and out of the way - No eating, drinking or smoking in the lab - No chewing of gum in the lab - Do not wear eye contacts to the lab

  12. GENERAL SAFETY RULES Students may lose points if the following safety rules are not observed - Do not sit on lab benches - Put all broken or chipped glass in the broken glass container (not trash can) - Do not pick up broken pieces with bare hands (use broom or hard gloves) - No horse play is tolerated in the lab - No unauthorized experiments are allowed (ask instructor for any clarifications)

  13. GENERAL SAFETY RULES Students may lose points if the following safety rules are not observed - All book bags should be placed or hanged in one corner of the lab - Book bags may also be put in cabinets - Lab floor (aisles) must be free of bags - Only notebooks, pens/pencils, calculators, and laptops are allowed to be placed on lab benches REPORT ALL ACCIDENTS, HOWEVER MINOR, TO THE INSTRUCTOR

  14. EXPOSURE TO CHEMICALS - Avoid direct contact with chemicals - Avoid touching your face with your hands while in the lab - In case of skin exposure to chemicals wash off immediately with lots of water - Always wash your hands very well with soap before leaving the lab

  15. SAFETY SHOWER AND EYEWASH Body Contact with Chemicals - Safety showers (located at the corners of the labs) may be used - Remove clothing if appropriate Face Contact with Chemicals - Wash face using eyewash fountain for about 15 minutes - Do not take off goggles Eye Contact with Chemicals - Remove goggles - Use fingers to prop eyelids open - Rinse with eyewash fountain for about 15 minutes - If only one eye is affected, do not rinse both

  16. SAFETY SHOWER AND EYEWASH Safety Shower Safety Shower & Eyewash Eyewash

  17. HANDLING CHEMICALS - Do not smell chemicals unless instructed to do so - Never taste chemicals - Do not pipette chemicals by mouth - Never remove chemicals from the lab - Use fume hoods when directed to do so - Always place chemicals and equipment as far back as possible

  18. HANDLING CHEMICALS - Carefully read labels on all bottles For example: do not mistaken 0.1 M HCl for 1.0 M HCl - Label all reagents stored in beakers, bottles, or test-tubes - Never return unused chemicals to the original container - When diluting solutions add acid/base to water but not water to acid/base

  19. HEATING OR COOLING - Heating may be done with hotplates or Bunsen burners - Do not heat or cool a closed container - Point opening of test-tube or flask away from yourself and others while heating - Do not heat or cool volumetric glassware - Do not pick up hot objects with bare hands (use tongs) - Do not hand hot objects to the instructor - Do not use thermometers as stirring rods

  20. HOTPLATE - Turn on a bit earlier than when needed to save time - Do not touch with bare hands - Turn off immediately after using - Allow to cool before returning to the shelves


  22. BUNSEN BURNER - Make sure there are no flammable substances present - Be cautious of long hair and loose clothing - Never leave burner on unattended - Turn on when needed and turn off immediately when finished - Make sure gas valve is tightly closed

  23. Bunsen Burner Gas Valve Bunsen Burner connected to Gas Valve (Valve off) Bunsen Burner connected to Gas Valve (Valve on)

  24. FUME HOODS - Use fume hoods whenever directed to do so - Place chemicals and equipment as far back as possible (At least 4 inches away from the front) - Slide hood door as far down as possible - Make sure hood is turned on


  26. MASS BALANCE - Keep the mass balance and the area clean at all times - Use the brushes available to clean up after use - Put all used weighing papers/boats in the trash can - When massing, record all digits and never round off


  28. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY - Know locations of all exits (center windows of C48 and C54 are emergency exits) - Know locations and use of safety equipment (fire extinguisher, showers, eyewash fountains, fire alarm, first aid kit) - In the event of fire, turn off equipment & gas line and then exit If your clothing catches fire - Use safety showers - Roll on the floor if shower is not close by - Shout to get attention of others REMEMBER REPORT ALL ACCIDENTS, HOWEVER MINOR, TO THE INSTRUCTOR


  30. BEFORE LEAVING THE LAB - Turn off all equipment (including water taps, gas line, vacuum line) - Return all equipment and items to their respective shelves - Wash all used glassware with soap, rinse with water, and return to storage shelves or drawers - Clean the lab bench and the hood where you worked - Do not leave glassware, chemicals or bottles on your bench or by the sink - Last but very important Wash your hands with soap before leaving the lab

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